
Francis Church: Decadence Down to the Last Detail

An epigraph on a new installation in the Roman Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, in front of the high altar, contains an embarrassing error. On the left is a white cathedra standing on three steps. On …More
An epigraph on a new installation in the Roman Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, in front of the high altar, contains an embarrassing error.
On the left is a white cathedra standing on three steps. On the second step is engraved "Franciscus" in Latin, followed by "P.M.A.X.”
These abbreviations make no sense. The correct version would be “Pont. Max.” or “P.M.” for Pontifex Maximus (Supreme Pontiff).
Giovanni Maria Vian, a former editor of L'Osservatore Romani, calls this “yet another manifestation of an undeniable decline of artistic patronage, but more generally of the cultural level, in the Catholic Church” (EditorialeDomani.it, October 21).
Opera 369
"Culture" and Bergoglio are never to be thought of or used in tandem. Bergoglio's ego is so extreme that anything above him, he demolishes.
Shouldn't waste any money on memorialising any aspect of Bergoglio's squatting. Most of us hope to awaken from this bad dream soon enough.
English Catholic
Being as Francis is selling traditional Catholics down the river, perhaps it should have read 'TK Maxx'
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
A disgrace! Why didn't Francis just have a plastic chair put in? That's more his style. But, whatever. The next Pope can come along and rip it out. That gold throne in the background is better.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori do you think we will get to Orthodox Pope Possible???? I told you...I think it will be so hard...be cause Good Cardinals get to Old....and Bergoglio appointed to so many wrong man in to the College of Cardinals...if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori do you think we will get to Orthodox Pope Possible???? I told you...I think it will be so hard...be cause Good Cardinals get to Old....and Bergoglio appointed to so many wrong man in to the College of Cardinals...if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day..
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement--Yes, I think we will get an orthodox Pope. Maybe someone we don't expect.....maybe someone who isn't even a Cardinal. Maybe one over 80 who is a good, traditional man. They can't be in the conclave, but that doesn't mean the over 80's can't be picked. Maybe a good bishop, retired or still active. Maybe an abbot of a traditional monastery. THey did that in the Middle …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement--Yes, I think we will get an orthodox Pope. Maybe someone we don't expect.....maybe someone who isn't even a Cardinal. Maybe one over 80 who is a good, traditional man. They can't be in the conclave, but that doesn't mean the over 80's can't be picked. Maybe a good bishop, retired or still active. Maybe an abbot of a traditional monastery. THey did that in the Middle Ages.....went outside the Sacred College of Cardinals and picked a holy abbot, or even just a monk.
I would not be surprised if this next conclave takes over a week. Maybe longer. The great Ven. Pope Pius XII was elected on the 3rd ballot, the fastest in the last 250 years. Benedict XVI was elected on the 5th ballot....John Paul II on the 8th. I think Bergoglio was around the 8th too.
I (and many others I've read) say we will not get a Francis II or worse.
Personally, I would not be surprised if they pick a good and also orthodox and holy Bishop, or retired bishop in his 70's, or an abbot rather than one of the Cardinals, especially none created by Pope Francis. 🤮
Vincent Capuano
Some cardinals having the fear of God will follow their conscience and look for a Pius XIII or Francis II according to their different criteria. Others cardinals who judging that Bergoglio has damaged the Catholic brand more than Dylan Mulvaney has damaged the Bud Light brand will look for a damage control expert. Still others will try to continue the re-branding process for the new global conglomerate …More
Some cardinals having the fear of God will follow their conscience and look for a Pius XIII or Francis II according to their different criteria. Others cardinals who judging that Bergoglio has damaged the Catholic brand more than Dylan Mulvaney has damaged the Bud Light brand will look for a damage control expert. Still others will try to continue the re-branding process for the new global conglomerate religion . They will baptize, confirm and ordain an Elon Musk.
No, it works! P.M.A.X. Pagan Merciless Antipope Xenophile
John A Cassani
Exactly. Any non-existent title is more appropriate than any having to do with the Vicar of Christ.
P.M.A.X stands for Pontifex Maximus Anti-Christus. Read about him in 2 Thessalonians 2.
Jan Joseph
De Rooms Katholieke kerk is een decadente linkse politieke organisatie geworden.
@Jan Joseph
Ja, maar vooral voor de lauwe katholieken en zeker voor de valse katholieken, leden van het schisma. Het schisma was enigszins stil, maar sinds het laatste decennium worden steeds meer bisschoppen uitgesproken over hun ketterijen en afvalligheid, waardoor ze meer open zijn over hun schisma.
Voor ons, om trouw te blijven, denk ik dat we minstens 2 uur per dag moeten bidden.
Matteüs 24:12-13 …More
@Jan Joseph
Ja, maar vooral voor de lauwe katholieken en zeker voor de valse katholieken, leden van het schisma. Het schisma was enigszins stil, maar sinds het laatste decennium worden steeds meer bisschoppen uitgesproken over hun ketterijen en afvalligheid, waardoor ze meer open zijn over hun schisma.

Voor ons, om trouw te blijven, denk ik dat we minstens 2 uur per dag moeten bidden.

Matteüs 24:12-13

Het kwaad zal hand over hand toenemen, zodat de liefde van de meeste mensen zal verkoelen. Maar de mensen die volhouden tot het einde, zullen worden gered.