
Alleged Vatican Spymaster: “I Am A Freemason And So Is the Pope”

The Argentinian TV Channel 26 asked the Buenos Aires writer and politician Juan Bautista “Tata” Yofre, 73, in November 2017 about “Argentina's unpresentables" surrounding Francis. Originally a …More
The Argentinian TV Channel 26 asked the Buenos Aires writer and politician Juan Bautista “Tata” Yofre, 73, in November 2017 about “Argentina's unpresentables" surrounding Francis.
Originally a journalist, Yofre was from 1989 to 1990 the head of his country's intelligence agency, then ambassador in Panama and Portugal and finally state secretary.
In a video (below), highlighted by FromRome.info (February 5), Yofre refers to a phone call between “Yussuf" and "Karim,” intercepted during an investigation over influences from Iran.
Yofre says that he "listened" to information about this on LaNación.com.ar but that it later disappeared.
Yussuf tells Karim about his meeting in Argentina with an unnamed Vatican Chief of Intelligence, although the Vatican doesn't have such an officer whom Yofre says to have known personally.
According to Yofre, the officer told Yussuf that "I am a mason, and so is the Pope.” Yofre's information is not reliable.
adeste fideles
✍️ Hasta los sedevacantistas saben que ninguno que reconozca a S.S. Benedicto XVI como un autèntico Papa y verdadero Vicario de Cristo en la Tierra mientras viva, es un sedevacantista. 🤦
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglians keep repeating their nonsense stubbornly, that they seem to be under the power of devilish enchantment, they see the evidence and ignore it. According to them, Bergoglio in Argentina was above the Magisterium of the Church, he was a super man above the Law of God and above the laws of the Church who was 'exonerated' from being excommunicated despite being a public heretic, an apostate …More
Bergoglians keep repeating their nonsense stubbornly, that they seem to be under the power of devilish enchantment, they see the evidence and ignore it. According to them, Bergoglio in Argentina was above the Magisterium of the Church, he was a super man above the Law of God and above the laws of the Church who was 'exonerated' from being excommunicated despite being a public heretic, an apostate and a schismatic. 🤨
Remember the news of the book where Godfried Danneels exposed the mafia of San Galo, this is not fake.
This is not a canonical election. It's a freemason election.
Gesù è con noi
Argentine freemasons recognize Bergiglio as a Mason honorary member.
Bergoglio promotes the heresy of religious indifferentism, which is the main reason why the Church has condemned masonry multiple times.
Not all Marxists are freemasons, even when their goals overlap. But when has reason ever stopped gullible vindictive people from believing what they obviously want to believe, eh?
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
IT IS PUBLIC CALUMNY to call FromRome.Info sedevacantist. Please remove this or your will hear from MY ATTORNEY IN ITALY where public calumny is a felony
adeste fideles
Bravo Fr. Bugnolo. La Verdad siempre triunfa. Para llamar sedevacantistas a los católicos fieles a Dios que respetan al Verdadero Papa SS Benedicto XVI como el único Vicario de Cristo vivo al día de hoy se precisa ser sumamente ignorantes o sumamente perversos.
Gesù è con noi
The Web FromRome.info is Not sedevacantist. The Friar @Frà Alexis Bugnolo maintains that the Pope is still Benedict. Sedevacants are those who believe that a heretic such as Bergoglio can become a pope, when you all know that he no longer professed the Catholic faith in Argentina.
Gesù è con noi
Everyone knows that Bergoglio is a freemason. It is Vox Populi that Bergoglio is a freemason
And you yourselves reported that Bergoglio was a freemason since 1999. Bergoglio is a member of the Masonic Rotary Club of Argentina since 1999. Gloria.TV News on the 29th of April 2016
Bergoglio never clarify this question he doesnt mind and if you search in google MILLONS of acusations and images thats not FAKE NEWS
Well, according to this list Pietro Parolin is a bilderberg meeting participant.
Well, according to this list Pietro Parolin is a bilderberg meeting participant.


