An Interview with Fr. Joseph Fessio on his life and career
He Wanted Me to Be With Him Sr. Mary Brigid shares part of her vocation story: how she came to hear the Lord inviting her to the contemplative life.Mehr
He Wanted Me to Be With Him
Sr. Mary Brigid shares part of her vocation story: how she came to hear the Lord inviting her to the contemplative life.
Jeffrey Ade
He is wonderful!
Millionen von Katholiken versammeln sich in Uganda, um am Jahrestag ihres „Märtyrertages“ die Messe zu feiern. -Gedenken an 45 Männer, die zwischen 1885 und 1887 wegen ihres Glaubens getötet wurden. …Mehr
Millionen von Katholiken versammeln sich in Uganda, um am Jahrestag ihres „Märtyrertages“ die Messe zu feiern. -Gedenken an 45 Männer, die zwischen 1885 und 1887 wegen ihres Glaubens getötet wurden. Viele der Pilger sind seit Tagen und Wochen unterwegs, um zu der heutigen Veranstaltung zu gelangen.
Processione del Corpus Domini in Piazza San Pietro con Papa Pio XII, nell'Anno Santo del 1950. In processione anche il Corporale di Bolsena, che contiene il sangue di un'ostia consacrata, che sanguinò …Mehr
Processione del Corpus Domini in Piazza San Pietro con Papa Pio XII, nell'Anno Santo del 1950. In processione anche il Corporale di Bolsena, che contiene il sangue di un'ostia consacrata, che sanguinò quando un sacerdote dubitò della dottrina della Transustanziazione nel 1263.
Giovanna Delbueno
Tutto questo è odiatissimo dal Pampero e dai suoi adepti modernisti perché rappresenta l'antitesi della chiesa che stanno costruendo: al posto della …Mehr
Tutto questo è odiatissimo dal Pampero e dai suoi adepti modernisti perché rappresenta l'antitesi della chiesa che stanno costruendo: al posto della sacralità, la secolarità; al posto dell'adorazione, la distrazione; al posto dell'ordine disciplinato, il caos; al posto del dogma, il nulla; al posto della morale, l'immorale... al posto di Dio, l' IO!!!!
Holy Eucharist passed through the streets of New York yesterday as part of the National Eucharistic pilgrimage. Video: Diocese of Rockville Centre
Liberal women spend $4,000 to bash sticks on the ground and scream at a ‘Rage Ritual Retreat.’ The bizarre wellness retreat is designed to help women deal with anger.
If a tree falls in the forest does it make any sound 🤪
Ann Smith
Give them a Xanax for now, then place a Bible in their hands.
13 weitere Kommentare
Elizabeth Oldfield This is the core of the argument I am making in my chapter on the G Bomb (God) in Fully Alive (…he-twenty-first-century-elizabeth-oldfield/7445905)Mehr
Elizabeth Oldfield
This is the core of the argument I am making in my chapter on the G Bomb (God) in Fully Alive (…he-twenty-first-century-elizabeth-oldfield/7445905)
The replica of Maronite saint Charbel’s tomb and a relic of the saint have arrived in Sydney from Lebanon as thousands of Maronite Catholics gathered to attend the ceremony.
This is the audiotape revealing the prioress admitting to affair; she later changed her story and sued the bishop. (Carmel of Arlington)
You should take down this post. You obviously didn’t know in posting this that the prioress had just been discharged from surgery at the hospital and …Mehr
You should take down this post. You obviously didn’t know in posting this that the prioress had just been discharged from surgery at the hospital and was under heavy medication. The conduct of Bishop Olson in this case is shocking.
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Psalm 50 sang in Aramaic by Trio Mandili ☦️
Palestrina - Sicut cervus | The Marian Consort These videos are free to view but your donations are essential. We rely on the generosity of our audience to make these performances possible. Together …Mehr
Palestrina - Sicut cervus | The Marian Consort
These videos are free to view but your donations are essential. We rely on the generosity of our audience to make these performances possible. Together we can continue to make outstanding work. If you are watching, please visit our website and make a contribution.
Thank you.
Support us — The Marian Consort
The Marian Consort, directed by Rory McCleery
Like as the hart desires the water-brooks: so longs my soul after you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, yea, even for the living God: when shall I come to appear before the presence of God? My tears have been my meat day and night: while they daily say unto me, Where is now thy God?
web: fb: twitter: insta:
Three-time Catholic Super Bowl Champ Harrison Butker doesn't shy away from practicing his faith in Jesus Christ in the locker room: "Yes, I care about making field goals, but the only reason I have this …Mehr
Three-time Catholic Super Bowl Champ Harrison Butker doesn't shy away from practicing his faith in Jesus Christ in the locker room: "Yes, I care about making field goals, but the only reason I have this platform is to point to our Lord."
The Habsburg Way: Jacob Rees-Mogg meets Eduard Von Habsburg of Austria Archduke Eduard Von Habsburg, direct descendant of the last emperor of Austria-Hungary, joins Jacob Rees-Mogg’s State of the …Mehr
The Habsburg Way: Jacob Rees-Mogg meets Eduard Von Habsburg of Austria
Archduke Eduard Von Habsburg, direct descendant of the last emperor of Austria-Hungary, joins Jacob Rees-Mogg’s State of the Nation’s book club to discuss his new book, The Habsburg Way: 7 Rules for Turbulent Times
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John A Cassani
He is a direct descendant of the 2nd to last emperor, Franz Joseph. Karl, I believe, was an uncle, several generations removed, and Prince Otto a cousin.
