
Vatican Gay And Drug Party? “Everything False”

The June 2017 media reports that there was a gay and drug party in the apartment of Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, then secretary of Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, 80, are [allegedly] "false". Coccopalmerio …More
The June 2017 media reports that there was a gay and drug party in the apartment of Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, then secretary of Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, 80, are [allegedly] "false".
Coccopalmerio told InfoVaticana.com (February 25), that “everything” that was reported was false, “The incredible thing is that they have invented everything.”
Coccopalmerio claimed that he was not there and that Capozzi “has not done anything serious”, “All false, all invented”.
According to Coccopalmerio the story was invented to harm him and Pope Francis.
The question remains why it did take Coccopalmerio so long to deny the story.
Picture: Francesco Coccopalmerio © InfoVaticana.com, #newsEuyidggtvq
My impression of @Lalanz "please stop exposing the men who are destroying the church. God wills that his Church be destroyed." 🤦 🤮
All throughout the Bible God uses bad th bringout good. This is a fact!!!!
Look in the mirror and realize that God is controlling the air that flows into your lungs and every single heart beat!!! This is a fact and God can stop your heart from beating at any given moment. You should have a healthy fear of God. So now look at pope Francis and realize that God is sustaining his life along with all life of the planet. God is in control always especially his …More

Look in the mirror and realize that God is controlling the air that flows into your lungs and every single heart beat!!! This is a fact and God can stop your heart from beating at any given moment. You should have a healthy fear of God. So now look at pope Francis and realize that God is sustaining his life along with all life of the planet. God is in control always especially his anointed ones. In the book of Jobe we clearly see the devil asking God for permission to inflick harm on Jobe. Realize that God also has full control of the devil and that even the devil has to ask permission. This is an Catholic Church teaching reality. Nobody knows God’s plan and if God wants pope Francis out of that seat, he can stop his heart at any given time!!!!
Yeah right. I have a barely used bridge for sale.
Any Eskimos around? I've got some cheap snow.
Lalanz iam sorry i dont agree with Yes God is always in control ,but God gave us a WILL , and wants us to make our on decisions
Wake up, and look in the mirror and realize that God is in control of the air that you breath into your lungs and fully controls your heart beating right now!!!! Don’t be foolish and think you can will your own life!!!
Gesù è con noi
Sodomites lie because they have no fear of God, so this is the pathological profile of homosexual predators and their accomplices, as we saw that the serial predator McCarrick also had the cynicism of lying when he participated in a summit of sexual abuse in 2002. The antecedents of the sodomite Cocopalmerio show us that he is a liar.
God forgive them, but they needed drugs at a party like that. There isn't a homosexual man on the planet who would pollute himself with that disgusting old thing, even for money, unless he was completely stoned out of his mind and hallucinating.
I’m calling out:
Alex j
Ave crux
Why can’t you fools realize that God is always in control, even if the pope is crooked, who do you think is keeping him still as the head. The same person keeping your hearts beating. His name is God the father, and if God the father decides to allow the church to experience a bad pope for 20 years, that’s his call not yours. …More
I’m calling out:
Alex j
Ave crux

Why can’t you fools realize that God is always in control, even if the pope is crooked, who do you think is keeping him still as the head. The same person keeping your hearts beating. His name is God the father, and if God the father decides to allow the church to experience a bad pope for 20 years, that’s his call not yours. All through out the Bible God uses bad to bring out good, so shut up and stop bashing the pope!!! Get on your knees and say a rosery over it, like a true catholic!!! Padre Pio was a great example, the local church authorities in his time, did not allow him to practice as a priest because they thought he was fake. He did not say one bad thing about them!!! He just understood that God is always in control!!! Look that fact up!!!!