
Francis' Pachamama Concert: What Do the Crossed Arms Mean?

The Gloria.tv report about the Pachamama catechesis during the Vatican's Christmas concert - with bishops crossing their arms over their chests in order to "feel" the "heart of Mother Earth" - provoked …More
The Gloria.tv report about the Pachamama catechesis during the Vatican's Christmas concert - with bishops crossing their arms over their chests in order to "feel" the "heart of Mother Earth" - provoked an international outcry.
The pictures of the cross-armed bishops reminded some observers of similar gestures during Masonic rituals (picture below).
The shepherd pictured on Cardinal Bergoglio's golden and Francis silver pectoral cross also makes this gesture.
Gesù è con noi
TIA: The fact that --- Francis did not choose a new cross, but kept the one he had as Archbishop, seems to reveal that he does not consider the dignity of a Pope to be essentially higher than that of a Bishop. This also is confirmed by his insistence on being called Bishop of Rome, instead of Pope.
Claudius Cartapus
He keeps his cross of bishop, he is always a bishop… but Benedict XVI is always the pope !
la verdad prevalece
In 1947, Pope Pius XII condemned the crucifixes that show the Risen Christ (called "Resurrexifixes"), crosses that do not show the sufferings of Christ.
"In a hundred years time . . . bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter when in fact they will be following our flag . . . The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience." (Alta Vendita/masonic document)
Claudius Cartapus
Anthem INGSOC for Pachamama : Oceania, Tis For Thee (1984)
Listen this, increase the sound level and look the people with arms crossed in the Paul VI Hall, I almost wipe a tear...
Claudius Cartapus
On the pectoral cross of the pope Francis, Jesus is not crucified…
When you eliminate the crucifixion, there is no more redemption.
Claudius Cartapus
All these people in the Paul VI Hall could have served as actors appearing in the movie '1984' - Collective hypnosis… Big Brother… INGSOC... Look carefully, they raise up their arms and cross them too !
1984 (1/11) Movie CLIP - Two Minutes Hate (1984) HD
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Ukryta Masoneria w Watykanie.
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Ukryta Masoneria w Watykanie.

Ukryta Masoneria w Watykanie
The arms are crossed on the image of the Good Shepherd because he's holding on to the feet of the sheep he is carrying.
The good Shepherd did not have his arms crossed! If you reffer to the image of the cross Bergolio is wearing, you are wrong. If you examine his cross, you will see that the crossed arms of the image are the bones that form a scull together with the had. I am not able to upload a personal picture with the two crosses right now, but if you want to see a picrure of the real shepherd, please google the …More
The good Shepherd did not have his arms crossed! If you reffer to the image of the cross Bergolio is wearing, you are wrong. If you examine his cross, you will see that the crossed arms of the image are the bones that form a scull together with the had. I am not able to upload a personal picture with the two crosses right now, but if you want to see a picrure of the real shepherd, please google the catacombs of San Calisto in Rome. You also simply can google the good shepherd. I wish you and your most beloved family/friends a blessed and joyfull Christmass time.
Please google Christ the good Shepherd, and you will find some clarifying icons. Don' t let yourself be misled.
Stijn- A joyful and holy Christmas to you and yours! I have looked at the San Calisto Good Shepherd and if you google 'Good Shepherd ancient images' you will get an idea of the variations in that image. The image on PF's cross www.catholiccompany.com/pope-francis-pe… is clearly part of that iconography. The 'skull' impression is due to the limitations of the metal (or the cheapness of production …More
Stijn- A joyful and holy Christmas to you and yours! I have looked at the San Calisto Good Shepherd and if you google 'Good Shepherd ancient images' you will get an idea of the variations in that image. The image on PF's cross www.catholiccompany.com/pope-francis-pe… is clearly part of that iconography. The 'skull' impression is due to the limitations of the metal (or the cheapness of production). Pax et Bonum!
Ivan Tomas
Don't be naive.
Figure it out!
Thank you very much, Ivan Tomas. God bless you and BrTomForde.
Claudius Cartapus
@Ivan Tomas The cross at left, do you see the Skull & Bones ? The head of the body is a skull, typical of secret societies. At right, the face of the body is normal, as his arms. I thrust much more this one, the right one than the left one...
Claudius Cartapus
@Ivan Tomas And the Skull & Bones:
Ivan Tomas
@Claudius Cartapus,
Just everything is wrong with that left cross. That thing is utter blasphemy and mockery-thing of our Lord. A masonic one.
The upside down dove is really obvious occult symbolism. The Christian one is seldom inverted.
Claudius Cartapus
@Charlie.239 I agree with you, but I did a research of pictures with words catholic medail dove, and at least half of them are upside down… Upside down it's look like a dead bird. Generally, the hunters hold the birds by legs, the head upside down. With the head to the top, the bird seems to be alive ! It's a great distinction between the life and the death of the Holy Spirit ! (excuse my mistakes …More
@Charlie.239 I agree with you, but I did a research of pictures with words catholic medail dove, and at least half of them are upside down… Upside down it's look like a dead bird. Generally, the hunters hold the birds by legs, the head upside down. With the head to the top, the bird seems to be alive ! It's a great distinction between the life and the death of the Holy Spirit ! (excuse my mistakes, I speak french)
Claudius Cartapus
@Charlie.239 And if you look the same part of the cross, the upper part with dove, the design of the fine carved lines looks like to the shape of the Devil's Tower National Monument ! (Wyoming, USA). And this place became famous in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Look the trailer.
One more comment from Claudius Cartapus
Claudius Cartapus
@Charlie.239 More I look this cross, more I see the landscape of the mountain The Devil's Tower… It looks like the pope Francis and friends wait another god than Jesus… the bad one… the fallen angel from Heaven, illustrated by the dove upside down on the cross... Like the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind… A giant mother ship full of E.T.
Satanism maybe? Who knows with that lewd apostate?
O Maoleoin
Woe Betide these men.