
Dublin Priest: “Who Voted For Abortion Cannot Receive Holy Communion”

TheLiberal.ie (May 28) writes about an unnamed priest in Dublin, Ireland, who clarified during his Sunday homily that those who last week voted for abortion, have “no business going up to the altar …More
TheLiberal.ie (May 28) writes about an unnamed priest in Dublin, Ireland, who clarified during his Sunday homily that those who last week voted for abortion, have “no business going up to the altar to receive Holy Communion”.
The priest explained that the Church is very clear on the crime against the unborn baby. He reminded his congregation on the 5th Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill”.
Those pro-abortion voters who ignore the warning of the priest, fall under the condemnation of Saint Paul: "For all who eat and drink without discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves" (1 Cor 11,29).
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMozwhmcplc
It seems the radio station (Dublin Talks/98 FM) has taken down their conversation about the incident. Their page is flooded with people supporting the priest. Of course it will be squelched!
@mccallansteve bite your tongue! (You're better off to say nothing than say this.) Your comment is similar to what I read of a well-respected apologist who suggested it's better Pope Francis didn't say anything because it may have caused a backlash.
Since when do we weigh and measure the truth's impact before speaking clearly the truth!? What happens belongs to the Lord! Let them hear and ignore …More
@mccallansteve bite your tongue! (You're better off to say nothing than say this.) Your comment is similar to what I read of a well-respected apologist who suggested it's better Pope Francis didn't say anything because it may have caused a backlash.

Since when do we weigh and measure the truth's impact before speaking clearly the truth!? What happens belongs to the Lord! Let them hear and ignore the truth. It's better than not hearing it, or worse, hearing a lie, from those who are supposed to be faithful for teaching the truth.
Kudos to the priest but the vast majority of catholics in Ireland really don't care what a priest says anyway. They are cultural catholics, at best.
Ressurected shares this
Kňaz z Dublinu,,kto hlasoval za potrat ma ZÁKAZ prijímať sväté Prijímanie"
some priests are truly men who standup 4 the babies
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
TWITTER: " Radical Catholic @RadicalCath
70% of those who voted in Ireland did so in favor of abortion. That's not "a shift in what Catholics believe;" it's a repudiation of what the Church teaches and a symbolic rejection of Catholicism as a whole.
The Emerald Isle is not confused, dear bishops; it's apostatizing" .More
TWITTER: " Radical Catholic @RadicalCath
70% of those who voted in Ireland did so in favor of abortion. That's not "a shift in what Catholics believe;" it's a repudiation of what the Church teaches and a symbolic rejection of Catholicism as a whole.

The Emerald Isle is not confused, dear bishops; it's apostatizing" .
God bless this courageous priest. Amen