Inclusivity has its limits

Extreme right wingers excluded from voluntary and full-time Church roles. Legal position uncertain

Canon lawyer criticizes the Münster diocese for inaction Schüller: Bishops must also legally define …
Legal games

Abuse of Canon Law by Pope Francis, not least to protect his friends

Francis and the law. A love that never blossomed. In his autobiography released recently, Pope Francis states: "In 2013 there was a …
Under Cannon Law, a Jesuit cannot be pope, it is illegal for Francis to be pope. Jesuits take a special vow to do the Pope's bidding.
Dark shadows

Nazi links to the origins of liturgical reform

Liturgical Movement: Lost Innocence? “Cult of the people – an ecumenical revision”: It is a sensitive and so far underexplored topic that a conference in …
The modern Church plays games

Cardinal and convent condemned and fined by French court

The Community of Dominicans of the Holy Spirit and a Canadian cardinal condemned for the dismissal of Mother Marie Ferréol Mother Marie Ferréol …
Father Karl A Claver
If the corrupt monsters in the Vatican can laicize Father Frank Pavone, they can do it with anyone, even though the rulings are uncanonical, immoral …More
If the corrupt monsters in the Vatican can laicize Father Frank Pavone, they can do it with anyone, even though the rulings are uncanonical, immoral and illegal.
On her usual form

Head of German laity speaks out without reference to God, Father, Son or Holy Spirit. Grace and prayer …

Surprises are always possible during reform discussions ZdK President: Canon law will not remain as it is …
Denis Efimov
German protestants are building their own sect.
Death of the modernist Church

Vatican II Church in Belgium will be dead by 2045 at latest

The price of the ultra-progressivism on the part of Belgian clerics and bishops, for decades, is beginning to be quantified… and paid. According …
John A Cassani
It might not be dead in the US by then, but practically every diocese will have gone bankrupt by then.
Rupnik- more victims

Rupnik case: three new complaints, to add to the two which the Vatican already knows about

According to the Italian press agency, the competent Vatican office currently has five complaints from alleged …
Bishop defends horrible art

Bishop defends indefensible modern art. Theologian who objects concerned he is branded as an extremist.

PRO Liveliness instead of a special church world Bishop Hermann Glettler Bishop of the Diocese of …
Lea Hofmann shares this
Hässliche Kunst in Innsbrucker Kirche.
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Too repulsive even for Vienna Cathedral

Artist's portrayal of Child with Stigmata too much even for the Vienna Cathedral Chapter

Cancellation for Easter Hanging in Vienna A brief internet search makes one wonder why the artist would be allowed …
Bugging in the Vatican

Questioning, bugging and even one arrest in Vatican in crackdown on leaks

More little crows in the Vatican: news leak from St. Peter's Speaking of small or large falls in the Vatican City State and the …
Persecution complex

Cardinal Fernandez gives long interview prior to new document on human dignity, Dignitas infinita

His detractors, and those of Francis, "were just waiting for the right opportunity" Víctor Manuel …
The Cardinal is interviewed

Cardinal Fernandez gives long interview prior to new document on human dignity, Dignitas infinita

His detractors, and those of Francis, "were just waiting for the right opportunity" Víctor Manuel …
Denis Efimov
This dude would be better off retraining as a sexologist rather than disgracing the Catholic world with his presence
New interview

Cardinal Fernandez gives long interview prior to new document on human dignity, Dignitas infinita

His detractors, and those of Francis, "were just waiting for the right opportunity" Víctor Manuel …
Bishop versus Cardinal

Head of German Bishops attacks Cardinal Müller

A conversation about hope, the AfD and women in the church Limburg Bishop Georg Bätzing (62) heads the bishops' conference Limburg Bishop Georg Bätzing (…
Bishop attacks Cardinal

Head of German Bishops attacks Cardinal Müller

A conversation about hope, the AfD and women in the church Limburg Bishop Georg Bätzing (62) heads the bishops' conference Limburg Bishop Georg Bätzing (…
Denis Efimov
He is a complete heretic and an apostate and a schismatic. Why does he speak as if he has something to do with the Church?

New interview with Cardinal

Wilma Lopez shares this
Cardinal Fernandez gives long interview prior to new document on human dignity, Dignitas infinita - "The division already existed, and with this …More
Cardinal Fernandez gives long interview prior to new document on human dignity, Dignitas infinita - "The division already existed, and with this controversy about blessings it only becomes transparent"
"The Pope wanted to reject blessings to irregular couples with rites or liturgical forms, but at the same time he wanted to avoid this implying starting to set many conditions for giving a.....
Ivan Tomas
Why should anyone care?
Modernist cry baby

Leading modernist starts crying when she discovers Catholic Church cannot be made in her image

ZdK leader Stetter-Karp criticizes the backlog of reforms in the church “It’s hard inch-by-inch work” As …

Ukrainian priest dismissed after criticising Pope

After criticizing Pope Francis Bishop removes Ukrainian priest from office in Switzerland The Ukrainian priest, Nazar Zatorskyy has clashed with the …
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Ukrainischer Priester in der Schweiz (gehört zu den griechisch-katholischen in Paris) nach Papstkritik entmachtet - nicht suspendiert, aber als …More
Ukrainischer Priester in der Schweiz (gehört zu den griechisch-katholischen in Paris) nach Papstkritik entmachtet - nicht suspendiert, aber als Bischofsssprecher abgesetzt.
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Synod as waste of time

Synod slowly being suffocated in Rome, to be replaced by Papal dictatorship

Extraction of ten topic groupings causes irritation Has Pope Francis taken the wind out of the sails of the World Synod? The …

Priest denies Virgin Birth. Catholic? Evangelical? Anglican? – “God laughs at it”

"EVERYONE BELIEVES SOMETHING, NO ONE BELIEVES IN EVERYTHING" Father Meurer: Biological Virgin Birth is “nonsense” for me …