
Amazonian Savagery

Prayhard, this is exactly correct.

Syncretistic Announcement: First Mass In Paris Cathedral

Trying to look ridiculous in the sanctuary, while wearing Catholic vestments is done on purpose. It's all part of the deconstruction.
These are all simpletons and buffoons. But they are also, wittingly or no, the tools of the enemy.More
Trying to look ridiculous in the sanctuary, while wearing Catholic vestments is done on purpose. It's all part of the deconstruction.

These are all simpletons and buffoons. But they are also, wittingly or no, the tools of the enemy.

My Teacher Kicked Me Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

The young man handled himself well. That "teacher" actually did him a favor. Being in a class run by a mind controlled drone is worse than a waste of time, it can be dangerous, particularly for the young.

Francis Actually Reads Blogs He Fears For His “Mental Hygiene”

"Mental hygiene?" Well at least he's aware that he needs his mind cleaned up. So there's that.

Cdl. Cupich defends giving Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians

Counterproductive to what ends? He's simply repeating Dolan's subterfuge. He is a coward just like Dolan.
Actually, sanctions do have a remedial effect and can change behavior. But more importantly, that is if you're interested in souls and protecting the Eucharistic Lord, which these hirelings obviously are not, is to prevent a sacrilege which further imperils the soul and is a gross offense to …More
Counterproductive to what ends? He's simply repeating Dolan's subterfuge. He is a coward just like Dolan.

Actually, sanctions do have a remedial effect and can change behavior. But more importantly, that is if you're interested in souls and protecting the Eucharistic Lord, which these hirelings obviously are not, is to prevent a sacrilege which further imperils the soul and is a gross offense to our Lord. What do they care? Not one sliver.

And when you have Cupich and Dolan spewing this drivel, what is the incentive for the offending politicians to amend their life before it's too late?

No Old Rite in The Order of Malta

Admitting that you've been wrong your whole life about something so important must be tough. Obviously for Fra Della Torre; impossible. No matter. The revolutionaries won't last forever. And neither will their mass. The Mass of All Ages, however...

Two Cardinals, Three Bishops Correct Francis, Answer Dubia

Like probably all of the good folks who regularly comment here, I read and keep up every day with the goings on in the Church, such as they are. Usually these days it's an unpleasant task but the enemy doesn't sleep, so neither must we. Sometimes reading yet another piece about Bergoglio's shenanigans, or even more of the sodomite priests, Christian persecution... makes you a little battle weary. …More
Like probably all of the good folks who regularly comment here, I read and keep up every day with the goings on in the Church, such as they are. Usually these days it's an unpleasant task but the enemy doesn't sleep, so neither must we. Sometimes reading yet another piece about Bergoglio's shenanigans, or even more of the sodomite priests, Christian persecution... makes you a little battle weary. War is hell.

I read through the 40 points in the declaration of truths and it was a refreshing and energizing read. A welcome tonic to stave off a little battle fatigue. Please read the 40 points. It reminded me that the truth never dies and it is embodied in the Church, Deo gratias. Keep fighting.

Francis Ready To Share Eucharist With Non-Catholics

I may be a nut but it seems to me like the Lord is working through this evil little man. Every time he opens his mouth he makes it more difficult for people to believe that the edifice that was erected since the council is still the Catholic Church. We've been pretending for half a century now, even in the face of wholesale changes that left practically nothing of the Church untouched, that all of …More
I may be a nut but it seems to me like the Lord is working through this evil little man. Every time he opens his mouth he makes it more difficult for people to believe that the edifice that was erected since the council is still the Catholic Church. We've been pretending for half a century now, even in the face of wholesale changes that left practically nothing of the Church untouched, that all of this novelty and man made shenanigans that were supplanting tradition was still Catholic.

At what point will it be impossible to ignore that what exists in Rome and in most parishes in the west is simply not the Catholic Church?

We know Holy Mother Church will never die, even though it may appear so. Where is She now? It makes me think of the time after the Crucifixion when He was apparently gone. Some believers went into despair. Doubters mocked because there is no way He is Who He said He was. Can't be. He was executed like any other normal man.

Then three days later He returns in Glory.

Is that where we are? I think Jorge is going to continue to bury all things genuinely Catholic so it will get worse. As the beautiful Bride of Christ keeps getting more and more obscured by a corrupted, modernist, worldly episcopate, clergy, and so called pontificate, we can be sure that when it appears She is completely gone forever, She will emerge again in wonderful splendor.

