Francis Goes After Viganó

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been summoned by Tucho's Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, Viganó announced in a statement on 20 June. In an email, he was informed of "the opening of an …More
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been summoned by Tucho's Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, Viganó announced in a statement on 20 June.
In an email, he was informed of "the opening of an extrajudicial criminal trial", accusing him of having committed "the crime of schism". He is accused of denying the legitimacy of Francis, breaking communion with him, and rejecting the Second Vatican Pastoral Council.
"I am summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office on 20 June, in person or represented by a lawyer. I assume that the condemnation is also ready, given the extrajudicial process," he wrote.
Archbishop Viganò sees the accusations against him as a reason to feel honoured. He calls the Vatican Pastoral Council the cancer of which Francis' 'Synodal Church' is a metastasis.
He urges bishops, clergy and the people of God not to remain passive spectators to the systematic destruction of the Church by its leadership.
During Francis's tenure, he writes, the Church has been humiliated and …More
Boanerges Boanerges
Yes, they want to hang Viganò as an example to other prelates before they create even greater schism with their sodomy synod
Opera 369
Another 'gas lighting' scheme! It's just their way (Bergo and Tucho's) of 'sending' the message to all priests, to all bishops, to all Cardinals: "if you go against me/us.... this is what will happen to all of you"... Because, at last, all the above are waking up from their deep long sleep and becoming 'critical and disobedient' to the tyranny of the Fake-pagan church of the argentinian masonic …More
Another 'gas lighting' scheme! It's just their way (Bergo and Tucho's) of 'sending' the message to all priests, to all bishops, to all Cardinals: "if you go against me/us.... this is what will happen to all of you"... Because, at last, all the above are waking up from their deep long sleep and becoming 'critical and disobedient' to the tyranny of the Fake-pagan church of the argentinian masonic puppets! It's controlling the mighty (Vigano'), to enslave the ... sheep!! 🥱
P. O'B
" an email" -- Hey, Vatican, at least have some class.
Christopher Shahrazade
I have a feeling that gay-boy Francis and his favorite Tucho have gone too far. The outrage against both of them over the good Archbishop Vigano speaking the truth is really bad and growing. I would side with Archbishop Vigano, for he is a true CAtholic and has spoken the truth about Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, the present homos in the Vatican, and especially their boss Francis.
Archbishop Vigano …More
I have a feeling that gay-boy Francis and his favorite Tucho have gone too far. The outrage against both of them over the good Archbishop Vigano speaking the truth is really bad and growing. I would side with Archbishop Vigano, for he is a true CAtholic and has spoken the truth about Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, the present homos in the Vatican, and especially their boss Francis.
Archbishop Vigano recently stated that Pope Francis is a queer, and that a Jesuit novice or two from 30+ years ago have come forward to accuse Bergoglio of sexual abuse of them. It would be perfect, if Archbishop Vigano could back up his claim, and bring out the accusers/victims of Bergoglio while he was a Jesuit superior. The fallout would bring Francis and his people down and out. IT WOULD BE GREAT!!!!!
SonoftheChurch sad, how very grievously sad, and what an extremely painful set of circumstances. We knew this day would inevitably come, even as we looked on helplessly with horror as it played out. Let us pray earnestly and fervently for the Archbishop. May Our Blessed Lord and all of Heaven watch over him and keep him safe, and lead him back to the divine surety of the Barque of Peter. My heart …More sad, how very grievously sad, and what an extremely painful set of circumstances. We knew this day would inevitably come, even as we looked on helplessly with horror as it played out. Let us pray earnestly and fervently for the Archbishop. May Our Blessed Lord and all of Heaven watch over him and keep him safe, and lead him back to the divine surety of the Barque of Peter. My heart breaks for him. Now more than ever before, let us all remain deeply enfolded within the nurturing, nourishing, protective embrace of Holy Mother Church....the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Do not leave her for anything, for anyone nor for any reason. There is only ONE Ark of Salvation, and we must never, ever leave or abandon her regardless of how cataclysmic the storms may be that rage from hell against her righteous bow. Nothing - NOTHING AT ALL!! - is worth your immortal soul. This is a dark time, a very dark time.....and sedevacantism is a deadly, deceptive satanic poison.
Tony M
There is only one Catholic involved in this stoush....and it is certainly not Jorge!!!
May God bless Archbishop Vigano profusely....such a heroic defender of the True Faith in these most difficult times.
la verdad prevalece
I would like the news titles to be clearer and not play along with the impostor Bergoglio. For example: The apostate gay activist Jorge Bergoglio persecutes the faithful Bishop Vigano.
Jan Joseph
Het Vaticaan, paus Franciscus, wil beslist een schisma met de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken forceren, hierdoor zal er zich een wereldrevolutie in de Rooms Katholieke kerk ontstaan. De progressieve priesters, bisschoppen en paus Franciscus zullen uit de kerk worden gejaagd.
Christopher Shahrazade
It would be God's justice, that after going through all this, persecuting traditionalist Catholics, now banning the LAtin Mass permanently, persecuting Vigano etc, that Francis were to suddenly drop dead a few weeks from now during a meeting with his favorite supporters like Tucho, or an audience etc. all captured on TV. No one would shed a tear, but millions would cheer!!
Christopher Shahrazade
"in an email, he was informed of "the opening of an extrajudicial criminal trial", accusing him of having committed "the crime of schism". He is accused of denying the legitimacy of Francis, breaking communion with him, and rejecting the Second Vatican Pastoral Council."
My advice to Vigano, jst basically spit in their faces, most especialy Francis. Don't go. And even if he is excommunicated, wear …More
"in an email, he was informed of "the opening of an extrajudicial criminal trial", accusing him of having committed "the crime of schism". He is accused of denying the legitimacy of Francis, breaking communion with him, and rejecting the Second Vatican Pastoral Council."

My advice to Vigano, jst basically spit in their faces, most especialy Francis. Don't go. And even if he is excommunicated, wear it with pride. Excommunication from the Francis Church is no big thing. It's like being denied entrance forever to gay bars and bath houses.
Billy F
Wicked wolves, men who are aligned with the devil himself, men who are controlled by the global Parasites class have infested the Vineyard and control it! The Ape Church that Fulton Sheen warned about is upon us!