Simon North

German Bishops in Rome: Cardinal Ouellet Has Low Expectations

Ouellet - a key player in the construction of the post-conciliar faux church.
Simon North

Former Bishop of Magdeburg: “We need reform and renewal”

No fool like an old fool.
Simon North

Protestant pastor shares powerful testimony of faith after enduring seven years in Chinese prison - …

I reprise a comment in another posting from almost a month ago:
I admire him. I pray for him. I hope for his salvation. But are we looking at this from man's perspective or God's? I quote one who is among the greatest graced intellects in the history of the Church: Saint Augustine: “No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except …More
I reprise a comment in another posting from almost a month ago:

I admire him. I pray for him. I hope for his salvation. But are we looking at this from man's perspective or God's? I quote one who is among the greatest graced intellects in the history of the Church: Saint Augustine: “No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the sacraments, one can sing alleluia, one can answer amen, one can have faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and preach it too, but never can one find salvation except in the Catholic Church.” (Sermo ad Caesariensis Ecclesia plebem)
Simon North

Apparitions Near Rome Ruled False

[although "contradictions" and "theological errors" are hardly an issue the Novus Ordo Church worries about] Well stated caveat!
Simon North

USA: "Catholic" Relief Service Promotes Condoms, Contraception, Abortion for Africans

@Marysrose Francis' church is not the One True Church gifted to the world by Our Lord. But neither was Montini's church, Wojtyla's church or Ratzinger's church. The Second Vatican Council altered the lens through which the Church looked at Herself and the world - and morphed into the Conciliar church. The Restorationist Pope will need to erase most - if not all - of the Conciliar effects of the past …More
@Marysrose Francis' church is not the One True Church gifted to the world by Our Lord. But neither was Montini's church, Wojtyla's church or Ratzinger's church. The Second Vatican Council altered the lens through which the Church looked at Herself and the world - and morphed into the Conciliar church. The Restorationist Pope will need to erase most - if not all - of the Conciliar effects of the past 60 years.
Simon North

A pro-life doctor shares his experiences and knowledge | Catholic Views

Permanent Diaconate = about as useful to the Church as screen doors on a submarine.
Simon North

The Seven Mountain Prophecy: Unveiling the Coming Elijah Revolution

Working with Protestants to Christianize society? Why? They know so very little about Our Lord. How could they reclaim society for him?
Simon North

Are the SSPX Really Schismatic? (Fr. Gerald Murray)

Fr. Murray is the author of a Canon Law thesis written for his J.C.D. requirements at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. His thesis maintained that Archbishop Lefebvre did not commit a schismatic act with the 1988 Consecrations of 3 bishops - and that his excommunication was, therefore, not in conformity with Canon Law. Surprisingly (because the Jesuit College is so leftist), he received …More
Fr. Murray is the author of a Canon Law thesis written for his J.C.D. requirements at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. His thesis maintained that Archbishop Lefebvre did not commit a schismatic act with the 1988 Consecrations of 3 bishops - and that his excommunication was, therefore, not in conformity with Canon Law. Surprisingly (because the Jesuit College is so leftist), he received high grades from the Gregorianum Professors. But when he returned to the States, he repudiated his own thesis (w/out explanation as far as I know).

Question: then, did he return his J.C.D. degree?

There were various speculations as to the reason why he repudiated his own thesis. Among them was because, at the time, he belonged to the Society of the Holy Cross - an arm of Opus Dei. Opus Dei is no friend of the SSPX.
Simon North

OUTRAGE: Archbishop Cancels a Catholic Family Business

LifeSite is going off the rails.
Simon North

Bishop Meier: “No church has owned the truth for itself”

@Luke 817 I apologize. I evidently posted the original comment in the wrong place. I was addressing the piece on Bishop Meier (which is presently the one above this article).
Simon North

Bishop Meier: “No church has owned the truth for itself”

I'm "Gaslighting"? Are you well? I'm trying to point out that we've been "gaslit" by the past 60 years. I'm a supported of both +Lefebvre and the SSPX.
Simon North

Bishop Meier: “No church has owned the truth for itself”

Does this site remove posts (like mine and one other)? If that's the case, why bother with opening the Combox?
Simon North

Bishop Meier: “No church has owned the truth for itself”

Joseph Ratzinger in an interview published in the German newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemine (1990s): "Vatican II did not use Pius XII’s expression according to which ‘the Roman Catholic Church is the only Church of Christ.’ Instead, it preferred the expression ‘The Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church...’ because," he said, "it wished to ‘affirm that the being of the Church as such …More
Joseph Ratzinger in an interview published in the German newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemine (1990s): "Vatican II did not use Pius XII’s expression according to which ‘the Roman Catholic Church is the only Church of Christ.’ Instead, it preferred the expression ‘The Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church...’ because," he said, "it wished to ‘affirm that the being of the Church as such is a larger identity than the Roman Catholic Church’."

That Bishop was raised in the counterfeit church designed at Vatican II by the Montinis, Wojtylas and the Ratzingers. It's what they've been taught. It's all they know. (They could know more, but most of them are rather dull blades.)
Simon North

Cardinal: Francis Undermining the Virtuous Life Of Homosexuals

@Mary Louise Veritas Thank you. You are very astute.
Simon North

Glimmers of hope from Fennimore, Wisconsin

The "accidents" convey the transcendent. The "substance" is a Mass banally deficient in the notion of sacrifice. 'Kinda like transubstantiation turned upside down.
Simon North

Cardinal McElroy: Synod could end link between diaconate and priesthood to allow 'female deacons' - …

$10 to a donut that McElroy has never heard of the Council of Trent (and he'd require a translator for "anathema sit").
Simon North

21 Coptic Martyrs: Modern Heroes for Christ || SW NEWS

I admire them. I pray for them. I hope for their salvation. But are we looking at this from man's perspective or God's? I quote one who is among the greatest graced intellects in the history of the Church: Saint Augustine: “No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the sacraments …More
I admire them. I pray for them. I hope for their salvation. But are we looking at this from man's perspective or God's? I quote one who is among the greatest graced intellects in the history of the Church: Saint Augustine: “No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the sacraments, one can sing alleluia, one can answer amen, one can have faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and preach it too, but never can one find salvation except in the Catholic Church.” (Sermo ad Caesariensis Ecclesia plebem)