
Archbishop: Francis Follows "Progressive" Myths

Retired La Plata Archbishop Héctor Aguer, 80, has drawn up an outline for the next pontificate taking into account the "very serious" situation of the Church which is "disguised by Vatican propaganda …More
Retired La Plata Archbishop Héctor Aguer, 80, has drawn up an outline for the next pontificate taking into account the "very serious" situation of the Church which is "disguised by Vatican propaganda" (Rorate-caeli.blogspot.com, August 24).
The next Pope must reaffirm Catholic doctrine and overcome the "progressive" myths cultivated by Francis, writes Aguer, noting that there are contradictions between the New Testament and Francis' secularist conception of the Church. Aguer's problem is that there is no one in the decadent College of Cardinals capable of carrying out his plan.
He mentioned an event that explains the "naive optimism" of Vatican II about the world.
John XXIII (+1963) invited Orthodox bishops from the Soviet Union to attend Vatican II., "Cardinal Eugène Tisserant was in charge of the negotiations necessary to ensure this participation; the following agreement was reached: the Orthodox would attend on condition that the Council refrained from condemning communism. Two …More
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Francis has made ‘progressive myths’ part of his ‘agenda,’ and his successor will have to ‘vindicate the Truth of doctrine’ and restore the liturgy, Archbishop Héctor Aguer writes.
Wilma Lopez
Things are really grave in the Church. Bishops who openly flout Catholic teaching are being named cardinals, given huge Vatican posts, and big influence.
Ivan Tomas
We know that as Wolves in shepherd's clothes.
The visible Church is occupied by the Wolves.
For a while.
But, in the end, God always wins.