
Vengeance: Francis Kills One Catholic Bishop More

Bishop Pedro Daniel Martínez Perea, 64, "resigned" on June 9 as San Luis Bishop, Argentina. He is in excellent health. Francis replaced him with the anti-Catholic Bishop Gabriel Bernardo Barba, 56, who made waves as a Communion-in-the-hand fanatic.

Martínez called Amoris Laetitia “a great catechesis on love,” but rejected the Francis approved Buenos Aires guidelines, which "admit" adulterers to Communion.

He prevented altar girls, and maintained a Catholic climate in his seminary and diocese. In December 2019, he suffered a Vatican “pastoral visit” in the person of the Uruguayan Bishop Tróccoli.

Martínez wrote on FaceBook.com that he doesn't attribute his deposition to any particular motivation or problem, and that it is "the Pope" who decides how many years a bishop serves - although Francis likes to call himself only "Bishop of Rome."

San Luis was a Catholic refuge and the diocese of late Bishop Laise who never allowed Communion in the hand (interview below). His successors Lona (2000-2011) and Martínez followed in Laise's footsteps.

Martínez’ removal reminds of the fate of Bishop Rogelio Livieres whom Francis considered an enemy.

