Anyone who watches porn commits rape.

As Laura pointed out to me, had abortion been illegal or unavailable...

the abuse would likely have ended, her abuser would have been locked up, and her first child would be alive today. Instead, legalized abortion provided cover for immoral men, paving the way for more …More
the abuse would likely have ended, her abuser would have been locked up, and her first child would be alive today.
Instead, legalized abortion provided cover for immoral men, paving the way for more abuse and more destruction.
Through Laura’s Eyes: Abortion’s False Promise of Empowerment – Physicians for Life
The only “empowerment” in this scenario was realized was by the men who raped a preteen and by the abortionists who killed her children for financial profit.
As Catholics, or even well meaning people we have an obligation to fight against the push to legalize all abortion in this country, even in Maine, and Arkansas. This push is a spiritual battle and can only be defeated by spiritual means, but where are the Bishops and Priest?
Where are the special Masses, Where are the daily Rosaries requested by the Blessed Virgin, how about the daily Angelus where all Catholics pray in union with the whole Church at 6am, noon, and 6 pm every day? and the processions.
And where is the Catholic …
Tom Jones shares this

The Court of Appeals said that he could be and said..

there is no presumption for continued existence in the law of the state of California. The Betrayal of Hippocrates This is in practice here, in Philadelphia, PA "Basically, what it says is if a hospital …More
there is no presumption for continued existence in the law of the state of California.
The Betrayal of Hippocrates
This is in practice here, in Philadelphia, PA "Basically, what it says is if a hospital ethics committee says that the care shall not be approved in that hospital, even if you find a doctor willing to provide the care, they can't do it. That's in a Catholic hospital."
Is there a website where people can get this protective medical decision document?
Yes. Advance Directive: Protective Medical Decisions Document | Patients Rights Council
Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones
Start a rosary club at your school or campus today! Click here to get started.More
Start a rosary club at your school or campus today!
Click here to get started.

God in School: Student-Run Rosary Club Converts Souls in Public School

Instead of retreating, one Texas high school student has started something daring. Philip confronted the immorality at school by …
Start a rosary club at your school or campus today! Click here to get started.More
Start a rosary club at your school or campus today!
Click here to get started.

God in School: Student-Run Rosary Club Converts Souls in Public School

Instead of retreating, one Texas high school student has started something daring. Philip confronted the immorality at school by …
Tom Jones shares this
Start a rosary club at your school or campus today! Click here to get started.More
Start a rosary club at your school or campus today!
Click here to get started.
There is hope. May God richly bless them
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Tom Jones shares from Tom Jones
If no-one tells the truth then who will know it?

It is time that that the Church enter the public schools

Planned Parenthood has been there for decades Abortion Businesses Masquerade as Health Centers in K-12 Schools to Prey on Kids yet the Church remains silent while the children over which they have …More
Planned Parenthood has been there for decades Abortion Businesses Masquerade as Health Centers in K-12 Schools to Prey on Kids
yet the Church remains silent while the children over which they have charge are preyed on, this need not be so.]
Every Parish could hot a Students for Life chapter in the local schools to provide students the truth, that each child is a human made in the likeness of GOD. Start A Group - Students for Life of America
Why should the Church remain silent about eternal truths, The devil has not ever refrained from lying!
The wages of sin are death, this is as true today as it ever was.

How Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? New Scientific Evidence Gives Clues

“And the Lord rained down sulfur upon Sodom and Gomorrah, fire from the Lord out of heaven. He overthrew those cities and the …

It is time that that the Church enter the public schools

Planned Parenthood has been there for decades Abortion Businesses Masquerade as Health Centers in K-12 Schools to Prey on Kids yet the Church remains silent while the children over which they have …More
Planned Parenthood has been there for decades Abortion Businesses Masquerade as Health Centers in K-12 Schools to Prey on Kids
yet the Church remains silent while the children over which they have charge are preyed on, this need not be so.]
Every Parish could hot a Students for Life chapter in the local schools to provide students the truth, that each child is a human made in the likeness of GOD. Start A Group - Students for Life of America
Why should the Church remain silent about eternal truths, The devil has not ever refrained from lying!
Tom Jones shares this
If no-one tells the truth then who will know it?

People knew that the evil of the day was to resisted,

was to be fought, and was meant to be defeated in 1941. workers and students went on strike against the NAZI evil and slow the advance of the evil by denying it war materials, solders and cheap labor. …More
was to be fought, and was meant to be defeated in 1941. workers and students went on strike against the NAZI evil and slow the advance of the evil by denying it war materials, solders and cheap labor. The Amsterdam General Strike of February 1941 | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
In today's time the evil been allowed to sprout under the guise of a "new right", and a way to eliminated the new undesirable Children made in the image of GOD. No human is to be culled like sick livestock, etc. Margaret Sanger: Ambitious Feminist and Racist Eugenicist
Yet today the Church is not fighting with all the might given to her. Simply Declining to sign is not enough Where is the call from the Ambo to fight evil in Arkansas
Let all Catholics make a holy hour of reparation, daily rosaries, and the Angelus 3x a day where ever we are for the defeat of Evil in Arkansas and in our homes.
" Their findings, described as a "dose-responsive relationship," pegged one IA to a 44% rise in risk of breast cancer, two IAs to 76% and three to 89%."

