Simon North

Cardinal Roche Is an Evasive Prelate

Your first mistake: You actually wasn't to see him.
Simon North

Official statement of the Austin Latin Mass community

We provided a great counterexample to the "standoffish Trad" stereotype.
Yep: appeasing the post-Conciliar counterfeit church achieves - every time - actually what it achieved for you. Bupkis.More
We provided a great counterexample to the "standoffish Trad" stereotype.

Yep: appeasing the post-Conciliar counterfeit church achieves - every time - actually what it achieved for you. Bupkis.
Simon North

Official statement from Bishop of Austin This is why we should clearly make the case that the Traditional …

Tell a big enough lie and repeat it often enough and people will begin to believe it: the propaganda tactic of Communism and Nazism.
Simon North

Bishop Strickland condemns E. Michael Jones as an Antisemite

How about condemning those Conciliar heretics who promote their "Dual Covenant" position vis-a-vis the Jews? How about condemning Joseph Ratzinger's outrage of stating that the Church has no mission to the Jews? I wish people would cease idolizing this man. He's a Catholic in some things, but a Modernist in others. That means (according to Pope St. Pius X) he's a Modernist heretic.
Simon North

Cardinal Müller: Francis Has Relapsed into Paganism

Why do we never hear from post-Conciliar hierarchs the key traditional response to the excuse of human weakness for sin: Romans 5.20? "And where sin abounded, grace did more abound."
Simon North

A Coach and a Father

Escriva's canonization was the catalyst for my first crisis of faith.
Simon North

French Bishop: European Bishops Are Mute Dogs

The Novus Ordo Missae isn't a liturgical treasure. Maybe the Bishop can begin there with his education of young people. Also his statement about the "ideological wars that animated their elders" comment is disingenuous in the extreme. The Ecclesial War of the past 60 years is not "ideological" in nature: it is about the recovery of the very nature of the Church and its relationship with a fallen …More
The Novus Ordo Missae isn't a liturgical treasure. Maybe the Bishop can begin there with his education of young people. Also his statement about the "ideological wars that animated their elders" comment is disingenuous in the extreme. The Ecclesial War of the past 60 years is not "ideological" in nature: it is about the recovery of the very nature of the Church and its relationship with a fallen world.
Simon North

Weinandy: Francis Even Worse Than Bad Popes of the Past

@Orthocat Well said - except for your last sentence. Every Pope connected with the Council (62-65) has failed to hand on the Faith untainted.
Simon North

'Dead people should be able to change their gender', says Labour MP

Women and effeminate "men" have destroyed the Church - and thus, Western civilization built by the Church.
Simon North

Fernández Admits: Free-Style Sacraments Are Sometimes Invalid

@Ivan Tomas The Vatican apparatchiks have politicized the Faith - a necessity required to put into place the "Ideology of Man." The canonizations of all the Conciliar Popes - in order to "canonize" Vatican II - was the work of nefarious cretins.
Simon North

Judaism: Is the Old Covenant still valid? - Apologetics Series - Episode 41

A covenant involves two parties. The Lord said that the Covenant would remain with the Hebrews as long as they kept their part of their covenant and remained faithful. The Hebrews didn't. The destruction of the Temple was the visible sealing of the Old Covenant's death.More

A covenant involves two parties. The Lord said that the Covenant would remain with the Hebrews as long as they kept their part of their covenant and remained faithful. The Hebrews didn't. The destruction of the Temple was the visible sealing of the Old Covenant's death.
Simon North

Trump's next Cabinet

"They" (meaning the Deep State) will never let Trump be President for a second term. They blatantly stole the election in 2020. They blatantly stole Kari Lake's election as Governor of AZ in 2022. There has been no accountability in either case as the Courts (from the Supremes on down) yawned. Why would anyone think that, with no accountability, they won't simply repeat?
Simon North

A Sprinkling of Humility Here is the video Fr. Murr mentions with the talk from Fr. Fessio: Talk by …

I'll listen to Fessio's talk - maybe he's changed his tune - but I doubt it. He's been an unabashed opponent of the Ancient Mass. His Ignatius Press has published some good things - but like Pius X's description of Modernism, the danger posed by the proponents of this synthesis of rot (Modernism), will be perfectly sound in the Faith on one page, only to launch into heresy on the next. Fessio was …More
I'll listen to Fessio's talk - maybe he's changed his tune - but I doubt it. He's been an unabashed opponent of the Ancient Mass. His Ignatius Press has published some good things - but like Pius X's description of Modernism, the danger posed by the proponents of this synthesis of rot (Modernism), will be perfectly sound in the Faith on one page, only to launch into heresy on the next. Fessio was taught by Joseph Ratzinger - a revolutionary at the Council and only comparatively milder after it. Need more be said? Joseph Fessio is no Restorationist, and frankly, Restorationism - that is, the sine qua non for the re-embedding of the sacred within a counter-reformed ante-Conciliar Church, is the only message I want to hear from him and his ilk.

One need no better example of Fessio's inclinations than his promotion of Adrienne von Speyer as a mystic - as well as his embarrassing near-romance with Hans Urs von Balthasar.
Simon North

A Bishop Attends Roman Mass: Sacrificial Dimension Of Mass Denied After Vatican II

Recognizing the problem is worthless unless you have the intestinal fortitude to fix it - at. least in your own diocese.
Simon North

Video shows multiple men attack NYPD officers

They all gotta go. OR we're heading for civil war.
Simon North

Francis Rewards Authors Of "Sodoma Supplicans"

@chris griffin History will be the least of their problems.
Simon North

Austrian Parish Offers Opportunity to View Nude Dances

For 90% of these mitered cretins: if they were "good priests," they wouldn't possess the miter in the first place. They have supported the revolution that has installed, plank by plank, the "Religion of Man" into the Temple of the One True Faith. The "sainted" Popes preferred to play Vatican politics rather than to clean out the Augean Stables of the Vatican bureaucracy - and appointed as bishops …More
For 90% of these mitered cretins: if they were "good priests," they wouldn't possess the miter in the first place. They have supported the revolution that has installed, plank by plank, the "Religion of Man" into the Temple of the One True Faith. The "sainted" Popes preferred to play Vatican politics rather than to clean out the Augean Stables of the Vatican bureaucracy - and appointed as bishops only those effeminate "men" who were indifferent to or sympathetic with that very corruption.
Simon North

Karma Patriot : Actually, Pence was the one who STOPPED Nancy Pelosi’s attempted “J6 Coup”— meant …

@John A Cassani What could Trump have done? I ask it seriously: what serious, effective options were at his disposal?