
Schneider: Heretical Pope Doesn’t Lose Office

There is no authority to declare an elected and generally accepted Pope as invalid, Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote on RemnantNewspaper.com (September 18). Even an invalid election would be de facto …More
There is no authority to declare an elected and generally accepted Pope as invalid, Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote on RemnantNewspaper.com (September 18).
Even an invalid election would be de facto healed through the acceptance of the overwhelming majority of cardinals and bishops.
A heretical pope would not lose his office automatically. There is no body within the Church to declare him deposed for heresy: “Such actions would come close to a kind of a heresy of conciliarism or episcopalism.”
The theory of the automatic loss of the papacy due to heresy is a mere opinion that theologians such as St Robert Bellarmin noticed, “Never in history the Magisterium of the Church did admit any canonical procedures of deposition of a heretical pope.”
In the case of a heretical pope, the members of the Church can “avoid him, resist him, refuse to obey him.”
The situation of a heretical pope is humanly irresolvable and needs a “Divine intervention.” Schneider adds that an erring Pope is not eternal. …More
Very disappointing. Bp. Schneider proves here that he is just another closet modernist defending an invalid pope. He has twisted Bellarmine to his own advantage and avoided mentioning others who hold different opinions, opinions supporting the premise that an heretical pope loses the office automatically.
His premise that "an invalid election would be de facto healed through the acceptance of the …More
Very disappointing. Bp. Schneider proves here that he is just another closet modernist defending an invalid pope. He has twisted Bellarmine to his own advantage and avoided mentioning others who hold different opinions, opinions supporting the premise that an heretical pope loses the office automatically.
His premise that "an invalid election would be de facto healed through the acceptance of the overwhelming majority of cardinals and bishops" is ludicrous. Does the majority of the populace supporting the right to abortion, make it morally acceptable? Come on, Bp., you've got to do better than that! His entire argument is unacceptable and just plain STUPID!!!
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that a pope who "withers away into heresy" can be judged and deposed. John of St. Thomas notes that it has been unanimously taught by theologians that a heretical pope can be judged and removed; and the only dispute regards whether the pope loses office automatically or upon pronouncement of judgment, or upon decree of deposition. In 1895, Sydney Smith SJ stated that automatic loss of office for heresy was unanimously taught by theologians, which therefore qualifies the doctrine as a truth of divine and catholic faith, pertaining definitively to the ordinary and universal magisterium.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that a pope who "withers away into heresy" can be judged and deposed. John of St. Thomas notes that it has been unanimously taught by theologians that a heretical pope can be judged and removed; and the only dispute regards whether the pope loses office automatically or upon pronouncement of judgment, or upon decree of deposition. In 1895, Sydney Smith SJ stated that automatic loss of office for heresy was unanimously taught by theologians, which therefore qualifies the doctrine as a truth of divine and catholic faith, pertaining definitively to the ordinary and universal magisterium.
So the problem is the sedevacantists, not the one sitting in the Holy See.
Don't worry, at this rate a Muslim can also become pope. In the meantime we will see nice things with the synod, and the new doctrines inscribed in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, but nothing will happen.
The problem really started with the 2VC, it is not only now.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that a pope who "withers away into heresy" can be judged and deposed. John of St. Thomas notes that it has been unanimously taught by theologians that a heretical pope can be judged and removed; and the only dispute regards whether the pope loses office automatically or upon pronouncement of judgment, or upon decree of deposition. In 1895, Sydney Smith SJ stated that automatic loss of office for heresy was unanimously taught by theologians, which therefore qualifies the doctrine as a truth of divine and catholic faith, pertaining definitively to the ordinary and universal magisterium.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
So we're stuck with Bergoglio et al until he's dead. 😤 😤 That doesn't mean faithful Catholics have to obey him. The SSPX and other groups, sedevacantists or not, have the right idea. So does the great Bishop Strickland and others. Bergoglio might be Pope, but that doesn't mean we have to blindly obey him and the dictates of his homo advisors like zombies. That would be more like a cult, when we …More
So we're stuck with Bergoglio et al until he's dead. 😤 😤 That doesn't mean faithful Catholics have to obey him. The SSPX and other groups, sedevacantists or not, have the right idea. So does the great Bishop Strickland and others. Bergoglio might be Pope, but that doesn't mean we have to blindly obey him and the dictates of his homo advisors like zombies. That would be more like a cult, when we know something is against Church teaching and tradition but obey it anyway. If more faithful Catholics had stood up to Paul VI at the time the Novus Ordo was introduced and said that it was wrong, a break in the Faith like Cardinals Bacci and Ottaviani and Lefebvre, we wpuld not be in such a disaster as today.
Whatever heresy comes from the "Synod", just ignore Bergoglio and his trolls.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! I hope you had great time always...thanks for your comment....always really happy to hear about your great opinions.....always learning a lot....I think Excellency Bishop Schneider said good things....but sounds like very weak....any Pope, any wrong Pope did not promote to LGBT Ideologies, Indiscrimition Abortion!!! even though have problem personally....but did …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! I hope you had great time always...thanks for your comment....always really happy to hear about your great opinions.....always learning a lot....I think Excellency Bishop Schneider said good things....but sounds like very weak....any Pope, any wrong Pope did not promote to LGBT Ideologies, Indiscrimition Abortion!!! even though have problem personally....but did not have change to our Doctrine....Arius groups....they did not promote to LGBT, indiscrimition Abortion too....so I am sure..now Bergoglio and Bergoglian worst than Arius groups.....so we must saying....remove to wrong Pope, fake Pope! I hope one more tell...Bergoglio will remove to Excellency Bishop Strickland...great Orthodox Bishop....it's make me so angry too....he want to all Orthodox Bishops....he dose not have actions to all wrong Bishops..like support to LGBT, Indisicrmition Abortion Bishops....it's make me so angry too....Bergoglio looks not so bad...ah....all Orthodox Catholic People don't have anything...maybe can't anything...Sauron and all his members got to Vatican....but now..we don't have The Fellowship of the Ring...it's make me much sad...I think if, if Lord don't send to us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...I think we are must going to Underground Church...many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! have a great day....talk to someday!!! my great online friend, great Brother!!
God is in charge, and those faithful to Jesus walk Calvary with Him. This Pope will face his judgment and the faithful, though scattered will face their reward for faithfulness.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that a pope who "withers away into heresy" can be judged and deposed. John of St. Thomas notes that it has been unanimously taught by theologians that a heretical pope can be judged and removed; and the only dispute regards whether the pope loses office automatically or upon pronouncement of judgment, or upon decree of deposition. In 1895, Sydney Smith SJ stated that automatic loss of office for heresy was unanimously taught by theologians, which therefore qualifies the doctrine as a truth of divine and catholic faith, pertaining definitively to the ordinary and universal magisterium.
As always, the very excellent Bishop Schneider speaks TRUTH and brings much needed clarity to this eternity-impacting subject. The sedevacantists and those who have begun to drink deeply and copiously from their deadly poisoned chalice have gotten out of hand around here these days. 😆
But seriously, let’s be clear, absolutely NO person or agency on earth has the competency or holds the authority …More
As always, the very excellent Bishop Schneider speaks TRUTH and brings much needed clarity to this eternity-impacting subject. The sedevacantists and those who have begun to drink deeply and copiously from their deadly poisoned chalice have gotten out of hand around here these days. 😆

