Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington. LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22 Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-…More
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington.
LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington, DC Jan. 21-22
Columbus, OH – January 19, 2015 - As we enter the 42nd year of decriminalized child-killing, thousands will gather for marches and rallies in Washington, DC and statehouses across America on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. This anniversary provides all of us an appropriate time to shed light on the primary victims of abortion – preborn children.
Watch: Our NEW "Resistance" video
The day before and day of the DC March For Life will be marked by Created Equal, Defend Life, and other groups showing actual abortions using our NEW Jumbo TV technology at two locations in downtown DC.
Jan. 21, 2015 from 11:00AM-5:00PM – JumboTV outreach at Farragut Square located at the corner of 17th St. NW and K St. NW. See MAP.
Jan 22, 2015 from 9:00AM-4:00PM – JumboTV outreach in front of the Canadian Embassy located at 501 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001 (This …More
We should give every woman the rights to decide whether to abort the child in their womb or not. Before speaking anything bad about those who condone and have committed this thing you should first try to put yourself in their shoes. Are you going to let the child live every time you’ll get raped? What if you get raped for 5 times and conceive a child every single time and don’t abort all of them?…More
We should give every woman the rights to decide whether to abort the child in their womb or not. Before speaking anything bad about those who condone and have committed this thing you should first try to put yourself in their shoes. Are you going to let the child live every time you’ll get raped? What if you get raped for 5 times and conceive a child every single time and don’t abort all of them? How are you going to support the needs of those 5 children? What if you don’t even have a decent job to support the needs of just a single child? What if your boyfriend got you pregnant and just suddenly left you behind for another girl? How are you going to raise that child if you can hardly support your own needs? What if your wife gets raped and conceive a child? Are you going to let the child live? What if your wife gets raped for many times and conceive in each of those times? Are you going to let all of those children live? What about if your daughter gets raped multiple times and conceive every single time? Are you going to let every child live? Are you going to let the child live every time your wife gets impregnated by rapists? Are you going to let the child live every time your daughter gets impregnated by her boyfriend or rapists? What do you think of your wife and daughter, swine!? If you say ‘yes’ then congratulations, you are a Good Samaritan, keep up the good work. It’s easy to judge others and be a venerated hypocrite. Stop judging those women if you’re not the ones who’s going to feed and give a good life to those aborted fetuses. Most of them don’t want it but they have to do it. Try to emphatize with those women before judging them.
The babies should be allowed to live.
Women should have the right to do what they want to THEIR body.
THEIR body ends where the BABIES BODY begins.
Get it?
2 different bodies.
2 different lives.
One does not have the right to take the other, in America that is called murder.
Have you ever heard of adoption?
That is what to be done with all of the children in your little speach.
Give them up …More
The babies should be allowed to live.
Women should have the right to do what they want to THEIR body.
THEIR body ends where the BABIES BODY begins.
Get it?
2 different bodies.
2 different lives.
One does not have the right to take the other, in America that is called murder.
Have you ever heard of adoption?
That is what to be done with all of the children in your little speach.
Give them up for adoption.
Many people are waiting for a baby.
Many couples can not have children and have to adopt.
Why murder all of those children?
WTF is wrong with you?!
And I'm not speaking from some high and mighty place.
I have been pregnant 10 times.
I have 6 children and I lost 1.
And at 15 and 17 I murdered 2.
And at 29, I murdered 1 for medical reasons.
I have to live with that.
At 15 and 17, I shouldn't have been doing what I was doing to get pregnant in the first place.
Alesly61, exactly!
I was raped at 13 and got pregnant..had to abort..idgaf what anyone has to say about me..i will forever live in fear because of what happened to me even though trauma therapy is working... those who can't understand certain instances where this might have to happen go fuck yourselves..i was still a fuckin child to have to go through something like that and expect to go through something i never even …More
I was raped at 13 and got pregnant..had to abort..idgaf what anyone has to say about me..i will forever live in fear because of what happened to me even though trauma therapy is working... those who can't understand certain instances where this might have to happen go fuck yourselves..i was still a fuckin child to have to go through something like that and expect to go through something i never even got a say in (carrying a child and giving birth)..i just turned 13 so i would have had the baby at 13..fuck out of here..some people are so stupid. Say something!
