
Breaking: Bishop Receives Divorcees into "Full Communion"

Bishop Ángel José Macín (50) of Reconquista, Argentina, presided last Sunday a Eucharist in the parish San Roque, Reconquista, during which he re-admitted around thirty couples of civilly remarried …More
Bishop Ángel José Macín (50) of Reconquista, Argentina, presided last Sunday a Eucharist in the parish San Roque, Reconquista, during which he re-admitted around thirty couples of civilly remarried divorcees into "full sacramental communion" with the Church, writes adelantelafe.com. The adulterers previously met during six month on Saturdays in what was called a "camino de discernimiento" ("Path of Discernment").
Macín justified his move with Pope Francis' letter to the Buenos Aires bishops, in which he said in September 2016, that there was "no other interpretation" of Amoris Laetitia than to allow adulterers to receive communion.
At the end of the Eucharist Macín distributed communion to the adulterers, while relatives took pictures. No reference was made to the biblical teaching on divorce and receiving Communion.
Pope Francis named Macín a bishop in October 2013.
Picture: adelantelafe.com, #newsZdnynzrgwp
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paul grech
Another apostate follows his degenerate leader.
Católicos Apostólicos
Bergoglio has not confirmed in the faith Angel José Macin but has led him to apostasy and is responsible for the sacrilege against the Eucharist and the eternal condemnation of the 30 adulterers.
No, here in writing and verbally Francis receives divorcees into "Full Communion". Some Bishops consequently fall into the pit.
The bishop thinks he is God and has the authority to do this. He does not. One day he will die and face Almighty God and he will then realize that not God but a mere nothing.
How does this beloved "decentralization" match up with the "snoopization" demands of the Vatican?
I just do not see how they can reason their way to these decisions. There is no consideration for their abandoned spouses, as Dr Reiss pointed out, nor for other family members and faithful Christians who are scandalised by this. Above all there is no consideration for the flouting of the clear teaching of Scripture! Wolves in shepherd's clothing.