But seriously, let’s be clear, absolutely NO person or agency on earth has the competency or holds the authority to officially and juridically judge or condemn a legitimately elected Supreme Pontiff for any reason whatsoever while he yet lives and sits on the Throne of Saint Peter as the Bishop of Rome. Canon Law and the Magisterium of the Church allows for NO SUCH THING to take place. The Vicar of Christ and Successor of Saint Peter cannot be judged by any man while he reigns and rules, but is himself, the judge of all.

Any concept expressed to the contrary (and yes, throughout the centuries there have been many expressed regarding this subject) is simply the articulation of personal opinion, totally and entirely without the force of Canon Law, which contains no such provision within its edicts, even when expressed by sainted theologians and Doctors of the Church.

By foregoing and omitting the specific establishment in Canon Law of a well-defined juridical process or procedure to empower a person or a designated group of persons with the legitimate authority to formally judge, condemn, discipline and depose a duley elected sitting Supreme Pontiff, invalidate and revoke his acts and repudiate his teaching, the Church has made it unequivocally clear that only a future Pope can declare a prior Pope heretical or condemn the acts of his papacy. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, while He was physically present on earth, declared that Peter (and subsequently, all those who would succeed him) is the very Rock upon which His Church is built, and entrusted him with the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and the absolute supremacy to bind and loose whatsoever he wills, without equal or peer in spiritual authority, dominion and power anywhere on this earth. Such is the infallible, irrevocable, irreversible, dogmatic teaching of Holy Mother Church, which every Catholic is bound by and required to believe and adhere to. The sooner we understand and accept that fundamental, but inescapable, fact of life in the Church, and cease these satan-spawned, Luther-mimicking, heretically ridiculous notions that the Seat and See of Peter is empty while there is yet a living, breathing Pope occupying it, the better off we will all be.
chris griffin
@SonoftheChurch... You are probably correct but the solution to a heretic Pope would be to ban him from Vatican City under pain of arrest plus a Vatican 3 Counsil to announce to the world that the current Pope is to be ignored, refuted and vilified. This would be the case only in the event of an unrepentant denial of Catholic doctrine.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has again professed his opinion against Catholic Doctrine that a pope does not lose office even if he is a heretic. Bishop Schneider's comments are at the very least proximate to heresy. ALL PUBLIC HERETICS ARE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH (de fide). Pope Innocent III taught in his authentic magisterium that a pope who "withers away into heresy" can be judged and deposed. John of St. Thomas notes that it has been unanimously taught by theologians that a heretical pope can be judged and removed; and the only dispute regards whether the pope loses office automatically or upon pronouncement of judgment, or upon decree of deposition. In 1895, Sydney Smith SJ stated that automatic loss of office for heresy was unanimously taught by theologians, which therefore qualifies the doctrine as a truth of divine and catholic faith, pertaining definitively to the ordinary and universal magisterium.
Credo .
Ooops, you have given your own comment a thumb's up! 🥴
Credo .
tradcatknight. How nice of you to un-block me after all this time. 😂