Liturgical solvent of faith

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think Liturgical designers at work The free-handed handling of the liturgical order …
Father Karl A Claver
There is also NO second reading for Sunday Masses, hymns can be used instead of the Gloria and only the Apostles Creed is used.
Ivan Tomas
The word "stranger" should be translated in to "anti-Catholic", which in fact means, - anti-Christian, which actually means...More
The word "stranger" should be translated in to "anti-Catholic",
which in fact means, - anti-Christian, which actually means...
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It is not the sheep but the shepherds

Bad odour of the shepherds from the Church Francis left behind

Bad odour of the shepherds from the Church Francis left behind Relationship with priest Albóniga could be the key to Mestre's resignation …
Unfit to rule

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this.

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this. Not …
"The Italian media cannot come out of their stupor; and not because what the Pontiff said sounds like discrimination, but because of the rudeness of …More
"The Italian media cannot come out of their stupor; and not because what the Pontiff said sounds like discrimination, but because of the rudeness of the expression"
It is the problem of the deranged world what kind of stupor they have hearing words like frociaggine. It's none of the concern of any Catholic.
Clamoring publicly that somebody is unfit to rule because of the above is just a simple case of lavender useful idiocy.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Maybe he didn't speak of homosexuals but of "trad homosexuals" - the "women priests with lace".
8 more comments
Rotten Argentinian Church

Why did the Pope's favorite suddenly resign? More details.

Why did the Pope's favorite suddenly resign? More details. The departure of the now former Archbishop of La Plata, Gabriel Mestre, did not …
They cannot be serious about dealing with abuse

Perpetrators of abuse on electoral list for Brussels Archbishop's Priests Council. More evidence that …

Perpetrators of abuse on electoral list for Brussels Archbishop's Priests Council. More evidence that …
To where is Pope Francis leading the Catholic Church?

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain Add and continue. Fiducia supplicans continues to wreak havoc as it is being interpreted to suit …
Ann Smith
"If the faith is in imminent peril, prelates ought to be accused by their subjects, even in public." (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Christ is the head of His Church. We as Catholics are not obligated to follow the innovations, advise, and decrees from a heretical pope. The Church …More
Christ is the head of His Church. We as Catholics are not obligated to follow the innovations, advise, and decrees from a heretical pope. The Church has gone through bad popes, bad councils, and innovators for centuries.
3 more comments
Rupnik protecting his cash flows....

Very good summary of the Rupnik scandal that will blacken forever the name of Pope Francis when history …

Very good summary of the Rupnik scandal that will blacken forever the name of Pope Francis when history …
Orchestrated destruction follow the money who controls ordinary day to day running of the church behind the scenes
Catholicism following where Protestants lead.

German Protestants turn away from Christ towards the veneration of Taylor Swift

German Protestants turn away from Christ towards the veneration of Taylor Swift More devotion than concert: That's what …
Swift is the one of the current gods of the times. Soon it will be another and she will become a has been, like so many others.
Our Souls are wired for a Divine King and Queen. It will be either Our LORD and Our Lady or a Counterfeit Pagan(Diabolic) King and Queen.
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The Jesuit stench

"Father always had two nuns with him". Rupnik was already cause of comment 30 years ago. Family and …

"Father always had two nuns with him". Rupnik was already cause of comment 30 years ago. Family and …
Something happened to religious on the right and left like a mad experiment on mind control has some organization hacked the mind. Did the Russin or …More
Something happened to religious on the right and left like a mad experiment on mind control has some organization hacked the mind. Did the Russin or CIA master some kind of technique to alter behavior.?🤔
The Jesuit stench

Fall of a high and mighty Jesuit

Fall of a high and mighty Jesuit Inappropriate conduct at school retreats, voluntary work by high school and university students and events that occurred within the …
What game is the Pope playing?

Extraordinary treatment of a layman by the Pope. Layman sues Bishop in civil court.

Extraordinary treatment of a layman by the Pope. Layman sues Bishop in civil court. New bishop of Teruel José Antonio …
Say no to Communion in the hand

Sacrilege in Bogata. Woman gives Communion to her dog.

Sacrilege in Bogata. Woman gives Communion to her dog. In Bogotá, Colombia, an event during a Mass has shocked the local religious community, after …
Church as protest site

Leftist groups take over churches to organise multi-day lock-ins in support of Palestine

Leftist groups take over churches to organise multi-day lock-ins in support of Palestine The leftist movement '…
Banal modernist madness

Modern artist dresses up as Virgin Mary and desecrates an altar.

Modern artist dresses up as Virgin Mary and desecrates an altar. The Zurich artist Bettina Filacanavo wants to set an example against …
Mary 17
Would be better if she prostrated herself face to the floor for three hours.
Louis IX
Not art.
Modernist mockery clown

Modernists make a mockery of the Church on the Day of the Stealth Priestess. Red Nose Day

Modernists make a mockery of the Church on the Day of the Stealth Priestess. Red Nose Day Catholic women in …
anybody remembers the book ungodly rage.
Opera 369
Have they no dignity? Who would ever want to be in the company of these 'fakes'?
One more comment
Total scandal

Monster Bishop protected by Pope. Full text of explosive document from 2019.

Monster Bishop protected by Pope. Full text of explosive document from 2019. Translation of the document On Monday, September …
The Francis problem

After over a decade of Francis governance. Now top Jesuit expert says Church is exemplary in abuse …

After over a decade of Francis governance. Now top Jesuit expert says Church is exemplary in abuse …

Vatican showcases art at Venice Biennale but does not mention Jesus. Pope visiting tomorrow.

Vatican showcases art at Venice Biennale but does not mention Jesus. Pope visiting tomorrow. They make the …
The Art of Mercy....and scandal

"The Colour of Love", the Art of Mercy by scandalous artist protected by Pope Francis

"The Colour of Love", the Art of Mercy by scandalous artist protected by Pope Francis Cathcon: They could not have …
The right thing for all the wrong reasons

Sources indicate Pope may have restored the Papal title, Patriarch of the West

According to our information, Pope Francis reinstates the title of Patriarch of the West (Old Rome) in the annual Vatican …
John A Cassani
They are going to use the occasion of the 17th centenary of the Council of Nicea as an excuse for the West to re-adopt Julian Easter. It’s going to be …More
They are going to use the occasion of the 17th centenary of the Council of Nicea as an excuse for the West to re-adopt Julian Easter. It’s going to be discussed, at least.