FOR SALE: The Chair of St. Peter In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the Vatican’s new “Council for Inclusive Capitalism”, which is the implementation of the Great Reset.…More
FOR SALE: The Chair of St. Peter
In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the Vatican’s new “Council for Inclusive Capitalism”, which is the implementation of the Great Reset. First they infiltrated the Church and redefined ‘Catholicism’; now they’re infiltrating Capitalism and redefining it along globalist, communist lines. And Francis is all in! Lynn de Rothschild—who is on the board of the CFR—is partnering with the “Holy Father”, who will use the full weight and moral authority of the Catholic Church to implement the population controlling Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Meanwhile, Catholic billionaire Jimmy Lai gets arrested after speaking out against the Vatican/China deal, the details of which Pope Francis is still keeping secret but which is already leading to persecution of our Christian brothers and sisters in China. Michael asks the question: Why would anyone who is not a devoted apostle of the Christophobic New World Order defend …More