
Pius X Goes Home

After Ganswein now other cleric sent home.
This they understand from Jesus.
Nobody is a prophet in his own country.

Stamp: Vatican Drops Its Pants


Stamp: Vatican Drops Its Pants

It is "stolen" from the famous dream of Saint Bosco.


Nope it is not narcissism. It is however the pit that Jesus is talking about. The one pit the blind leading the blind will always fall in. It is the pit everybody falls in if they are blind. Spiritually blind, because they can't hear God. If they would hear God, then they would hear otherwise, and while they don't hear God they see the truth not and they remain in their blindness and will fall in …More
Nope it is not narcissism. It is however the pit that Jesus is talking about. The one pit the blind leading the blind will always fall in. It is the pit everybody falls in if they are blind. Spiritually blind, because they can't hear God. If they would hear God, then they would hear otherwise, and while they don't hear God they see the truth not and they remain in their blindness and will fall in this pit. I know Thomas Aquinas last words were: Such secrets have been revealed to me that all I have written now appears as so much straw. Because What Thomas wrote was extremely good for that time but also for you it is time that it should now become straw.
This pit btw is the pit of the crystallization of the interpretation becoming the graven image that you adore when you will be surpassed by other better interpretations. And what is a better interpretation? Mine? NOO. The better interpretation is that interpretation that you hear and that one you simultaneously feel that the Holy Spirit endorses, and that indeed could be mine. Now that I tell you that I can see, I am telling you that I am not blind. But I do not ask you to listen to me so that I might guide you or you follow me. no, All I ask you is to become seeing so that you can too hear that what I say is endorsed, because then you understand that I am not talking from myself and that the solution is not for everybody to simply become catholic to be saved, because believe me that statement is only a casus belli.

Infallible Novus Ordo Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsDqykwvpzmy

My Jesus says to me: Driving people into the church is driving people out of the church.

Francisco odia los muros Imagen: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsWolcrddcva

Mason después de todo!

Francis Hates Walls Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsWolcrddcva

So he is a Mason after all!

166. 77

May I mention a nice conundrum? You say; Seventy seven times, and indeed that is said in the NAB. in the literal translation where much effort was done to transliterate YLT it says 490 times as seventy times seven as in many other translations among which the naardense bijbel that was also transliterated from textus receptus: You may safely asume that NAB is translated without zeal.
YLT22:Then …More
May I mention a nice conundrum? You say; Seventy seven times, and indeed that is said in the NAB. in the literal translation where much effort was done to transliterate YLT it says 490 times as seventy times seven as in many other translations among which the naardense bijbel that was also transliterated from textus receptus: You may safely asume that NAB is translated without zeal.

YLT22:Then Peter having come near to him, said, ‘Sir, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him — till seven times?’ Jesus saith to him, ‘I do not say to thee till seven times, but till seventy times seven.

Speaking kind? It's the tone?

So you want to know the truth? Unfortunately it means that it does not matter what you know and how wise you are. In this world it matters whom you know and who loves you, because it is to them that you sound reasonable. Jesus sounded like a gong and clanging cymbal to the people he talked to.
Jesus said exactly this, ‘I have come in the name of my Father, and ye do not receive me; if another may …More
So you want to know the truth? Unfortunately it means that it does not matter what you know and how wise you are. In this world it matters whom you know and who loves you, because it is to them that you sound reasonable. Jesus sounded like a gong and clanging cymbal to the people he talked to.
Jesus said exactly this, ‘I have come in the name of my Father, and ye do not receive me; if another may come in his own name, him ye will receive; how are ye able — ye — to believe, glory from one another receiving, and the glory from God alone ye seek not?

Amore Divino secondo Francesco Foto: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsFlnqvuetnd

Dio ama tutti, ma è innamorato di te?


Bridges the ground with the choir loft.


Like this?

Cardinal Pell: R.I.P. With a VIDEO of his superb interview about the death of Benedict XVI

Pell doesn't look like in the condition that he would be dead a week later. Maybe he was suicided. Already lost his right to vote in conclave by age, For sure now he will never become pope.

Buried and Forgotten Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsAzwigxznge

And the welding master made sure he will not come out.

Mystical vision

@Credo . Just telling this mystical vision that I had. I remember it was 19 September 2019. For this reason I placed a Lady of Salette image next to it. As it seems I decided to mention it here on October 2019. Funny that in december 2019 there was this cartoon, depicting more or less what I saw.

Francis Couldn't Behave Properly - Not Even at Benedict's Funeral

Why is it a good thing for Catholics to be so hateful for what God Himself is allowing?
Well, sometimes you can shape people by presenting them with what they fear or dislike most. God can be wanting you to take a stance by creating this situation.
Jesus said: Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will …More
Why is it a good thing for Catholics to be so hateful for what God Himself is allowing?

Well, sometimes you can shape people by presenting them with what they fear or dislike most. God can be wanting you to take a stance by creating this situation.

Jesus said: Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.

And Jesus said also:
I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Who wants to be that last lukewarm man?

Not For His Immoral Positions: Biden Will Not Attend

Yeah now Francis waits until B16 hype disappears and then once forgotten Francis must renounce, so that he can be alive and influence the next election.

Benedict's Funeral "with Simplicity"

Impressive hard work to get all those fragments together. But there is one thing. I always wonder how you guys think that saying out loud to the members of another belief system that they are wrong and heretic because that is just how it is, will bring about peace. You expect to drive every nail, every time with one hammerstrike. B!6 must have learned from the Regensburg Lecture that diplomacy is …More
Impressive hard work to get all those fragments together. But there is one thing. I always wonder how you guys think that saying out loud to the members of another belief system that they are wrong and heretic because that is just how it is, will bring about peace. You expect to drive every nail, every time with one hammerstrike. B!6 must have learned from the Regensburg Lecture that diplomacy is a painful path until Jesus comes back. And then what will Jesus say? Will he go straight with the heels up front against everything that is not catholic? Is that how you see reality?

Troubles Ahead: Francis Praises Opus Dei to the Skies

I do feel that Opus Dei is structured in such a way that it induces people to become as they say, better catholics. That works for some, because they become better catholics. However from my own experience I believe that Opus Dei modus operandi induces into most of them the daemon of pedantry and high heartedness. That must be Francis thought train when we look at the address to the roman curia a …More
I do feel that Opus Dei is structured in such a way that it induces people to become as they say, better catholics. That works for some, because they become better catholics. However from my own experience I believe that Opus Dei modus operandi induces into most of them the daemon of pedantry and high heartedness. That must be Francis thought train when we look at the address to the roman curia a couple of day ago.