So sorry to hear this Rosalee31! Not one woman even had compassion for an innocent 13 year old teenage girl who got pregnant after getting raped. I was raped at age 16 after being drugged and didn't get pregnant so my heart goes out to you! You were just a kid so your body wasn't even ready to give birth to an infant. Even if you were a bit older, it's a child giving birth to a child under these …More
So sorry to hear this Rosalee31! Not one woman even had compassion for an innocent 13 year old teenage girl who got pregnant after getting raped. I was raped at age 16 after being drugged and didn't get pregnant so my heart goes out to you! You were just a kid so your body wasn't even ready to give birth to an infant. Even if you were a bit older, it's a child giving birth to a child under these horrific conditions, you would a daily reminder of your rapist. Really feel for you yet not one other person even stood up for you as that innocent 13 year old teen! Let this horrifying experience not define you and your parents made the right decision in terminating your pregnancy. Stay strong! Those that judge haven't ever experienced rape and one person in this post actually blames the victim? Wow, that hurts! I'm happy therapy is working and no matter don't listen to ludicrous from this Bible Thumpers!
Brebre shares this
So sad
annekhaiza31 shares this
Instead of removing the remains of these babies why not remove the uterus and ovaries of the mothers who are aborting their children. Solve the problem by keeping them from ever having a child this was they spread their legs as often as they like without killing anymore lives.
Totally against abortion. Regardless of the video, it's something that I can't see myself doing. I've been raped and molested, sexually harassed and IT'S NOT OKAY. But this right here is disgusting. I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't have aborted it just because I didn't want it or I was too young--or even if it was a product of rape. This organism is a growing baby that will become a small …More
Totally against abortion. Regardless of the video, it's something that I can't see myself doing. I've been raped and molested, sexually harassed and IT'S NOT OKAY. But this right here is disgusting. I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't have aborted it just because I didn't want it or I was too young--or even if it was a product of rape. This organism is a growing baby that will become a small child and then a grown human being. And I stand by at least letting it live. Adoption and orphanages and Churches are also options. I'm planning on adopting and I'm hoping for the best when the day comes! To each their own, but I do NOT condone it for anyone.
...meanwhile if you really look hard at the video, it appears to be doll parts & not really abortion. How pathetic. You didn't get pregnant like what happened after my rape but say at 13 like one young teen you would give birth? Really, highly doubt that b/c it's easy to judge but you can't say at that tender age b/c it didn't happen! Video isn't even real with fake baby doll parts so watch it again …More
...meanwhile if you really look hard at the video, it appears to be doll parts & not really abortion. How pathetic. You didn't get pregnant like what happened after my rape but say at 13 like one young teen you would give birth? Really, highly doubt that b/c it's easy to judge but you can't say at that tender age b/c it didn't happen! Video isn't even real with fake baby doll parts so watch it again. Every woman has a right even a child (if raped) with her parents so not cool to judge!
How do any of you believe this is real? It's fake i had an abortion it sure as hell didn't come out looking like that. The fact that i had an abortion at 18 saved my life i couldn't take care of a baby alone at 18 i got on birth control haven't been pregnant since! Pro-Choice for the win its my body who are you to tell me what i can do with it!
If you cant take care of a baby at 18, why you open your legs? your parents or school didnt teach you about the use of the contraceptive methods? When youre a hoe not have a right to say thats correct, the only thing you say its product of your horny mind
If you didn't want a baby why the hell you open your freaking legs just to kill a child!! Me and my girl had our first baby at age 15 yrs old and we took responsability of the baby and now our baby is a teenager but you are a murder immature person and i don't know how can you sleep with it and the guy you slept with is an asshole who only know how to put dicks inside but doesn't know how to even …More
If you didn't want a baby why the hell you open your freaking legs just to kill a child!! Me and my girl had our first baby at age 15 yrs old and we took responsability of the baby and now our baby is a teenager but you are a murder immature person and i don't know how can you sleep with it and the guy you slept with is an asshole who only know how to put dicks inside but doesn't know how to even cook an egg.
