
Francis Denies Reality – The Case of Father Inzoli “Never” Happened?

On his flight from Talinn to Rome (September 26) Pope Francis – playing on words – claimed that he had never "signed" a "request for grace“ after a conviction of a clerical sex abuser.

But the Viganó witness has shown that the most prominent abuser recycled by Francis was liberal Cardinal McCarrick.

Another instance was the case of Father Mauro Inzoli, convicted of molesting male adolescents by an ecclesiastical court in 2012 and then suspended from the priesthood.

After the intercession of pro-gay Cardinal Coccopalmerio and against the advice of Cardinal Müller, Francis rehabilitated Inzoli letting him return to the priesthood in 2014.

But in 2016 a civil court convicted Inzoli of homosexual abuses of five boys between 12 and 16 in the years 2004 to 2008 and sent him to prison.

Under pressure from the oligarch media Inzoli was laicised in May 2017.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNthfvbmlfi
We are still waiting for an official response to Vigano from the Vatican. It was promised on September 10.
No surprise 'Cardinal' Coprophilia campaigned for Inzoli.
Please Lord keep your church free from deceiver clergy