Cardinal Müller: Francis Has Relapsed into Paganism

Cardinal Gerhard Müller spoke to (12 February) about Francis' propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans". Main points. - The interviews [of Fernández and Francis] and the interpretations of …More
Cardinal Gerhard Müller spoke to (12 February) about Francis' propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans". Main points.
- The interviews [of Fernández and Francis] and the interpretations of the interpretations of the interpretations deepen the confusion.
- Sodoma supplicans is a capitulation to the totally false homosex ideology and to wokeism.
- Francis/Fernández cannot explain what the difference is between a "liturgical" and a "private" blessing.
- They obscure the divine teaching with human sophistry.
- Despite the weakness of man, especially in the area of sexuality, Christ did not condone adultery, but said that anyone who even looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart.
- For Francis/Fernández, those who commit adultery are in "difficult situations" because of their weakness, thus denying the existence of sin as a willingness to do wrong and act against the divine will.
- Such theories are not modern, but a regression to paganism, as can be …More
Hound of Heaven
With all due respect, your eminence, you and (far too few of) your colleagues say much the same things which are gratifying to the faithful but, to be blunt, what are you going to do about Francis and his cronies?
la verdad prevalece
One of the former seminarians, victim of sexual abuse perpetrated by the convicted homosexual predator Gustavo Zanchetta, declared that when he returned from Rome, he put pressure on them and presumed that he was a friend of Bergoglio and said: “I was with the Pope, I was in the Pope's bed.”
“Sentíamos presión porque Zanchetta decía que era amigo del Papa” (
One of the former seminarians, victim of sexual abuse perpetrated by the convicted homosexual predator Gustavo Zanchetta, declared that when he returned from Rome, he put pressure on them and presumed that he was a friend of Bergoglio and said: “I was with the Pope, I was in the Pope's bed.”

“Sentíamos presión porque Zanchetta decía que era amigo del Papa” (


Bergoglio must be criminally investigated. A man who openly defies the Divine Natural Law that everyone knows that he is a cover-up for Pedophiles and that he has filled the Vatican with Homosexuals. Who openly uses the mass media to corrupt young people with the perverse Marxist Gender ideology (Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology and refuses to call them to repentance) A gay activist who was disqualified from being pope because he had already betrayed the faith in Argentina, Who has betrayed Christ and the Church, etc. What else are we waiting for?
la verdad prevalece
As archbishop of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio covered up for homosexual predator Gustavo Zanchetta.
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Saint Bernardine of Siena: ‘(Sodomy) Is the Worst Sin that Exists’
One who lives practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pain in Hell than anyone else, because this the worst sin that exists.
St. Hildegard of Bingen: Homosexuality is the supreme offense against God –
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
(Gay activist and apostate Bergoglio) Francis, instead of returning “to the clarity of the word of God,” prefers “to bow before this absolutely wrong LGBT and woke ideology.”
Bergoglio launches a war against the Scriptures to defend his support for those who practice the vice of sodomy
Apostate Francis’ depiction of homosexual ‘couples’ as ‘two people who love each other’ is his latest …More
(Gay activist and apostate Bergoglio) Francis, instead of returning “to the clarity of the word of God,” prefers “to bow before this absolutely wrong LGBT and woke ideology.”
Bergoglio launches a war against the Scriptures to defend his support for those who practice the vice of sodomy
Apostate Francis’ depiction of homosexual ‘couples’ as ‘two people who love each other’ is his latest affirmation of homosexuality contrary to Catholic doctrine.
Pope Francis: ‘I bless two people who love each other’ not homosexual 'marriage' - LifeSite (

Apostate and Gay Activist Father James Martin performs another 'blessing' for two 'married' men - LifeSite (

Father James Martin blesses homosexual 'couple' at Jesuit residence in New York City - LifeSite (

Cardinal Müller: Efforts to Explain ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ Add to Confusion Over Document| National Catholic Register (
Opera 369
"Relapsed into Paganism"...?? Take your time Cardinal Muller...eventually you'll get to the .. finish line!! This is the evidence, why the Catholic Church is in high tide -----Cardinals, Bishops and 'obedient' slaves who are saving their pensions... and NOT FACING THE EVIDENT FACTS!!
Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology and refuses to call them to repentance (
Father James Martin performs another 'blessing' for two 'married' men - LifeSite (
Müller: A Priest of Christ Cannot Bless Sin Against Nature

