Vincent Capuano

Europe Welcomes Desecrator of Hosts

In the old days the men of the parish led by the blacksmith and stonemason would have put a whooping on the fellow and the parish priest would have had to save him from a lynching
Vincent Capuano

Costa Rica: Attack on Seal of Confession

Vincent Capuano

He’s totally different

I was very disappointed by his supine acceptance of the vax and the mask.
Vincent Capuano

BREAKING: Bergoglio personally removes America’s Bishop Joseph Strickland

The wealth of a diocese is not in contributions but in property. Under American law the bishop is the sole owner! Bishop Strickland could cause all sorts of problems for Rome.
Vincent Capuano

Francis Church: Decadence Down to the Last Detail

Some cardinals having the fear of God will follow their conscience and look for a Pius XIII or Francis II according to their different criteria. Others cardinals who judging that Bergoglio has damaged the Catholic brand more than Dylan Mulvaney has damaged the Bud Light brand will look for a damage control expert. Still others will try to continue the re-branding process for the new global conglomerate …More
Some cardinals having the fear of God will follow their conscience and look for a Pius XIII or Francis II according to their different criteria. Others cardinals who judging that Bergoglio has damaged the Catholic brand more than Dylan Mulvaney has damaged the Bud Light brand will look for a damage control expert. Still others will try to continue the re-branding process for the new global conglomerate religion . They will baptize, confirm and ordain an Elon Musk.
Vincent Capuano

Clump of cells with a soul

Vincent Capuano

Newly elected speaker of the US House of Representatives praying on the House floor

Take care not to practice your righteousness in the sight of people, a to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven....¶ “And when you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to a stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.But as for …More
Take care not to practice your righteousness in the sight of people, a to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven....¶ “And when you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to a stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.But as for you, when you pray, a go into your inner room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
Vincent Capuano

Francis: Church Must "Change"

Between Parmenides and Heraclitus there is Aristotle . I is not an either or question. Either there is no change or everything changes. A third option is continuity based on potentiality. Bergoglio tends to speak like Heraclitus and Hegel and avoids a prolonged philosophical discussion because he is interested in promoting change. His strategy is to use propaganda and sound bites. This is a …More
Between Parmenides and Heraclitus there is Aristotle . I is not an either or question. Either there is no change or everything changes. A third option is continuity based on potentiality. Bergoglio tends to speak like Heraclitus and Hegel and avoids a prolonged philosophical discussion because he is interested in promoting change. His strategy is to use propaganda and sound bites. This is a Psychological operation meant to change public opinion.
Vincent Capuano

This Is Huge: Gigantic Abuse Hoax in Argentina Goes up in Smoke

Anti-clericalism is very strong among the masons in argentina. Practicing Catholics are a minority
Vincent Capuano

Bishop: Homosex "Blessing" Signifies "God’s Approval" [of Sin]

Isn't the term exorcism?
Vincent Capuano

A CATHOLIC Jesuit High School: Miracle or Oxymoron?

Viva Cristo Rey
Vincent Capuano

Gänswein Is Coming: Cardinal is “Perplexed”

Kenjiro, you don't think he was forced out?
Vincent Capuano

Spanish Bishop Rebukes Hong Kong Cardinal

Thank you for sharing your family story. The fruit does not fall far from the tree.
Vincent Capuano


Vincent Capuano

New Cardinal Pierre's suggestion for US bishops: 'Always listen' to the pope

That is ridiculous. Catholics have disputed the legitimacy of popes and papal statements for centuries. Saints and doctors of the church have been part of the disputes. Papal authority does not reside in the person of the Pope but in his affirmation of what the Church has taught everywhere, always and by everyone.
Vincent Capuano

Socialist Lula is converting Brazil into an authoritarian regime, suppressing free speech and imposing …

Bolsonero played by the rules. Lula and his communist do not. This will not turn out well.
Vincent Capuano

The world is laughing at America

Obama started the queering of the military. The left was afraid of the soldiers under the Bush regime.
Vincent Capuano

Frank Is Home & Canon212 Is Back!

Praise the Lord.
Vincent Capuano

Enoch Burke is now imprisoned indefinitely after he refused a demand from Principal Niamh McShane to …

That is not English usage. We distinguish singular from plural.