Gesù è con noi
Domingo 9 de febrero de 2020 11:56:47 pm PST
Bueno, de acuerdo con esta lista, Pietro Parolin es un participante de la reunión de Bilderberg. www.bilderbergmeetings.org/…/participants-20…More

Domingo 9 de febrero de 2020 11:56:47 pm PST
Bueno, de acuerdo con esta lista, Pietro Parolin es un participante de la reunión de Bilderberg. www.bilderbergmeetings.org/…/participants-20…
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio has been a member of the Rotary Masonic Club of Argentina since 1999. But even if we did not see his Masonic ID card, his Masonic philosophy is enough to know that he does not profess the Catholic faith but belongs to Masonry sect, that is why Jesus Christ told us that for the fruits we would recognize these imposters. web.archive.org/…/vatican.htm
Un présumé agent de renseignement du Vatican : « Je suis franc-maçon et le pape aussi »
En novembre 2017, la chaîne de télévision argentine 26 a interrogé l'écrivain et homme politique de Buenos Aires Juan Bautista "Tata" Yofre, 73 ans, sur « les imprésarios argentins » entourant François.
Journaliste à l'origine, Yofre a été de 1989 à 1990…More
Un présumé agent de renseignement du Vatican : « Je suis franc-maçon et le pape aussi »
En novembre 2017, la chaîne de télévision argentine 26 a interrogé l'écrivain et homme politique de Buenos Aires Juan Bautista "Tata" Yofre, 73 ans, sur « les imprésarios argentins » entourant François.

Journaliste à l'origine, Yofre a été de 1989 à 1990 le chef de l'agence de renseignement de son pays, puis ambassadeur au Panama et au Portugal et enfin secrétaire d'État.

Dans une vidéo, mise en évidence par le site pro-Benoît FromRome.info (5 février), Yofre fait référence à un appel téléphonique entre "Yussuf" et "Karim", intercepté au cours d'une enquête sur les influences de l'Iran.

Yofre dit avoir « écouté » des informations à ce sujet sur LaNación.com.ar mais qu'elles ont ensuite disparu.

Yussuf raconte à Karim sa rencontre en Argentine avec un chef des services de renseignement du Vatican non nommé, bien que le Vatican ne dispose pas d'un tel officier que Yofre dit avoir connu personnellement.

Selon Yofre, l'officier a dit à Yussuf que « je suis un maçon, et le Pape aussi ». Les informations de Yofre ne sont pas fiables.

[Fiables ou pas, il n'en reste pas moins que tout le monde sait que l'Antéchrist et ses prédécesseurs conciliaires sont Rotary qui n'est autre qu'une des innombrables structures maçonniques.]
Discernment game for Ultrafoolish
None of them are "hand in the coat" . Go be stupid somewhere else. Or maybe it isn't just stupidity. Maybe you just need more protein in your diet to boost your brain-power. Go eat another bowl of boiled termites. :D
That is why this is one Image
Here is your "hand in the coat".
You know, I want to be poor, eat locusts Matthew 3:4, I also want to be a cowboy like Maximin or a shepherd like Francisco.
See... Just read Mary's canticle.
Now finally: This is the Image you want.
Reposting Matty's image after it's already been refuted doesn't prove anything, Pattfm. Go look for an argument somewhere else, or at least learn to argue in the language used here.
What else is new? Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas came to devour the sheep. St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
@Ultraviolet you lack discernment. All those images you posted are very unrelated.
"sign of the sitter's breeding."
Something you copied online or typed from your head?
Please use your brain (a natural gift from God to everybody: good or bad).
"All those images you posted are very unrelated."
They show the same hand in the coat pose Matty claims is "Masonic".
"Something you copied online or typed from your head?"

You'd know the answer if you read the source and you just showed that you didn't. It's from Art Bulletin. 77 (March 1995) pages, 45–63.
"Please use your brain"...
...said the man who didn't read the article. Well done, mugu. …More
"All those images you posted are very unrelated."

They show the same hand in the coat pose Matty claims is "Masonic".

"Something you copied online or typed from your head?"

You'd know the answer if you read the source and you just showed that you didn't. It's from Art Bulletin. 77 (March 1995) pages, 45–63.

"Please use your brain"...

