
There Has Never Been a "Female Diaconate" - Cardinal Müller

While we're on the subject can anyone tell me the Church's purpose for a male permanent diaconate?

Pope Rejects 'Excessive Demand for Sovereignty', Pushes Idea of Global Authority

I guess holy mother church was as wrong about subsidiarity for 2000 years as she was about the death penalty according to this marxist jesuit buffoon. He's not simply a heretic he's apostate, if he ever actually had the faith to begin with.

Bp. Schneider: Pope must formally correct statement that God wills false religions

I agree with His Excellency. But if Bergoglio doesn't, then what will be done?

Screenshotted, Bishop Rick Stika deleted this offending tweet

Is that the same picture of Luther that Francis put on a Vatican stamp?

Shocking Profanation Of Eucharist During Easter Mass

I don't want this guy to consume the Blessed Sacrament in the state he's in at all. I think it's reasonable to assume he is not in a state of grace so his consumption would be a sacrilege piled upon whatever other issues he has. For this guy's own good he needs to turn the host over to one or more ushers, however many it takes to convince him that he's outnumbered, and he has no choice but to comply. …More
I don't want this guy to consume the Blessed Sacrament in the state he's in at all. I think it's reasonable to assume he is not in a state of grace so his consumption would be a sacrilege piled upon whatever other issues he has. For this guy's own good he needs to turn the host over to one or more ushers, however many it takes to convince him that he's outnumbered, and he has no choice but to comply.

Communion in the hand needs to be abolished.

Shocking Profanation Of Eucharist During Easter Mass

Another lash to the Body of Our Lord made possible by the idiotic practice of Communion in the hand, which is a profanation in and of itself. The Church sanctions such a practice as licit, knowing full well it not only makes Him vulnerable, as it did here, but it is irreverent and serves to erode belief in the Real Presence.
This guy is mentally disturbed, drug addled, or possessed in some way. …More
Another lash to the Body of Our Lord made possible by the idiotic practice of Communion in the hand, which is a profanation in and of itself. The Church sanctions such a practice as licit, knowing full well it not only makes Him vulnerable, as it did here, but it is irreverent and serves to erode belief in the Real Presence.

This guy is mentally disturbed, drug addled, or possessed in some way. What's the Church's excuse?

Burning of Christian churches in Israel justified, far-Right Jewish leader says

How is this guy "far right?" Seems to me the only ones in modern history that have persecuted Christians and destroyed their churches are the marxists/socialists. Communist China is destroying churches right now. Is Xi Jinping a "far right" Chinese leader? Funny but you never see "far left" in any headlines, do you?

Why I Didn’t Sign The Open Letter Accusing The Pope Of Heresy

I was quoting Fr. Harrison. I have added that on edit for clarity.

Why I Didn’t Sign The Open Letter Accusing The Pope Of Heresy

Quoting Fr. Brian Harrison: " I declined, because I don’t think you can judge someone — especially a Pope! — to be a formal (i.e., pertinacious or obstinate) heretic without first hearing what he might have to say in his self-defense. That’s an elementary question of due process!"
Jorge has only been sitting on the dubia for over two and a half years. Abp. Vigano also made his case public and …More
Quoting Fr. Brian Harrison: " I declined, because I don’t think you can judge someone — especially a Pope! — to be a formal (i.e., pertinacious or obstinate) heretic without first hearing what he might have to say in his self-defense. That’s an elementary question of due process!"

Jorge has only been sitting on the dubia for over two and a half years. Abp. Vigano also made his case public and Jorge chose to ignore it. He's had plenty chances to respond.

When John Paul II met [yet not praised] abortionist Emma Bonino

Didn't you know? JPII had no clue about anybody. He was surrounded by people who kept him in the dark for almost thirty years as pope. Incredible how they pulled that off.