NOT YOUR BODY ....... it is a different body indeed and you had a choice of adoption ... you make me want to vomit ....... to bad your mother didn't have an abortion
I am not here to judge but I was 17 when I got pregnant. I used protection and still did... I assumed my responsibility. It was hard! I was forced to grow up. But I wouldn’t change it. I love her so much I couldn’t picture a world without her. She’s turned out quiet the young lady... she’s 20 years old now. I don’t regret my decision And know people who did make that decision that till today they …More
I am not here to judge but I was 17 when I got pregnant. I used protection and still did... I assumed my responsibility. It was hard! I was forced to grow up. But I wouldn’t change it. I love her so much I couldn’t picture a world without her. She’s turned out quiet the young lady... she’s 20 years old now. I don’t regret my decision And know people who did make that decision that till today they still wonder what would of been and they have not been able to have a child when they wanted to. Everyone has a story.

I feel like a lot of these decisions are made based on fear tactics like people vaccinate out of fear.

Young woman are told they will ruin their future. That they aren’t ready. Social status makes its way into play too... kids parents in as public figure or in a position of authority that would impact “family name” or the preacher’s kid etc...

Young woman aren’t properly educated. Fear tactics are used and beneficial motive are use for someone other than the mother to be.

That’s my thought.
The Video is fake with doll parts & not one vagina showing the fetus being aborting by Bible Thumping, Right Wingers who Voted Trump. Everyone is Anti-Abortion then once the woman gives birth they run away instead of helping raise a child she can't afford. Grandmothers with "Pro Life" bumper stickers heading to bridge games that won't babysit for that single mom. I'm happy you aborted b/c you have …More
The Video is fake with doll parts & not one vagina showing the fetus being aborting by Bible Thumping, Right Wingers who Voted Trump. Everyone is Anti-Abortion then once the woman gives birth they run away instead of helping raise a child she can't afford. Grandmothers with "Pro Life" bumper stickers heading to bridge games that won't babysit for that single mom. I'm happy you aborted b/c you have the right no one else to decide what's best for your & a fetus not a "baby". Too bad so many HATERS judging others that choose abortion. BTW I never had an abortion but will not decide for a pregnant woman or teen b/c it's None of our business! Shame on those judging who are not there to raise the child.
Wendy Darling
Instead of removing the remains of these babies why not remove the uterus and ovaries of the mothers who are aborting their children. Solve the problem by keeping them from ever having a child this was they spread their legs as often as they like without killing anymore lives.
Agree with you 💯
Which version of Peter Pan is your favorite? The disney animated thing... or did you see the stuff in "Enchanted" the tv show? They put a lot of fascinating twists into the classic stories... of course I assumed from your name that you enjoy that story... and if it is your actual name then that's awesome! I once met this couple at a programming conference, and her name was Wendy and his name was …More
Which version of Peter Pan is your favorite? The disney animated thing... or did you see the stuff in "Enchanted" the tv show? They put a lot of fascinating twists into the classic stories... of course I assumed from your name that you enjoy that story... and if it is your actual name then that's awesome! I once met this couple at a programming conference, and her name was Wendy and his name was Peter and they were getting married.
So anyway... the thing you said... i mean that's a perfectly reasonable way to feel about something this yucky and scary and just tragic. :( I have said similar things in the past, but then I learned some things that made me feel differently. the things folks don't usually hear about when people are arguing and trying to present a certain way and partial fact... i'm absolutely not going to argue with you, and i hope I haven't been annoying or rude already. I just would like to share a link to a cnn article with you, in case you feel like reading it. there are facts here that I didn't know before. anyway, here's the link, and I hope you have a wonderful day either way. :D www.cnn.com/…/index.html
@Wendy Darling AGREED 120%!!!
