
Francis Ready To Share Eucharist With Non-Catholics

“There is already Christian unity,” Pope Francis claimed on his June 2 flight from Sibiu, Romania, to Rome. He added, “Let’s not wait for the theologians to come to agreement on the Eucharist.” Father …More
“There is already Christian unity,” Pope Francis claimed on his June 2 flight from Sibiu, Romania, to Rome.
He added, “Let’s not wait for the theologians to come to agreement on the Eucharist.”
Father Thomas Reese asks on religionnews.com (June 5) if Francis was “signaling his willingness to move toward Eucharistic sharing without total theological agreement” which according to Reese “would be consistent with everything else he is saying.”
But the reality is different. In Romania, Francis could not even pray the “Our Father” with the Romanian Orthodox Patriarch due to lack of unity. Francis said it in Latin, the Patriarch afterwards in Romanian.
Further: The Eucharist is not about "the theologians" but about "theology," which means, about the truth. Eucharist without truth is a lie.
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNkvggyjmjz
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Don't these converted heretics need to go to confession first? Can't see them lining up for confession can you?
Gesù è con noi
He is not only a heretic but also an apostate.
Claudius Cartapus
Matthew 7,6: Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Jesus please cleanse your church from the wolfes with sheeps clothing
Jesus is doing it now, very soon all Satan's agents in Francis church will be rooted out. Divine Justice has come. Grateful to God.
I may be a nut but it seems to me like the Lord is working through this evil little man. Every time he opens his mouth he makes it more difficult for people to believe that the edifice that was erected since the council is still the Catholic Church. We've been pretending for half a century now, even in the face of wholesale changes that left practically nothing of the Church untouched, that all of …More
I may be a nut but it seems to me like the Lord is working through this evil little man. Every time he opens his mouth he makes it more difficult for people to believe that the edifice that was erected since the council is still the Catholic Church. We've been pretending for half a century now, even in the face of wholesale changes that left practically nothing of the Church untouched, that all of this novelty and man made shenanigans that were supplanting tradition was still Catholic.

At what point will it be impossible to ignore that what exists in Rome and in most parishes in the west is simply not the Catholic Church?

We know Holy Mother Church will never die, even though it may appear so. Where is She now? It makes me think of the time after the Crucifixion when He was apparently gone. Some believers went into despair. Doubters mocked because there is no way He is Who He said He was. Can't be. He was executed like any other normal man.

Then three days later He returns in Glory.

Is that where we are? I think Jorge is going to continue to bury all things genuinely Catholic so it will get worse. As the beautiful Bride of Christ keeps getting more and more obscured by a corrupted, modernist, worldly episcopate, clergy, and so called pontificate, we can be sure that when it appears She is completely gone forever, She will emerge again in wonderful splendor.

I'm not too old yet. I hope I'm alive to see it.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and for the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
You have seen it now. Thousand sodomite priests even in high places have been revealed and prosecuted. RCC is Jesus Christ's Church, Francis and his minions and even their master have no power to prevail it.
Hell smiles.
Jorge must be on some sort of meds that causes delusions.
This man is an apostate. He is not Catholic.
It is a fallacy that a Pope must 'speak from the chair' in order to change Doctrine. He is living proof of that. He manages to get the job done by going thru the back door. Wow! What an EVIL MAN. He's moving like a speeding bullet to establish the globalists "ONE WORLD RELIGION'
His job (his paid job!) its to MAKE THIS HAPPEN... ONE WORLD RELIGION (one world gvt) .... to clear the path for the one that will come on his OWN NAME...
he is not the pope of the Catholic Church... he is the "director" of the CONCILIAR churchMore
His job (his paid job!) its to MAKE THIS HAPPEN... ONE WORLD RELIGION (one world gvt) .... to clear the path for the one that will come on his OWN NAME...

he is not the pope of the Catholic Church... he is the "director" of the CONCILIAR church