
FSSP Priest Accused Of Watching Dozens Of Rape Child Videos

U.S. Federal police have brought more detailed child porn charges against Father James Jackson, a former rector of the US seminary of the Fraternity of Saint Peter. ChurchMilitant.com published the second arrest warrant signed November 1.

Police found that Jackson's IP address downloaded in September/October videos of prepubescent girls performing sexual acts on adult males. One video was called “Dad and Daughter,” another showed a nude girl forced by a black robed individual to perform sexual acts.

On October 30, police executed a search warrant at Jackson's St Mary’s presbytery, including the bedroom where they found hard drives with hundreds of images and videos depicting prepubescent girls, infants and even toddlers, engaged in sexual acts, bondage and bestiality.

Jackson who is in jail, has not denied the charges. Friends close to him believe he was framed. Father Dave Nix shared on Twitter.com the testimony of Kate Truta who has worked with Jackson for years, “He is a man of great character and virtue and holiness, and it is absolutely impossible that he could have ever been involved in this at all. Period.”

For Truta, there is no “what if” in this matter. She believes Jackson is a “victim” of “a horrible evil” and of an “attack straight out of hell.”

May God ensure that justice is done and the truth comes out, no matter what it may be.
Jackson who is in jail,
Is he or isn't he? ABC 6 in Rhode Island has posted contradictory statements in the same article as to whether or not Jackson is still in jail or he was released and allowed to travel to Kansas.
Providence priest arrested, federally charged with possession of Child Pornography
"Jackson was released on an unsecured bond with electronic monitoring, and allowed to travel to …More
Jackson who is in jail,

Is he or isn't he? ABC 6 in Rhode Island has posted contradictory statements in the same article as to whether or not Jackson is still in jail or he was released and allowed to travel to Kansas.

Providence priest arrested, federally charged with possession of Child Pornography

"Jackson was released on an unsecured bond with electronic monitoring, and allowed to travel to Kansas to stay with a family member."

"However, RISP said he has not made bail and remains in custody."
@GaryLockhart That source is four days old. The latest news item claims Fr. Jackson was released. Btw. if you point out Sir Prissy's contradictions too often he'll call you a troll and "block" you.
"The FSSP is a tool of the Vatican Satanists..." @Sir Percy Another brilliantly fatuous claim and as well-supported as your regular posts. :P
가입을 원합니다
I thought Vatican took adventage of this case, I don't know.
God knows the truth and this priest knows the truth. There have been those who were accused falsely and set up and those who were guilty. The attempt to shut down Traditional Catholicism is ongoing. The Pope and some others in the Church want it gone and those who are driving the "great reset" wants it gone. I believe that we do not know the facts of this case yet, but I also believe that this agenda …More
God knows the truth and this priest knows the truth. There have been those who were accused falsely and set up and those who were guilty. The attempt to shut down Traditional Catholicism is ongoing. The Pope and some others in the Church want it gone and those who are driving the "great reset" wants it gone. I believe that we do not know the facts of this case yet, but I also believe that this agenda to eradicate Orthodoxy goes a lot higher than many believe and that they do use smear tactics that get a lot of press to paint a picture and change minds and to destroy.
Could you please link a case where at priest was "accused falsely and set up" on an illegal online porn content case? I'd be curious to read the particulars, if anything to form a comparison here.
atreverse pensar
Accusation does not mean that the facts are true. Shall we talk a bit about Hollywood and the deeds of the rabbis, furthermore tried and convicted?
If they are facts, then by definition, they are true.
atreverse pensar
Who made these facts? And then, did these facts really happen?
John A Cassani
Anyone who says that this is impossible, without knowing the facts, lacks all credibility. I hope it’s false, and Fr. Jackson deserves due process, but Our Lady is the only impeccable human person in history, to my knowledge.
Louis IX
Anyone who says this is true without knowing the facts, lacks all credibility.
John A Cassani
I hope that you can see that our two assertions are not mutually exclusive.
Wilma Lopez
This kind of story played out too many times: Priest known for orthodoxy whom everyone declares just be innocent until he is proven to be a creep. Jackson seems to be rather a McCarrick than a Pell case.
But then...who are you to judge? Judge not lest you be judged. May God have mercy on Father Jackson.
Sir Percy
We will see. The FSSP is a tool of the Vatican Satanists....
The FSSP is a tool of the Vatican Satanists....
If true then why the scuttlebutt emanating from the Vatican that the order will be suppressed? Seems like that cabal of characters would want to promote the demonic not eliminate it.More
The FSSP is a tool of the Vatican Satanists....

If true then why the scuttlebutt emanating from the Vatican that the order will be suppressed? Seems like that cabal of characters would want to promote the demonic not eliminate it.
Wilma Lopez
End of the illusion.