Maybe someone removed your brains Wendy agree 100% that you're the straw woman born without a brain! Touche'
YAAYY THE AREA 51 RAID WAS SUCCESSFUL, deres dem aliens bois
Dude, i totally thought of that creepy (fake?) alien autopsy thing. I mean - this thing isn't funny or what like that... but the visuals were both horrifying and alien/fake-looking
Oh, and on the subject of the "late term abortions" which I think are the aim of this film, to show how horrible and ghastly they are, and make the point that they are evil and should never be an option, etc... so taking that as the first "topic"... many people on either side of the abortion issue in general are totally against, and shocked by, and feel particularly judgementally about the late-term …More
Oh, and on the subject of the "late term abortions" which I think are the aim of this film, to show how horrible and ghastly they are, and make the point that they are evil and should never be an option, etc... so taking that as the first "topic"... many people on either side of the abortion issue in general are totally against, and shocked by, and feel particularly judgementally about the late-term question. I used to think they were the worst thing ever and just reckless and should be banned and all of that... until i learned that it usually isn't just a case of putting off the decision until it gets so late and then having an abortion anyway, It is quite rare, and only occurs at all in very extreme situations of danger to the mother or in the fetus being so unhealthy that it may only live for a short and horribly painful time, and may already be suffering in the womb to the point where it is a kind of euthanasia... anyway, they are indeed horrible, and extreme, and gross, and unpleasant, and tragic. If anyone is interested, I found a nice short article by a reputable (imho) source... and I would be interested to hear if people feel differently after reading it. www.cnn.com/…/index.html "They had abortions late in their pregnancies. These are their stories" there are also several links that appear to have some good info: lmgtfy.com i promise i am not trying to sway anyone, i am just interested in the discussion. I feel like we all have feelings, strong feelings, and maybe some honest, open, yet polite/respectful discussion might do all of us some good. I mean, I already *know* what i think... i'm interested in what *others* think. Thank you. Best wishes.
Oh dear - i seem to be clueless as to how this program works - I would like to speak with MLatorre6645, about the comment you just made, but I don't know how to do it. I agree with you... absolutely... I would NEVER choose this option - this late term option for a healthy fetus just because I decided i wanted to. that would be shameful and dispicable. And of course I want to protect precious little …More
Oh dear - i seem to be clueless as to how this program works - I would like to speak with MLatorre6645, about the comment you just made, but I don't know how to do it. I agree with you... absolutely... I would NEVER choose this option - this late term option for a healthy fetus just because I decided i wanted to. that would be shameful and dispicable. And of course I want to protect precious little lives. In fact that is a beautiful way you phrased it, and I find it makes me weep... what I have found a certain amount of compassion for is cases in which the mother's life is severely threatened or the health of the fetus is so bad as to render it non survivable. There are some pretty compelling, to me, examples in that article... and hi, and good morning... and nice to see your post. :D
MLatorre6645 shares this
How in God's name can anyone ever be okay with this? How can it be not everyone want to protect these precious little lives. Shameful and dispictable.
Wow - quite an involved discussion on such a complicated topic. Clearly there are lots of feelings involved, and lots of perfectly good human beings with very different experiences and points of view, resulting in a wide variety of positions, and a lot of points of disagreement and contention. I think all of these viewpoints are valid and important, and i think there is some very useful conversation …More
Wow - quite an involved discussion on such a complicated topic. Clearly there are lots of feelings involved, and lots of perfectly good human beings with very different experiences and points of view, resulting in a wide variety of positions, and a lot of points of disagreement and contention. I think all of these viewpoints are valid and important, and i think there is some very useful conversation to be had if anyone is interested in really digging in. I'd like to start by getting a "roll-call" on something I think we *all* agree on: gosh, that video was scary, and difficult to watch, and certainly graphic. Not something anyone wants to look at, or wants to even think that such a thing exists. Have I guessed correctly? Is that one thing that we all agree on and/or have in commmon? Does anyone have something else they think we can probably all agree on? I dare say, that deep down, we would all be happy if there didn't have to be abortions - if our common life situation were such that there just wasn't anybody who wanted/needed one and they just didn't have to happen? If all pregnancies were on-purpose, healthy, and resulted in a healthy happy child with a perfect situation to be born into? I may be going out on a limb here, and I promise I have no intentions to offend or upset, and if I've done that already, I apologize and ask for a "do-over". Thanks for your attention.
