
Rupnik Case Reopened, Statute of Limitations Lifted

After uproar over the incardination of Fr Marko Rupnik in a Slovenian diocese, Francis acknowledged in an October 27 statement that the Commission for the Protection of Minors found "serious problems"…More
After uproar over the incardination of Fr Marko Rupnik in a Slovenian diocese, Francis acknowledged in an October 27 statement that the Commission for the Protection of Minors found "serious problems" in the handling of the case.
Francis removed the statue of limitations and has ordered the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith to reopen the case.
However, the Dicastery is now under the new leadership of Cardinal Fernández. Retired Cardinal Ladaria found Rupnik already guilty of absolving one of his sexual accomplices in confession.
Hound of Heaven
I have had just enough of Bergoglio and his pals. It is time to send them all packing, off to an isolated retreat, far from doing the Church, or their victims, any further harm, where they can whoop it up and hobble around Pacha Mama to their heart's content. One hopes they may even reconcile themselves with their Creator, and the Faith they appear to have worked so hard to destroy.
Paolo Ruffini says he has “nothing to add” to the Vatican press release on Rupnik.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It's the end for heretic Pope Francis and company!!!
You watch, Jorge chuck a wobbly because the pressure was just a tad to much for him. Good, keep it up faithful Catholics, hopefully we won't see or hear from Jorge in the near future.
Sally Dorman
Backtracking. Damian Thompson said it before
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good!!!! I hope this exposes Francis for what he is, and ruins any more heretical desisions or appointments he might want to make. I hope this destroys the rest of his pontificate, and nails the changes shut of the Sacred College of Cardinals in the upcoming conclave soon, to ever vote for a clone of Francis, or anyone remotely holding to his positions.
Because of this and other things from Pope …More
Good!!!! I hope this exposes Francis for what he is, and ruins any more heretical desisions or appointments he might want to make. I hope this destroys the rest of his pontificate, and nails the changes shut of the Sacred College of Cardinals in the upcoming conclave soon, to ever vote for a clone of Francis, or anyone remotely holding to his positions.
Because of this and other things from Pope Francis, in the next conc conclave, I bet we get a Pope 100% opposite to Francis.
Also, I think this scandal and fiasco about Rupnik exposes Francis badly as well as his people, and the "good" Cardinals....many more than we think...and bishops now will be less afraid to condemn Francis, his agenda, and his appointees...especially Francis' lover Tucho Fernandez.
Wilma Lopez
Are we really supposed to believe that Pope Francis just now learned about irregularities in the Rupnik case-- ten months after it hit the worldwide headlines?
Jorge thinks he can get away with anything and everything he wants, not so Jorge, not so!
English Catholic
More likely that Tucho will whitewash it
English Catholic
Apart from Rupnik's other serious crimes, it makes me sick that he designed the underground basilica at Fatima. Have you seen it? It's monstrous. And a very apt representation of its perverted creator. But if anyone here is expecting Rupnik to finally be busted, forget it. He will be protected by his corrupt and evil paymasters.
Major development. The pressure worked. Tupnik could now face justice.
Ivan Tomas
Berliogog & Rupturnik behave like wolves not like shepherds.
Rupnik is the face of the “institutionalized clericalism” Francis supposedly deplores.