AVE MARIA - Gregorian Chant of the Annunciation (Video in NAZARETH) The village of Nazareth was the place chosen by the Heavenly Father, in His love, for the announcement of the Archangel Gabriel to …Mehr
AVE MARIA - Gregorian Chant of the Annunciation (Video in NAZARETH)
The village of Nazareth was the place chosen by the Heavenly Father, in His love, for the announcement of the Archangel Gabriel to resound there, which would transform the whole of human history. The long-awaited Messiah would come to this world to redeem humanity. And the Virgin Mary was the one whom the Lord was pleased to look upon and who proved worthy of His choice: to be the Mother of the Son of God.
In this video filmed in Nazareth, Harpa Dei intones the Tractus (a chant sung before the Gospel during penitential seasons) for the Feast of the Archangel Gabriel, which, in the traditional calendar, is celebrated on 24 March, on the eve of the Solemnity of the Annunciation.
English translation:
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call His name Emmanuel. How, asked …Mehr
silvioabcd teilt das
The highest paid women's basketball player in the world for years, she left it all behind for something more.
We really don't know the inner make-up of a women to many like my ant went in to be a nun because she didn't find men attractive or were rejected its …Mehr
We really don't know the inner make-up of a women to many like my ant went in to be a nun because she didn't find men attractive or were rejected its a complex issue to know if some one is practising virtue of hiding some phycogical defect
Karfreitag ✝️ Hymne gesungen von einem libanesischen Sänger 🇱🇧
Legendary physicist freeman dyson found it strange how God appears to be a mathematician.
Ein weiteres kurzes Video von P. Johannes Regele zum Thema Beichten: Viele Menschen meinen, sie hätten keine Sünden, deswegen müssten sie gar nicht zur Beichte gehen. Warum sich diese Menschen irren,…Mehr
Ein weiteres kurzes Video von P. Johannes Regele zum Thema Beichten: Viele Menschen meinen, sie hätten keine Sünden, deswegen müssten sie gar nicht zur Beichte gehen. Warum sich diese Menschen irren, hören Sie hier.
Micha Snyder Muß ihnen widersprechen: Fast jedem den man wegen der Beichte anspricht sagt: "Er hat ja keine Sünde" und die Sonntagsmesse lehnt er …Mehr
Micha Snyder Muß ihnen widersprechen: Fast jedem den man wegen der Beichte anspricht sagt: "Er hat ja keine Sünde" und die Sonntagsmesse lehnt er automatisch ab und sagt: "Ich habe ja niemand umgebrecht". Was soll man da sagen?
Micha Snyder
Ich kenne wirklich keinen, noch nicht einmal kirchenfernen Menschen, der behaupten würde, er hätte "keine Sünden".
10 weitere Kommentare
Mission Neuzelle - Ein neues Kloster für Brandenburg | Doku Das erste Mal seit dem Mittelalter wird in Deutschland ein neues Kloster gebaut. In der Diaspora, im Wald, wo früher ein Stasi-Erholungsheim …Mehr
Mission Neuzelle - Ein neues Kloster für Brandenburg | Doku
Das erste Mal seit dem Mittelalter wird in Deutschland ein neues Kloster gebaut. In der Diaspora, im Wald, wo früher ein Stasi-Erholungsheim war. Die Mönche zogen zuerst aus Österreich in die alte Klosteranlage Neuzelle – eine Touristenattraktion.
"Ein Altar aus tausend Steinen"-Doku: Ein neuer Altar für die Berliner St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale | Reportage | Doku
Mehr Dokus in der Playlist:
Noch mehr Dokus in der ARD Mediathek: Dokumentation und Reportage im rbb | ARD Mediathek
Im Wald von Neuzelle werden Zisterziensermönche in den kommenden Jahren ein neues Kloster bauen. Es wird auf dem Gelände eines ehemaligen Erholungsheimes der DDR-Staatssicherheit entstehen. Die Mönche kommen aus dem Stift Heiligenkreuz in Österreich und haben vor über fünf Jahren das Priorat Neuzelle gegründet.
Erster Klosterneubau seit dem Mittelalter
Zurzeit leben sie im katholischen Pfarrhaus …Mehr
Carlus teilt das
😇 😊 👏 Beten wir für diese Gemeinschaft, damit sie im Glauben treu werde und treu bleibe und immer genügend Priester und Ordensbrüder für ihren …Mehr
😇 😊 👏 Beten wir für diese Gemeinschaft, damit sie im Glauben treu werde und treu bleibe und immer genügend Priester und Ordensbrüder für ihren Auftrag haben. Damit sie reichlich Frucht bringen.
Kraschl Dominikus teilt das
😇 😊 👏
2 weitere Kommentare
Introitus: Laetetur cor gp015 The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex - see Graduale Project – Gregoriana for …Mehr
Introitus: Laetetur cor
gp015 The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex - see Graduale Project – Gregoriana for description.
Source of the Manuscripts shown in the video:
Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 121, p. 157 (e-codices – Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland)
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Look for the chant in Graduale Romanum (1974), p. 268 (Tempus per Annum, Hebdomada quarta), or on page 146 of this pdf (65MB): (Graduale Romanum 1961)
Listen to my recordings:
Marek Klein Marek Klein on Apple Music #Graduale1974perAnnum04 #Graduale1961Feria6QuatuorTempSeptembris #Graduale1974perAnnum30 #Graduale1961Feria5PostDomin4Quadragesimae
pater pauperum teilt das
Introitus: Laetetur cor - Das Ziel des Graduale-Projekts ist es, alle Chants aufzuzeichnen, die im aktuellen Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex enthalten sind