Don Reto Nay

Reine Poesie. Der Priester leidet sichtbar

Und man hätte sein unangenehm berührtes Gesicht nicht gesehen und kein Video daraus produziert...
Don Reto Nay

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

@rhemes1582: How do you know that Barrett is not a Communist? The beloved Justice Roberts turned out to be one... Besides that: The "Errors of Russia" have left Russia almost 30 years ago and are now reigning in the United States and its European satellites (but not in Russia anymore = that's why Russia is so hated by the Western Communists). The Soviet Block has died, so have Hitler and Napoleon.…More
@rhemes1582: How do you know that Barrett is not a Communist? The beloved Justice Roberts turned out to be one... Besides that: The "Errors of Russia" have left Russia almost 30 years ago and are now reigning in the United States and its European satellites (but not in Russia anymore = that's why Russia is so hated by the Western Communists). The Soviet Block has died, so have Hitler and Napoleon. As a whole D and R (and similar parties in the Western satellites) are part of the same medal and, yes, I agree un updated version of atheistic Communism.
Don Reto Nay

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

Bader-Ginsburg was accomplished and intelligent and also a woman 😍
Don Reto Nay

The Clergy We Have... The clergy we need

But these were not my younger days, it was last week when walking in cassock through Istanbul airport converting our brothers who share the same God 😎
Don Reto Nay

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

Since fifty (!) years, the Republicans have had their way on the Supreme Court. Roe was decide by Republican judges... Worse than that?
Don Reto Nay

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

@Holy Cannoli: Never TRUST a politician, never. Only facts, only facts. Do you remember how the "conservatives" were excited about the nomination of John G. Roberts... Then came the excitement for Kavanaugh.... Plus: Trump doesn't know Coney Barrett, she was recommended to him. She is/was also teaching at the wonderful Catholic University Notre Dame...
Don Reto Nay

Schönborn an Neupriester: "Hört auf die Stimme des Volkes"

@Ottaviani: Keine Wirkung? Man muss unterscheiden. Aber ich stimme ihnen zu, dass es besser ist zu schweigen und nichts zu tun, als Worte zu benützen, auf die keine Taten folgen. Es ist auch eine beliebte Taktik "konservativer" Bischöfe, stets das "richtige" zu sagen und dann hinzugehen und das Gegenteil zu tun.
Don Reto Nay

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

@rhemes1582 and @Holy Cannoli: You remind me of those "conservative" Catholics who were praising the wonderful "conservative" bishops which JPII used to name and which, since then, have seamlessly adapted to all the popes who followed him. Do you remember how Justice Roberts was praised when he was named? I do. Therefore: It's best to keep cool and distant until facts (not nice words) prove otherwise.
Don Reto Nay

Thoughts? Priest sick in bed celebrating Mass

@Cuthbert Mayne: I agree with all of your points. There is a further point: the Sacramentum Tantum = the visible rite of the sacrament. In this case there are two visual perspectives: one is the camera and one is the priest. The perspective of the camera is dreadful, so it should not have been there to begin with. It gives a distorted and dreadful view of the sacrament (yes, Christ was also lying …More
@Cuthbert Mayne: I agree with all of your points. There is a further point: the Sacramentum Tantum = the visible rite of the sacrament. In this case there are two visual perspectives: one is the camera and one is the priest. The perspective of the camera is dreadful, so it should not have been there to begin with. It gives a distorted and dreadful view of the sacrament (yes, Christ was also lying down during the Last Supper, and, no, Holy Mass is not an imitation of the Last Supper). There is the perspective of the priest who is not able to stand up anymore and who celebrates Mass according to his possibilities (why without vestments?). The situation, this priest is in, does not a priori preclude him from saying Mass, however, it does preclude him from saying Mass for a congregation which has virtually been brought in through the camera. It's wrong to display every detail of the Mass into the eyes of the viewers, many parts of the Mass are hidden (at least in the original Roman Rite), here it is even wronger to do so, for obvious reasons.
Don Reto Nay

Dr. Elke De Klerk, Netherlands: We do not have a medical pandemic

"Lawsuits" will not help because the judges are appointed by those in power...
Don Reto Nay

Streit im Bistum Chur: Katholiken ziehen gegen Diözesanadministrator vors Kirchengericht

"Kirchengericht" - ist das was zum Essen: Witz des Jahres 😂 😂😂
Don Reto Nay

Das Haushaltsgesetz vom 24.05.2019 veranschlagt 20000000000 € zur Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie. …

@nujaas Nachschlag: Das scheint wohl die Lösung zu sein, aber müsste dann nicht auch das Datum angegeben sein, wann der Nachtrag gemacht wurde? Bzw. Was bedeutet 24. Mai 2019? Was ist an diesem Tag geschehen?
Don Reto Nay

Das Haushaltsgesetz vom 24.05.2019 veranschlagt 20000000000 € zur Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie. …

@nujaas Nachschlag: Dann ist die Datumsangabe bei dem Corona-Gesetz (24.05.2019) ein Fehler?
Don Reto Nay

Das Haushaltsgesetz vom 24.05.2019 veranschlagt 20000000000 € zur Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie. …

@nujaas Nachschlag: Meine Frage war, wie kann man verstehen, dass dieses Gesetz im Mai 2019 verabschiedet wurde? Wusste man damals schon etwas on der Coronavirus-"Epidemie"?
Don Reto Nay

ACB calmly dismantle Sen Amy Klobuchar is amazing

"that doesn't mean that Roe should be overruled"...
Don Reto Nay

Das Haushaltsgesetz vom 24.05.2019 veranschlagt 20000000000 € zur Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie. …

Jemand scheint kräftig an dieser "Epidemie" der Dummheit zu verdienen. Kann jemand dieses Gesetz erklären?
Don Reto Nay

Schönborn an Neupriester: "Hört auf die Stimme des Volkes"

Wie kann man diese Uebereinstimmung ermitteln wenn alle "still schweigen"? Man redet auch gerne von der "schweigenden Mehrheit", die sich dem Regime widersetzt. Was sind "wesentliche Bevölkerungsteile"? Ich habe immer ein mulmiges Gefühl, wenn man an das "Volk" appelliert. Sogar bei einer Abstimmung: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Don Reto Nay

Schönborn an Neupriester: "Hört auf die Stimme des Volkes"

@Mk16,16: Ausserdem ist "Volksfrömmigkeit" ein glitschiger Begriff, der durchaus auch von den Modernisten missbraucht wird.
Don Reto Nay

Schönborn an Neupriester: "Hört auf die Stimme des Volkes"

Er sagt, dass sie auf die "Stimme des Volkes" hören sollen und erklärt dann irgendwo im Dickicht seiner Predigt, dass das die "Stimme der Volksfrömmigkeit" sei. Es lebe die zweideutige Spreche!
Don Reto Nay

Schönborn an Neupriester: "Hört auf die Stimme des Volkes"

Abgesehen davon: Was ist "die Stimme des Volkes"?