I'm not too old yet. I hope I'm alive to see it.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and for the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Gänswein: Religion, Sexual Behavior Will "Not Matter" At Last Judgement

This guy is not a Catholic. This is a different faith, folks. That said, Jorge will probably make him a Cardinal.

No Dialogue: Vatican Kills Little Sisters Of Mary

Sad and infuriating at the same time. If they were running around in pant suits and living their "vocation" by being left wing political activists, the Vatican would applaud them.

Bishop Paprocki: Communion Prohibited to Catholic Lawmakers Who Voted for Illinois Abortion Law

I just wrote a brief note of thanks and encouragement to His Excellency, Bishop Paprocki.

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

Thanks, isaac.

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

No. I wrote a specific comment not about a group, but about a website. The fact that it apparently sees fit to publish an article disparaging the Mass that nourished the entire Church, her faithful, and all her saints for about 1,400 years pretty much illustrates my point. You want to visit there? Knock yourself out. If you have a thin skin about people's comments beneath the things you post, there …More
No. I wrote a specific comment not about a group, but about a website. The fact that it apparently sees fit to publish an article disparaging the Mass that nourished the entire Church, her faithful, and all her saints for about 1,400 years pretty much illustrates my point. You want to visit there? Knock yourself out. If you have a thin skin about people's comments beneath the things you post, there are a few ways that spring to mind whereby you can spare yourself the anguish.

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

That was a sincere comment.

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

OnePeterFive? No thanks.

Satanic: "Abortion is health care"

In America there is a history of people who crave fame and popularity, celebrity status, but have virtually no talent. So the only means they have of attracting attention is to do something they think will shock people. It works. The first no-talent to deploy this strategy was Elvis Presley. He was a good looking guy with a decent singing voice. That's it. Dime a dozen. He couldn't write songs. He …More
In America there is a history of people who crave fame and popularity, celebrity status, but have virtually no talent. So the only means they have of attracting attention is to do something they think will shock people. It works. The first no-talent to deploy this strategy was Elvis Presley. He was a good looking guy with a decent singing voice. That's it. Dime a dozen. He couldn't write songs. He wasn't a guitarist outside of three chords. The guitar was basically a prop. How did he become a superstar? He did the unheard of in 1950's America: he gyrated around his lower regions in a sexual manner on television. That's what got him all the attention and coverage. If not for that he would have flopped in the music business and ended up going back to Tupelo to sell life insurance or something.

The lesson was quickly learned and Elvis is pretty much the patron "saint" of spotlight craving no talents. Trouble is once one guy shakes his nether regions, the bar for what is "shocking" is now raised. So the next no talent that comes along must do something even more shocking to garner the same effect.

Miley Cyrus (the imbecile in the picture) is one of these. In lieu of actual talent, this is the kind of thing she comes up with in order to attract attention. It's pathetic, actually. It's not even shocking anymore. It's predictably boring and dumb.

Cathedral’s new pitch to youth? Crazy golf

So we have a 900 year old Catholic church, taken over by anglicans, who then proceed to turn it into a center for goofy golf for the kids. Somewhat of a downward trajectory I think. Given the equally downward trajectory of merry old England, I suppose they may as well have a little fun in the place before they finally turn it into a mosque.

Trump's Campaign Promises. Let's see how Trump is doing so far on his promises. The following information …

Exactly right, fr. Not to mention the first two years of his presidency dealing with the Russian collusion hoax perpetrated by democrats and corrupt intelligence agencies and gleefully furthered by media. Nothing short of an attempted coup d'état and that isn't overstating it.
By the way; great avatar.More
Exactly right, fr. Not to mention the first two years of his presidency dealing with the Russian collusion hoax perpetrated by democrats and corrupt intelligence agencies and gleefully furthered by media. Nothing short of an attempted coup d'état and that isn't overstating it.

By the way; great avatar.

Prof. Pecknold on Anglican, "Certainly in Heaven"

And separated from the Mystical Body? But he's "certain." I have told my family to not let some idiot priest canonize me at my funeral, thereby depriving me of the prayer and supplication I will require while I roast in purgatory.
The vile heresy of protestantism, in all its forms, should have been quashed long ago. That it has not been done is a failure of the Church Militant. And, of course, with …More
And separated from the Mystical Body? But he's "certain." I have told my family to not let some idiot priest canonize me at my funeral, thereby depriving me of the prayer and supplication I will require while I roast in purgatory.

The vile heresy of protestantism, in all its forms, should have been quashed long ago. That it has not been done is a failure of the Church Militant. And, of course, with the modernist ecumania still in full swing, souls will continue to be lost with those they leave behind "certain" of their sainthood.