Cardinal Müller tells Francis: Blessing homosexual couples is ‘impossible’ and ‘blasphemy’
Marxism and the Gender RevolutionMore
Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology and refuses to call them to repentance (
Father James Martin performs another 'blessing' for two 'married' men - LifeSite (

Müller: A Priest of Christ Cannot Bless Sin Against Nature

Cardinal Müller tells Francis: Blessing homosexual couples is ‘impossible’ and ‘blasphemy’

Marxism and the Gender Revolution

By Paul Krause/ Crisis Magazine

The gender revolution is fundamentally Marxist. Whether people are consciously aware of it or not, the root of gender ideology is Marxist, and its gambit is the construction of the egalitarian society through the obliteration of the division of gender. And the gender revolution is another prong in the full-throated attack on the family.

The genus of inequality, the division of labor, is “the division of labor in the sexual act.” It is this division of labor in the sexual act that recognizes the distinction between male and female, which establishes the consciousness of division from which all later divisions of labor and growing inequality flow. If the sexual act and the division between genders is the very root of all inequality, the only means by which this inequality can be negated is through the androgenization of human nature, wherein the sexual difference between man and woman is abolished.
Read More at Crisis Magazine.
Bergoglio promotes his Argentine accomplice Mónica Astorga Cremona, an apostate gay activist who promotes transsexuality, including sex change in children. And if transvestite homosexuals want to continue prostituting themselves, she allows them and has built a small sodom for them to live with their gay partner. Bergoglio maliciously calls these transvestite homosexuals girls, defying the Divine …More
Bergoglio promotes his Argentine accomplice Mónica Astorga Cremona, an apostate gay activist who promotes transsexuality, including sex change in children. And if transvestite homosexuals want to continue prostituting themselves, she allows them and has built a small sodom for them to live with their gay partner. Bergoglio maliciously calls these transvestite homosexuals girls, defying the Divine Natural Law.

Bergoglio has been supporting the gay activist nun since 2009.

In 2017 Bergoglio promoted the book of the gay activist nun, Mónica Astorga Cremona, who does militancy in favor of the gay 'gender identity law' of Argentina
la verdad prevalece
In Argentina the Archi heresiarch Jorge Mario Bergoglio supported the superstitious cult of the pagan idol Gauchito Gil
Apostasy: The marxist ‘Cura villero’, Pepe Di Paola promotes the
idolatrous pagan worship of ‘Gauchito Gil ’ supported by Bergoglio. Bergoglio does not profess the Catholic faith but rather the Marxist pseudo-theology of the people.
la verdad prevalece
The First Commandment of God
Lesson 16 from the Baltimore Cathechism
205. How does a Catholic sin against faith? A Catholic sins against faith by apostasy, heresy, indifferentism, and by taking part in non-Catholic worship.
Bergoglio is an apostate who has betrayed the faith and has renounced his baptism who has received a spell from a shaman and has actively participated in several pagan cults led …More
The First Commandment of God
Lesson 16 from the Baltimore Cathechism
205. How does a Catholic sin against faith? A Catholic sins against faith by apostasy, heresy, indifferentism, and by taking part in non-Catholic worship.

Bergoglio is an apostate who has betrayed the faith and has renounced his baptism who has received a spell from a shaman and has actively participated in several pagan cults led by shamans.
Being anathematized and excommunicated by the infallible Magisterium of the Church for those acts of apostasy alone.

Francis: Sexual morality determined case-by-case, even for transgender | National Catholic Reporter (

Bergoglio participated in a ritual to Earth in an international event of the anti-Catholic foundation Scholas Occurrentes

Indigenous rituals for bishops and religious in Brazil. The Great Apostasy of the A-masonic Pre-Synod continues
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
"A priest is a blasphemer and a cheat if he exercises his Order unworthily, and thus he sins mortally: and in like manner any other person in Orders." (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church)
The Counter-Revolution | Let's Restore our Catholic Tradition: Indigenous Salesian priest practices paganism (
Ivan Tomas
"Such theories are not modern, but a regression to paganism..."
But Your Eminence, modernism is a broad, very broad, and in fact very short path to uber-paganism. Because paganism of our time is much worse than paganism of ancient times.
True Mass
Ok. So now we have a top prelate saying he has regressed to paganism. Let's see, the popesplainers will parse and say well he is not calling him a pagan etc. What will it take for the few remaining faithful prelates to band together and speak with one clear defining voice. May God save his One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Simon North
Why do we never hear from post-Conciliar hierarchs the key traditional response to the excuse of human weakness for sin: Romans 5.20? "And where sin abounded, grace did more abound."