...said the man who didn't read the article. Well done, mugu. :P
"sign of the sitter's breeding."
Hmmm. That is why I said you don't use your brain.
Antipope is a Freemason according to evidences.
Ask me to explain why you don't use your brain and I will explain.
Ultraviolet's breeders.
I don't need to ask you to "explain". It's obvious
1.) You didn't read the article.
2.) English is not your native language. It is, for you, a second or third language.
3.) Because of 2.) You don't understand statements very well, even when you DO read them.
4.) You're trying to keep an argument going with lame insults that don't even apply because
5.) You don't even care about the subject beyond …More
I don't need to ask you to "explain". It's obvious

1.) You didn't read the article.

2.) English is not your native language. It is, for you, a second or third language.

3.) Because of 2.) You don't understand statements very well, even when you DO read them.

4.) You're trying to keep an argument going with lame insults that don't even apply because

5.) You don't even care about the subject beyond using it as an excuse to do 4.).
Hey, it's mattsixteen24 with a new "Masonic" conspiracy. The last one was his "checkered floors", now it's "hand in the waistcoat". As usual, it has nothing to do with Freemasonry at all.
Arline Meyer, in her essay "Re-Dressing Classical Statuary: The Eighteenth-Century 'Hand-in-Waistcoat' Portrait," notes the pose being used in eighteenth century British portraiture as a sign of …More
Hey, it's mattsixteen24 with a new "Masonic" conspiracy. The last one was his "checkered floors", now it's "hand in the waistcoat". As usual, it has nothing to do with Freemasonry at all.

Arline Meyer, in her essay "Re-Dressing Classical Statuary: The Eighteenth-Century 'Hand-in-Waistcoat' Portrait," notes the pose being used in eighteenth century British portraiture as a sign of the sitter's breeding. Francois Nivelon's A Book Of Genteel Behavior of 1738 noted the hand-inside-vest pose denoted "manly boldness tempered with modesty."

It goes even further back than the 1700s. Francisco Pizarro brought Catholicism to Peru. The portrait of him is circa 1540 before there even WERE "Freemasons".

Now before Matty starts arguing when Freemasonry "actually" got started, let's remind the poor cowboy this gesture was considered the proper stance for formal public speaking as ffar back as Greek and Roman times. That statue is of the Greek dramatist Sophocles, hand-in-waist-toga"

People who reach into their jacket or coat aren't making a "secret Masonic gesture" like they supposedly do in the scary fantasy world of Matty-Land.

This next figure is certainly sinister but he isn't a Mason at all.

He's a hit-man who got caught on a security camera moments before he shot someone


Matty's "Masons" aren't making secret gestures for his benefit. They're either a.) adopting a recognized pose according to formal portraiture or... b.) they're normal people actually reaching for something under their jacket.
All the images above are different from the one below. It takes only someone with a brain to realize that.
3° TEMPLE IS BEING CONSTRUCTED FOR THE "MESSIAH" freemasons salomons architects
Bergoglio is utterly Masonic, even if he's not formally registered with a particular lodge.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
The final comment, Yofre's information is not reliable, IS NOT PART OF MY ARTICLE. For those who understand Spanish, the report regards the FACT that all Argentina heard on the TV program La Nacion, the intercepted phone call, in which the statement is made, I am a mason and so is my jefe (Bergoglio). To say that someone who saw the TV program in which that was said is unreliable, is at least a …More
The final comment, Yofre's information is not reliable, IS NOT PART OF MY ARTICLE. For those who understand Spanish, the report regards the FACT that all Argentina heard on the TV program La Nacion, the intercepted phone call, in which the statement is made, I am a mason and so is my jefe (Bergoglio). To say that someone who saw the TV program in which that was said is unreliable, is at least a grave misunderstanding of the event.
la verdad prevalece
Vatican Intelligence officer: I am a Freemason and so is Bergoglio fromrome.info/…/vatican-intelli…
@Frà Alexis Bugnolo See above comment. God Bless
la verdad prevalece
It is Vox Populi that Bergoglio is a freemason Es Vox Populi que Bergoglio es masón
la verdad prevalece
Upon Bergoglio weighs several excommunications; In 1999 he was automatically excommunicated again when he became an honorary member of the Masonic Rotary Club of Argentina. Gloria.TV News on the 29th of April 2016 web.archive.org/…/vatican.htm
Masons better run for the hills, Virgin Mary is going to punish them...
We could be running for the hills ourselves pretty quickly.