Hard truths about abortion

A new study will leave pro-choicers nervous: The more pregnancies that are terminated, the higher the woman's cancer risk becomes. One in 10 new cancers worldwide is a female …
Everyday for Life Canada
Note the article is published in the Catholic Education Research Centre. It should be front page news. But in the west governments and the MSM aren’t …More
Note the article is published in the Catholic Education Research Centre. It should be front page news. But in the west governments and the MSM aren’t interested in the link between breast cancer and abortion which includes the regular use of contraception. There is just too much money at stake. The non-coverage reaction has been the same regarding the adverse effects of the experimental shot. The big pharmaceuticals operate as legalized mafia.
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There is only one thing that is good in itself: God.

The Fear of Meaning | The Fatima Center All useful goods are only used properly when they lead us to God. When they take us away from God, they become sins.More
The Fear of Meaning | The Fatima Center
All useful goods are only used properly when they lead us to God. When they take us away from God, they become sins.
Tom Jones
The Stations of the Cross composed by Ignatius Cardinal Kung Pin-Mei during his imprisonment in Communist ChinaMore
The Stations of the Cross
composed by Ignatius Cardinal Kung Pin-Mei during his imprisonment in Communist China
20 pages
What an excellent testimony! Persecution united to the Cross of Christ. Very hard to do.
It is not enough to "decline to Sign". As Catholics we are called to fight against evil and for justice where it is possible. Every member of a parish should ask their priest for Holy Hours of Reparation …More
It is not enough to "decline to Sign".
As Catholics we are called to fight against evil and for justice where it is possible.
Every member of a parish should ask their priest for Holy Hours of Reparation, pray the Rosary daily, pray the Angelus at 6 am, noon, and 6 pm in union with the whole Church and confront the abortion advocates in this spiritual warfare.
Also tell your neighbors that abortion is the intentional killing of someone made in the image of GOD.
Go forth into your neighborhood and Evangelize.

DECLINE TO SIGN Campaign – Arkansas Right To Life

Stand Against the Radical Arkansas Abortion Amendment! Watch the Arkansas Right to Life press conference about the Decline to Sign campaign held Feb. 28…
Tom Jones
Thou shalt not kill [Exodus 20:13] 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. The Church needs to defeat this! This is a spiritual battle, not just a ballot effort. For the Church and all it's members not …More
Thou shalt not kill [Exodus 20:13] 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
The Church needs to defeat this! This is a spiritual battle, not just a ballot effort.
For the Church and all it's members not opposing this is a sin of omission.

Pro-life groups warn Arkansans against signing 'extreme' abortion amendment petition

The Right To Life, along with other pro-life organizations, are asking Arkansans to decline to sign the petition to …

Where is the call from the Ambo to fight evil in Arkansas

There is an effort to remove all state oversite of abortion in Arkansas and the bishop is not leading a spiritual battle. Has not Ohio, and Minnesotans example shown that just writing letters asking …More
There is an effort to remove all state oversite of abortion in Arkansas and the bishop is not leading a spiritual battle. Has not Ohio, and Minnesotans example shown that just writing letters asking the flock to not join the campaign shown that mere half (or less) hearted attempts will guarantee the passage of this in Arkansas as well.
Bishop addresses state abortion petition
Yes, yes it has, and even though the Governor of Ohio campaigned against the extreme measure himself it was not enough, if the Church will not start acting like the eucharist is the Body of Christ she will fail again.
To do anything short of acting like this is a new crusade will allow another state to fall to the devil's efforts.
Where are the Processions, Holy Hours, Special Masses, Homilies and Daily Rosaries, not only at the clinics but at the Hospitals and most important in the Home (the domestic Church)?
If the Church will not lead now when will it? This is too important to wait till after another election …More

St Polycarp and suffering

St. Polycarp and the Response to Suffer | The Fatima Center “Don’t you know who I am, Polycarp?” the heretic Marcion asked. “Oh yes,” said the saint, “I know the firstborn of satan when I see him.”More
St. Polycarp and the Response to Suffer | The Fatima Center
“Don’t you know who I am, Polycarp?” the heretic Marcion asked.
“Oh yes,” said the saint, “I know the firstborn of satan when I see him.”
Marysrose shares this
We must take up our crosses, because to follow Jesus is to enrage satan. It is more difficult to do what's right, and doing evil is often easier in this …More
We must take up our crosses, because to follow Jesus is to enrage satan. It is more difficult to do what's right, and doing evil is often easier in this fallen world.

The violence in the village of Essakane was a “terrorist attack”

that left 12 of the Catholic faithful dead at the scene, while three others died later as they were being treated for their wounds, At least 15 Catholic worshippers were killed in an attack during a …More
that left 12 of the Catholic faithful dead at the scene, while three others died later as they were being treated for their wounds,
At least 15 Catholic worshippers were killed in an attack during a service in northern Burkina Faso
Please pray for their Souls
"Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
What is True Charity?

True Charity

How often is our intent to be as helpful and charitable as possible to everyone who needs us, so that others may have the peace and help from us that they require? And how often do we fail …

How many books are in the Bible, and why?

. That in important respects, the false belief that we are in control is even more destructive than serious diseases.

Plagues, Politics, Prayers

One thing at least is certain about an epidemic like the Coronavirus: we should not look at it, or any other natural evil, in merely materialistic or even medical terms. In …