Every child isn’t adopted and every child who is adopted doesn’t go to a good home. Who are you to tell people what to do with their bodies? Birth control isn’t 100%. For the people saying get a hysterectomy they just don’t go giving those out unless there is a medical reason. What about females who are raped they should be made to carry a baby they never wanted because of some sick mans decision …More
Every child isn’t adopted and every child who is adopted doesn’t go to a good home. Who are you to tell people what to do with their bodies? Birth control isn’t 100%. For the people saying get a hysterectomy they just don’t go giving those out unless there is a medical reason. What about females who are raped they should be made to carry a baby they never wanted because of some sick mans decision to violate her? Why are y’all so worried bout what people do it’s not like their decisions determine whether you go to Heaven or Hell? There are more pressing issues in the world than this.
Zayo 0
What's so hard about giving a child up for adoption every child deserves to have their own life to live people who like abortion are simply selfish. You dont even have the right to take a life just as what if someone came up to all yall that support abortion and said they believe they should take yours. If you dont want to be responsible simply wait oh my its soo hard to give the child up for adoption …More
What's so hard about giving a child up for adoption every child deserves to have their own life to live people who like abortion are simply selfish. You dont even have the right to take a life just as what if someone came up to all yall that support abortion and said they believe they should take yours. If you dont want to be responsible simply wait oh my its soo hard to give the child up for adoption mind ur own business let the child live their life n enjoy being outta yours smh this place sickening
I think all doctors that does abortion should go to hell and jail or lose their license and women who abort their kids should get their uterus taken away so they can’t have any kids at all 😡
Nope. Abortion is fine. Most women would love to have their chance at reproduction gone. I dont want kids. So if you want to pay for my bill I'll happily go get that shit removed! Just cant afford it.
If you smoke, drink, have tattoos, get your hair done, etc you can afford condoms. Most clinics give free birth control or low cost on a sliding scale. Better yet? You dont want kids, keep your legs closed.
Cool, keep your legs closed, "Vampchick", and maybe try minding your own uterus.
Goes beyond more than a woman keeping her legs closed. Girls sometimes will lie to a boy saying she is on birth control to try to "keep" him so a boy/man who doesn't want a baby should also protect himself as in always use a condom or don't gripe when a baby comes & take care of your responsibility!
I just find it hilarious that Vamp thinks that everyone who gets an abortion didn't bother with birth control, or has a clinic in their area.
Need an abortion? You're clearly a slut, according to certain people. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that your contraception failed, that you were assaulted, that you wanted that pregnancy but it will kill your or it's not viable. Nah, you're just a dirty slut.
This …More
I just find it hilarious that Vamp thinks that everyone who gets an abortion didn't bother with birth control, or has a clinic in their area.
Need an abortion? You're clearly a slut, according to certain people. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that your contraception failed, that you were assaulted, that you wanted that pregnancy but it will kill your or it's not viable. Nah, you're just a dirty slut.
This is the kind of person trying to shut down places like PP, yet is telling people to go there?
So my question would be... does it make a difference if the doctor performs the abortion to save the woman's life? i don't mean kill the baby to save the mommy, i mean like the baby is terminally ill and won't survive but the mom will also die if she waits for the birth to occur naturally? Just a question, i promise, NOT a judgement. Of course people have different feelings about things because …More
So my question would be... does it make a difference if the doctor performs the abortion to save the woman's life? i don't mean kill the baby to save the mommy, i mean like the baby is terminally ill and won't survive but the mom will also die if she waits for the birth to occur naturally? Just a question, i promise, NOT a judgement. Of course people have different feelings about things because people are different and have different experiences. I just like to hear and discuss points of view that are different from mine... much respect to you either way.
Pro-lifers OOPS i mean pro-birthers (as most don't care after the child is born or hate the child if they are transgender or intersex or growup to be homosexual etc) should be made to adopt all the kids, and look at all the kids already that need homes
Kill it is a sin.
If you dont want kids and want to be a responsible adult (everything has a consequence) then get your tubes tied or a hysterectomy.