Hahahaha, you don't mean that. Agreed: let’s free journalism from leftist propagenda

I'm certain I don't even know what a "culture of encounter" is and I'm also certain that I don't like the sound of it. It's reminiscent of that 70's, Im ok you're ok, let's all hug, fluffy bs instead of talking about actual truths because that's too hard and it hurts people's feelings. Effeminate, sickening bilge.
The only "encounter" Bergoglio needs is one like St. Paul had on his way to Damascus.More
I'm certain I don't even know what a "culture of encounter" is and I'm also certain that I don't like the sound of it. It's reminiscent of that 70's, Im ok you're ok, let's all hug, fluffy bs instead of talking about actual truths because that's too hard and it hurts people's feelings. Effeminate, sickening bilge.

The only "encounter" Bergoglio needs is one like St. Paul had on his way to Damascus.

Papal biographer in deification of Pope Francis

So Bergoglio = Jesus Christ? Get a grip on yourself, Austen.

Episcopal Action Needed to Solve Papal Crisis

"Probably from all that man worship with the novus ordo."
That is an excellent point. Worship misdirected at some point will disorient the person. Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi.More
"Probably from all that man worship with the novus ordo."

That is an excellent point. Worship misdirected at some point will disorient the person. Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi.

Episcopal Action Needed to Solve Papal Crisis

Matt it would be funny if it weren't so infuriating. To the post-conciliar neocat, particulary the delusional "JPII was the bestest pope ever" crowd, the only narrative they can spin is the notion that every post conciliar pope was simply a well intended but ignorant dupe, unaware that they were making bishops and cardinals out of sodomites, and thwarted in their holy intentions by wicked cardinals …More
Matt it would be funny if it weren't so infuriating. To the post-conciliar neocat, particulary the delusional "JPII was the bestest pope ever" crowd, the only narrative they can spin is the notion that every post conciliar pope was simply a well intended but ignorant dupe, unaware that they were making bishops and cardinals out of sodomites, and thwarted in their holy intentions by wicked cardinals that each pope was completely powerless to stop.

And the worst part is that they actually believe that tripe. Why? Because the alternative is too awful for them to bear: that the popes they worship were terrible, including Wojtyla.

Buffalo, Seminarians expose ‘pornographic’ priest party

Why are these filthy perverts not laicized, immediately?

Buffalo, Seminarians expose ‘pornographic’ priest party

I couldn't stand being around either one of these guys for more than five seconds. Their effeminacy is palpable. I guess father sculpted beard thinks he looks cute? I wish the reporter would have asked, "are either one of you sexually attracted to men?" Perfectly legitimate question and the time for tiptoeing around poof priests is over.

Ranting Archbishop Calls Catholics “Aggressive”, “Hostile”

Good point Dr. B. But this goofball is perfectly content that the Church has taken that direction in his homeland and the only thing he dreads is "going back" to the way things were before, i.e. actually Catholic. And let's not forget that the apostate Irish recently legalized the murder of the unborn. And they did so by referendum, not judicial fiat!

Cardinal Tobin Calls Catechism "Hurtful" and "Very Unfortunate"

Bergoglio changed the teaching on the death penalty. If the catechism is based not on truth but on the whim of any goofball running around in a white cassock, then it is worthless. It is worse than worthless, it is dangerous because, as Bergoglio demonstrated, it can contain lies masquerading as truth. If it was wrong on the death penalty, what else is it wrong about? I binned my JPII catechism …More
Bergoglio changed the teaching on the death penalty. If the catechism is based not on truth but on the whim of any goofball running around in a white cassock, then it is worthless. It is worse than worthless, it is dangerous because, as Bergoglio demonstrated, it can contain lies masquerading as truth. If it was wrong on the death penalty, what else is it wrong about? I binned my JPII catechism after that idiot Bergoglio changed it. I wouldn't have that rotten book in my home. There are plenty pre-conciliar catechisms that are trustworthy.

Francis Is Expected To Accept Female "Deacons"

I wish the filthy jesuit argentine will continue so that it will be impossible to deny that the post conciliar church is not the Church. Otherwise it has been a two thousand year old lie.

Today's gift for Francis. The head was offered to Pope Francis by a participant today at the congress …

Now just point him toward mecca and he'll be happy as a clam!
If somebody gave him a Cappello Romano he'd probably refuse itMore
Now just point him toward mecca and he'll be happy as a clam!

If somebody gave him a Cappello Romano he'd probably refuse it