
Germany: Pastor Replaces Holy Communion with Eating Bread in the Pews

After Masses resumed in June, Father Stefan Wissel, the parish-priest of Barbing near Regensburg, has replaced Holy Communion with eating bread at communion.

Regensburg Diocese is headed by conservative" Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer.

Wissel told his parishioners in the June parish-letter that he is banning communion on the tongue. Instead, he instructed them to pick up a "host (not consecrated),” placed at the entrance and "wrapped in food foil," to take it with them to the pews, and to consume it instead of Holy Communion.

Members of the parish explained to Gloria.tv that after "Behold the Lamb of God," the faithful were required to unpack the unconsecrated host.

Father Wissel is a radical follower of the coronavirus rubrics. Last Sunday, he celebrated Mass partly behind a mask. He permanently wore blue gloves, which he even disinfected from time to time (video sequence below).


The clergy, in an often-humiliating manner, deny the faithful the possibility to receive the Lord kneeling and on the tongue, thus demonstrating a deplorable clericalism and exhibiting the behavior of rigid neo-Pelagians. -Bp. Schneider
Novella Nurney
Utterly odious and pointless.
I just hope that children would not see this bc they would misunderstand it
@Jmy1975 Novus Ordo! Once again. ;-)
@Ultraviolet, yes it is. So? The Germans helps usher in V2 and the Novus Ordo. Karl Rahner, etc. I have no problem with the Latin mass. Don't know what you're smokin' but you should probably take it easy.
So? So "That's some awesome reverence for Jesus Christ, huh?" :P Your words. Always nice to see a double-standard in full bloom.
Someday you'll realize that scalding criticism you heap on people who hate Jews is just as applicable to people who hate Germans.
Those morons cherry-pick only the examples that fit with their stupid fixation and so do you. A bigot is still a bigot, no matter which …More
So? So "That's some awesome reverence for Jesus Christ, huh?" :P Your words. Always nice to see a double-standard in full bloom.

Someday you'll realize that scalding criticism you heap on people who hate Jews is just as applicable to people who hate Germans.

Those morons cherry-pick only the examples that fit with their stupid fixation and so do you. A bigot is still a bigot, no matter which people you're obsessed with criticizing.
Germans! Once again.
Maybe he should ask them to bring a picnic basket and some cheese next time. Faithless priest.
Our Lady of Sorrows
"We must not bow to Psychopaths"
Alex A
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