
Bingo: Francis Discovers “Most Dangerous Deviation”

“Christianity is not just a doctrine, but a history that leads to this doctrine,” Francis fabulated during his May 7 homily. For him "being Christian" is "belonging to a people." He went on identifying …More
“Christianity is not just a doctrine, but a history that leads to this doctrine,” Francis fabulated during his May 7 homily.
For him "being Christian" is "belonging to a people." He went on identifying "the most dangerous deviation for Christians" as "to lack the memory of belonging to a people."
Surprisingly, such theories are commonly spread by political groups which Francis likes to bash as "populist" and "nationalist" which "remind him of Hitler."
Nevertheless, now Francis presents populism as remedy against a litany of alleged evils, “When this is missing, then, dogmatism, moralism, ethics, elitist movements, come."
Populism is for him the universal remedy, “If we don't have this awareness, we will be ideological Christians, with a small doctrine, elitist Christians who believe that all others are discarded and will go to hell," Francis insists but he is unable to explain how populism could prevent people from going to perdition.
His homily ultimately crashed with the claim that …More
I think he is trying to frame that the Doctrine comes from history, so that he can change the Doctrine if he "re-make" history. Unfortunately for him the Doctrine comes from the Word of God.
He is also trying to frame by using "for him" that being Christian is belonging to a people. It couldn't be further from the truth. We Christian belong to Christ for Christ bought us with His blood and make …More
I think he is trying to frame that the Doctrine comes from history, so that he can change the Doctrine if he "re-make" history. Unfortunately for him the Doctrine comes from the Word of God.

He is also trying to frame by using "for him" that being Christian is belonging to a people. It couldn't be further from the truth. We Christian belong to Christ for Christ bought us with His blood and make us free from the Law.

If only there is a device that can detect how many percent of what comes out from is mouth comply with Christianity, I wonder how many percent the device will show...
"elitist Christians who believe that all others are discarded and will go to hell" -except Christ Himself said this would happen
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6) Christ established His Church in Matthew 16:18 "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church..." From these two quotations, the Church derived …More
"elitist Christians who believe that all others are discarded and will go to hell" -except Christ Himself said this would happen

"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6) Christ established His Church in Matthew 16:18 "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church..." From these two quotations, the Church derived the doctrine: "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus" (Outside the Church there is no salvation)

It gets better. The Church herself underscores this in no uncertain terms.

--How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers? Reformulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body-- Catechism Of The Catholic Church, (CCC 846).

...meaning, both Christ and the Catholic Church contradict Pope Francis' views.

This was just epic lulz in the article... "the term "people of God" was used by the First Vatican Council, although it never appears in its documents."

This is the sort of "gotcha" the media would use to destroy a politically-conservative Pope. Francis, of course, gets a pass.

He should fire his script-writer or maybe he needs to hire one and stop writing them himself.
Brother Timothy Marie shares this
Trappists in FranceMore

Trappists in France
De Profundis
And Pachamama worship is okay, as long as you’ve got that “awareness” of belonging to the Christian People.
De Profundis
Francis' messages are becoming increasingly incoherent. Waffling.
The True Church is being differentiated from the false church, more and more, with each passing day!