
Francis Visits Orthodox Cathedral (Romania)

Did he kiss anybody's extremities or did he decide to keep the faux humility shtick under wraps this trip?

Kwasniewski changed his position back to Francis is pope

He knows where his bread is buttered. Trouble is there is worldly bread, and other worldly bread.

The Abuse-Hoax Is All About Money: Francis Kissed the Wrong Guy's Hands

It would have been amusing if Lisinski took a page out of Bergoglio's book and snatched his hand away at the last moment.

Ireland: Divorce Gets Easier [Divorce Children Are Happy...]

It's not as if they have the experience of other nations that have gone down that awful path to consider. In countries that have long ago normalized contraception, abortion, and pretended that marriage is not indissoluble by instituting no fault divorce; the destruction to society, families, and individuals that has resulted is crystal clear. Yet the Irish go down the same road anyway.

Vicar quits over school's plan to hide pupil's sex change from parents

My father's generation died by the thousands in their young manhood liberating Europe. They didn't get to come home, take a wife and make a family, raise children, grow to old age and enjoy grandchildren, and spend a lifetime serving almighty God. For what? This? It boils my blood. NATO article five must be abolished. A people too stupid to defend itself and so depraved is not worth defending at all. …More
My father's generation died by the thousands in their young manhood liberating Europe. They didn't get to come home, take a wife and make a family, raise children, grow to old age and enjoy grandchildren, and spend a lifetime serving almighty God. For what? This? It boils my blood. NATO article five must be abolished. A people too stupid to defend itself and so depraved is not worth defending at all.

Let Europe know that they are on their own. When the hordes arrive; the US is not coming. Maybe then they'll figure out that either they raise their boys to be men who love their own people and their heritage, and are not afraid to fight for it, or they will perish from the earth.

Vatican Archbishop: Francis' Pontificate Is “True Springtime of the Church”

"True springtime?" What happened to the regular old springtime of Vatican II? That obviously flopped miserably so now we're looking at "true" springtime! Not that bogus springtime these old queens have been trying to sell for the last half century. It's the new and improved version! For a new time and a new generation! No it will really really work this time, we promise! OK I know we promised last …More
"True springtime?" What happened to the regular old springtime of Vatican II? That obviously flopped miserably so now we're looking at "true" springtime! Not that bogus springtime these old queens have been trying to sell for the last half century. It's the new and improved version! For a new time and a new generation! No it will really really work this time, we promise! OK I know we promised last time too but this time we mean it! Aggiornamento!

It's like the dumb, rock headed socialists who keep promising utopia, louse it up every time they try, but still keep coming back with, "no this time we're really going to make it work for sure!"

And somehow idiots keep swallowing the same lie.

Francis Approves Missal Containing Serious Mistakes

He's staring down his enemy.

They are speaking about unborn babies

If they view their wombs solely as a means to house an unwanted parasite, why would they not have their wombs removed? Wouldn't that solve the issue as they obviously see it permanently?
But they don't do that, do they? Why? Because someday they know they might want a baby. So for them, if the child is wanted, it is a child. If the child is not wanted, it is a "parasite" and must be killed.
These …More
If they view their wombs solely as a means to house an unwanted parasite, why would they not have their wombs removed? Wouldn't that solve the issue as they obviously see it permanently?

But they don't do that, do they? Why? Because someday they know they might want a baby. So for them, if the child is wanted, it is a child. If the child is not wanted, it is a "parasite" and must be killed.

These are the kinds of idiots our universities are cranking out.

Say "THANK YOU" to Alabama Governor for Banning Abortion

Dr. Leana Wen: racist as well as a baby killer for money. What a piece of work.

