Gloria.TV News on the 29th of April 2016 Chaos Reigns: The famous German philosopher Robert Spaemann, a close friend of Benedict XVI, said to CNA that Amoris Laetitia contradicts Church teaching when …More
Gloria.TV News on the 29th of April 2016
Chaos Reigns: The famous German philosopher Robert Spaemann, a close friend of Benedict XVI, said to CNA that Amoris Laetitia contradicts Church teaching when opening a door for mortal sinners to receive Communion. Quote: “That this is an evident break, is clear for any thinking person who knows the relevant texts.” For Spaemann Amoris Laetitia produces uncertainty and confusion. Quote: “Chaos was turned into a principle.
Future Pope? Spaemann believes that Pope Francis should have known that he would divide the Church with Amoris Laetitia. Quote: “If the Pope is not ready to make corrections, it will be the task of a future Pontiff to bring things back into balance.”
Saturday morning, Pope Francis will hold a special Jubilee Audience for the Rotary Club in Rome and Sardinia. Rotary is a secular organization, which unites rich business and professional leaders. It is involved with groups that promote abortion and population control. Since 1999 …More
Gesù è con noi and one more user link to this post
la verdad prevalece
The Catholic Church has never rescinded the penalty of "excommunication" for those who enroll in "Masonic or other similar association" voxcantor.blogspot.com/…/the-catholic-ch…
Di Gesù
I soci del Rotary di tutto il mondo sono invitati ad unirsi al Presidente K.R. Ravindran a Roma, il 30 aprile p.v., per festeggiare il Giubileo dei Rotariani, un evento speciale organizzato dal Distretto Rotary 2080 e il Vaticano. Sua Santità Papa Francesco celebrerà la Santa Messa del Giubileo a Piazza San Pietro,…More
I soci del Rotary di tutto il mondo sono invitati ad unirsi al Presidente K.R. Ravindran a Roma, il 30 aprile p.v., per festeggiare il Giubileo dei Rotariani, un evento speciale organizzato dal Distretto Rotary 2080 e il Vaticano. Sua Santità Papa Francesco celebrerà la Santa Messa del Giubileo a Piazza San Pietro, dove avremo 8000 posti riservati ai Rotariani, ai loro amici e familiari.
Catholics are called upon again to rediscover the meaning of the true Catholic Church and the one true Faith revealed by God.
"And as in the body when one member suffers, all the other members share its pain, and the healthy members come to the assistance of the ailing, so in the Church the individual members do not live for themselves alone, but also help their fellows, and all work in mutual …More
Catholics are called upon again to rediscover the meaning of the true Catholic Church and the one true Faith revealed by God.

"And as in the body when one member suffers, all the other members share its pain, and the healthy members come to the assistance of the ailing, so in the Church the individual members do not live for themselves alone, but also help their fellows, and all work in mutual collaboration for the common comfort and for the more perfect building up of the whole Body."

"...this true Church of Jesus Christ - which is the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church [12] - we shall find nothing more noble, more sublime, or more divine than the expression "the Mystical Body of Christ" - an expression which springs from and is, as it were, the fair flowering of the repeated teaching of the Sacred Scriptures and the Holy Fathers."

"...may the Virgin Mother of God hear the prayers of Our paternal heart - which are yours also - and obtain for all a true love of the Church - she whose sinless soul was filled with the divine spirit of Jesus Christ above all other created souls, who "in the name of the whole human race"

Prof. Leonard Wessell shares this
“Islam Ist Die Schlimmste Seuche, Die Die Menschheit Gesehen Hat”! 27. April 2016
Für den bekannten Astrophysiker und Jesuiten, Pater Manuel Carreira, ist „der Islam, die schlimmste Seuche, die die Menschheit gesehen hat“.
In einem Interview gab Carreira indirekt auch Antwort auf eine bundesdeutsche Diskussion und sagte, daß man nicht plausibel behaupten könne, daß „der Islam mit den Rechten …
“Islam Ist Die Schlimmste Seuche, Die Die Menschheit Gesehen Hat”! 27. April 2016

Für den bekannten Astrophysiker und Jesuiten, Pater Manuel Carreira, ist „der Islam, die schlimmste Seuche, die die Menschheit gesehen hat“.

In einem Interview gab Carreira indirekt auch Antwort auf eine bundesdeutsche Diskussion und sagte, daß man nicht plausibel behaupten könne, daß „der Islam mit den Rechten einer europäischen Nation vereinbar ist“.

Astrophysiker und Jesuit

Der Spanier Manuel Maria Carreira Verez SJ erlangte seine Bekanntheit vor allem als Astrophysiker, aber auch als Philosoph und Theologe. Seit 1974 ist er Mitglied der Vatikanischen Specula, war Mitarbeiter an zahlreichen NASA-Projekten in den USA und lehrte mehr als 30 Jahre an verschiedenen Universitäten, darunter der John Carroll Universityin den USA und derPäpstlichen Universität von Comillas in Spanien.

In einem Interview mit El Español nahm er zu einigen aktuellen Themen Stellung, darunter zur Migrationskrise, dem Verhältnis zwischen dem Westen und dem Islam und den Beziehungen zwischen Staat und Kirche.

Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Rotary is entrance to Masonry!
Uncle Joe
The Catholic faith has more to offer them that they have to offer us.

You bet! Be a Catholic where you can find something for everybody.
Abortion - No Problem...
Homo “marriage” - Fabulous...
Divorce and the sacraments – Thank you, Papa...
But wait. surely there's proper catechesis of the youth that will rectify these issues….right? - I'm glad you asked ------
The Catholic Church is in …More
The Catholic faith has more to offer them that they have to offer us.


You bet! Be a Catholic where you can find something for everybody.


Abortion - No Problem...

Homo “marriage” - Fabulous...

Divorce and the sacraments – Thank you, Papa...

But wait. surely there's proper catechesis of the youth that will rectify these issues….right? - I'm glad you asked ------

The Catholic Church is in a mess and no amount of wishful thinking will change it.

What's the answer? With a progressive/corrupt hierarchy including a pope who is more worried about the evils of capitalism and climate change than the church's failings, who the hell knows. One thing is for sure. Denial won't help.
While the Church needs to breathe with both her lungs, East and West, the Orthodox are not necessarily the bastions of orthodoxy they claim to be. Some of their national Churches allow contraception, nearly all allow remarriage after divorce and they are riven with national and ethnic divisions. The Catholic faith has more to offer them that they have to offer us.
Is there any Catholic Orthodox Church here in Arkansas? I am beginning to wanting to go that Orthodox Church. I love a Church that have strong in faith, loyal to the Church and love the Church.. 👏
That is true. Makes no sense. Why do mortal sinners receive Communion? Jesus said, if you love me. Carry your Cross daily and follow me. 🙏