
Leading Virologist: “Vaccines Have Increased the Covid Epidemic”

The leading French virologist Didier Raoult (Aix-Marseille University) calls the 15-21 days after a receiving Covid vaccine “a zone nobody wants to speak about.” He told Sud Radio (January 11) that …More
The leading French virologist Didier Raoult (Aix-Marseille University) calls the 15-21 days after a receiving Covid vaccine “a zone nobody wants to speak about.”
He told Sud Radio (January 11) that most infections occur within 15 days of a Covid vaccination, “People who are vaccinated are as symptomatic as the non-vaccinated, they have the same viral loads.” 25-30% of them had an injection within less than three weeks.
Statistics published by John Hopkins University show that “it's not the countries where the most vaccines have been administered that have the fewest cases."
Australia, for instances, had for a long time almost no cases, “Then they started a massive vaccination campaign and within a month they had 800,000 cases.”
Raoult's question, “Why do the most vaccinated countries have the most cases?” He notices that the number of side effects is increasing, while the benefits of the vaccinations “are not there at all."
"What we are seeing is that vaccines have increased the epidemic.” …More
Servant Of Divine Mercy
The vaccines are the cause of all that we are seeing around the world. Just like a spark can start a forest fire and grow into a wildl fire causing extensive damage so to these vaccines that were engineered and designed to cause the current and future real life events. The contributors that have aided all the pain are/were face masks, flu jabs, every single Covid tests/RT-PCR/Rapid Antigen, lockdowns …More
The vaccines are the cause of all that we are seeing around the world. Just like a spark can start a forest fire and grow into a wildl fire causing extensive damage so to these vaccines that were engineered and designed to cause the current and future real life events. The contributors that have aided all the pain are/were face masks, flu jabs, every single Covid tests/RT-PCR/Rapid Antigen, lockdowns, Electromagnetic Fields: 5G and WiFi, supply chain shortages, suicides, long wait times for essential hospital treatment and surgery, businesses collapsing, coercing, segregation even in the Church, potentially souls going to hell, addictions, violence, the variants and mutations are all from the vaccines and the greatest and dangerous variants are the lies, silence and fear it has caused in people especially those who God has revealed the Truth to their conscience but have not obeyed and are going along with this Covid Fraud and Planned Scam.
Facts Not Lies
Remember... defaming people of the age of this virologist has and is supported by the news...
"Boomer" was once just an indication of an age group. Now that term is most frequently used in a derogatory manner ... and often unchecked. I have seen the term used in a derogatory manner toward people who opposed the narrative... born in late 70's... Huh? Oh... yeah 'fact checkers'... never mind.More
Remember... defaming people of the age of this virologist has and is supported by the news...

"Boomer" was once just an indication of an age group. Now that term is most frequently used in a derogatory manner ... and often unchecked. I have seen the term used in a derogatory manner toward people who opposed the narrative... born in late 70's... Huh? Oh... yeah 'fact checkers'... never mind.
Facts Not Lies
Logic states that a weakened body is more likely to be infected or damaged.
Add untested and (truly) unknown chemicals into the system and it can be busy adjusting to that when it was previously doing its job holding off viruses ... yes even the many Corona virus types including this new one.
OK we all knew this... it was documented more than 40 years ago after the first 10 years of study of the …More
Logic states that a weakened body is more likely to be infected or damaged.

Add untested and (truly) unknown chemicals into the system and it can be busy adjusting to that when it was previously doing its job holding off viruses ... yes even the many Corona virus types including this new one.

OK we all knew this... it was documented more than 40 years ago after the first 10 years of study of the common cold... I mean Corona.
He certainly deserves respect for the good work he has done with his patients.
Les Crispi
This was the first guy to say Covid 19 was b.s., and that it was easy to treat. That there was no need for a vax, which wouldn't work anyway. God bless him.
Les Crispi
So many haven't died. Out of the 900,000 "dead" from Covid 19, 40,000 actually died from it as the chief cause (CDC data drop last week). It also helps to point out that in 2020 we had a couple hundred thousand Covid deaths, but flu deaths were almost completely erased. That is impossible. So actually, the fraud is even greater.
THanks for playing.More
So many haven't died. Out of the 900,000 "dead" from Covid 19, 40,000 actually died from it as the chief cause (CDC data drop last week). It also helps to point out that in 2020 we had a couple hundred thousand Covid deaths, but flu deaths were almost completely erased. That is impossible. So actually, the fraud is even greater.

THanks for playing.
Vaccination, in its hundred years of experiment, has been disputed almost as much as baptism in its approximate two thousand. But it seems quite natural to our politicians to enforce vaccination; and it would seem to them madness to enforce baptism.
(Source: "Eugenics and Other Evils", chapter VII titled "The Established Church of Doubt", published in 1922.)
Les Crispi
Vaccinations work for viruses that don't mutate very easily. Like measles, smallpox, etc. They are utterly useless for respiratory diseases, which is why even the flu vax is only about 50-60 percent effective. But vaccines have their place. Just as long as they're made humanely, without added toxins.
Les Crispi
@michael newman I'm a very well-educated Catholic. What are you?
What’s the bitter reaction, Michael?