Do you tell that to rape victims?
does it matter?? A life is a life planned or unplanned. If you cant afford a child atleast give it a chance with someone who can. what does rape have anything to do with abortion. Thats a sorry excuse. You can have a heart for a rape “victim” but not an abortion “victim” lmao dumb fuck
I think that is a very interesting point, @Devine there definitely seems to be a difference in how our society cares or does not care about lives at different ages or stages of life. and sometimes birth does seem to be the priority, but later on, the needs of those that have been born, or were already born seem to be treated as less important... from what i've seen and experienced... i respect that …More
I think that is a very interesting point, @Devine there definitely seems to be a difference in how our society cares or does not care about lives at different ages or stages of life. and sometimes birth does seem to be the priority, but later on, the needs of those that have been born, or were already born seem to be treated as less important... from what i've seen and experienced... i respect that others have a different viewpoint.
It does matter M "Blow Job"77! Will you adopt 10+ kids that are born to single mothers who can't afford to raise their infant? Obviously, you missed the boat on rape b/c if you were a victim, you would get it but you don't! Some women/teen girls don't wait a daily, constant reminder of their rapist but you didn't think 'bout that? You're a sorry excuse for a human being by shaming the rape victims …More
It does matter M "Blow Job"77! Will you adopt 10+ kids that are born to single mothers who can't afford to raise their infant? Obviously, you missed the boat on rape b/c if you were a victim, you would get it but you don't! Some women/teen girls don't wait a daily, constant reminder of their rapist but you didn't think 'bout that? You're a sorry excuse for a human being by shaming the rape victims I agree you're a Dumb as "F" Arrogant, heartless MFer!
Lucii138 shares this
So sad
Pnueman shares this
Abortion is MURDER!
nanaof11 shares this
Look. I get the argument that people should mind their own business, and that women shouldn't have to bear the children of the monsters who victimized them. I would never support taking that stance. But if such a thing occurs, why wait until a few days before labor to have the abortion? What possible reason would any sensible person have to wait that long? 6, 7, 8 months? When the thing inside is …More
Look. I get the argument that people should mind their own business, and that women shouldn't have to bear the children of the monsters who victimized them. I would never support taking that stance. But if such a thing occurs, why wait until a few days before labor to have the abortion? What possible reason would any sensible person have to wait that long? 6, 7, 8 months? When the thing inside is clearly human? Who is monster then?

But who am I to criticize? Just a man who has lost faith in humanity when he hears about a doctor in Illinois, who after he died, over 2000 aborted fetuses were found in his home, like a serial killer collecting trophies. Hear about something like that, then try to tell me to mind my own business with a clean conscience.
I so agree with you here. This world is full of evil. I hate it. How it all is this day and age
Oh hey, @jasonseraphius , that's totally a good point... the idea of someone waiting and waiting until finally the situation becomes exponentially more horrible. Although, i don't know if that's really why it happens... i did, of course, and i was like that's effed up... but then I saw a documentary and learned some stuff i didn't know. here's a link, if you are interested in some of those reasons …More
Oh hey, @jasonseraphius , that's totally a good point... the idea of someone waiting and waiting until finally the situation becomes exponentially more horrible. Although, i don't know if that's really why it happens... i did, of course, and i was like that's effed up... but then I saw a documentary and learned some stuff i didn't know. here's a link, if you are interested in some of those reasons. if not - that's cool, and i aint gonna try to make anybody read anything. i just got the idea you might be interested www.cnn.com/…/index.html hope you have a nice day/evening/etc...
If you can't raise the child give him/her up for an ADOPTION. If you not ready for a child use PROTECTION
If you can't raise the child give him/her up for an ADOPTION. If you not ready for a child use PROTECTION

Um I'm on birth control and I know myself and my boyfriend is not mature enough to have a child so we agreed to get an abortion if it ever came to it, abortion isn't murder it's mine and my boyfriends choice it's our life not yours and I'm not carrying a fetus to full term because I would rather live with getting an abortion than having a child I've never met somewhere
That pharagraph hurt my head. Your writing is horrendous. Your username is attestment to that. If you dont want kids. Have your tubes tied or have your boyfriend to have a vasectomy. If you think abortion is the way, then go abort yourself, not an innocent baby.
"If you don't want kids <PERIOD> Have your tubes...."
Philly43 shares this