"This is simply man's pride thinking he can play God"

And in defining objective reality itself, which is solely the realm of God. If the good Lord made you male and you think that was an error, then female you will be. Living a life of illusion. I want no part of that arrogance and obstinate refusal to conform oneself to what is and instead construct a lie to live in that suits your whim, and demand everyone go along with it.
It's either an outright …More
And in defining objective reality itself, which is solely the realm of God. If the good Lord made you male and you think that was an error, then female you will be. Living a life of illusion. I want no part of that arrogance and obstinate refusal to conform oneself to what is and instead construct a lie to live in that suits your whim, and demand everyone go along with it.

It's either an outright (and futile) defiance of God, or a confused soul who has rejected God, convinced himself that God never existed anyway, so therefore I am the master.

Humanity, also in our pride, fancies ourselves "evolved," "progressed," and the always nauseating "enlightened." Yet we keep on making the same dumb mistakes for the same sinful reasons that caused the fall in the first place.

Francis at Mass: Be free from fear of migrants and refugees

Can we at least stop calling them "migrants" as if they're harmless pixies strolling through a meadow? They're vile muslim invaders. Any society who doesn't repel them will die an unpleasant death. Muslim history speaks for itself, in case anyone in Europistan is paying attention.

German Theologians present Our Lady as vulva

The Errors of Eve 2.0 is more accurate. Come to think of it, that should be the feminist's slogan.

Cardinal Müller Claims Francis "Not A Heretic“

"The "worst thing" happening in the Church is when a pope is accused of heresy"
Wrong. The "worst thing" is when you have a heretic imposter running around pretending to be the pope, and everyone goes along with it.
Nobody accused the pope of heresy. It's Jorge who is the heretic.
Note well who, FINALLY, answered the dubia: the Pope.More
"The "worst thing" happening in the Church is when a pope is accused of heresy"

Wrong. The "worst thing" is when you have a heretic imposter running around pretending to be the pope, and everyone goes along with it.

Nobody accused the pope of heresy. It's Jorge who is the heretic.

Note well who, FINALLY, answered the dubia: the Pope.

The Dubia Were Answered

Fitting coming from Benedict. Only the Pope can answer dubia.

Catholic Answers Begins Promoting Alyssa Milano's New Chastity Talk

Could she possibly be a more gigantic bubble head? If nothing else her "right course of action for the wrong reasons" approach should at least impeach her once and for all as someone worth listening to even among the celebrity worshipers who actually, up until now, take her seriously.

When John Paul II met [yet not praised] abortionist Emma Bonino

Thanks, Ludovic. My post was intended with a bit of sarcasm. As ludicrous as the explanation is, the only way for the groupies worshiping in the cult of JPII to make themselves comfortable with the unsavory fact that so much filth was permeating the Church and festering while he sat on the throne for almost thirty years is to tell themselves that he simply didn't know about any of it. Lunacy.

Francis Faces Opposition During Angelus

Jorge doesn't care one whit about the Italians, any Europeans, or what's left of the west in general. He despises the west like the faithful leftist he is.

Voting as means if Francis is a heretic

That's what protestants do: vote on what truth is. If you would have taken a poll in the fourth century, the overwhelming majority of respondents would have said that Arias was not a heretic. All of them would have been wrong.
How many so called Catholics currently would vote that contraception is ok? The vast majority in the west for sure. Again, all of them would be wrong.
Tobin is an imbecile …More
That's what protestants do: vote on what truth is. If you would have taken a poll in the fourth century, the overwhelming majority of respondents would have said that Arias was not a heretic. All of them would have been wrong.

How many so called Catholics currently would vote that contraception is ok? The vast majority in the west for sure. Again, all of them would be wrong.

Tobin is an imbecile and emblematic of one of the problems in the Church: stupid, compromised bishops. Shepherds are supposed to lead the flock in truth, and towards the truth which is Jesus Christ. Instead, this hireling Tobin is taking a poll among the flock so that they can lead him in the pursuit of popular opinion, which we'll go ahead and then call "truth."

Death Penalty: Heretical Francis Claims That A Moral Teaching Can Turn Into Its Opposite

I don't think there are any subjects for which he has competency.

Christian Scripture in YouTube Jail

She's an idiot.