
Viganò: Is Francis "Not Yet Completely" The "False Prophet Of The Antichrist"?

Archbishop Viganò repeated his unlikely suspicion that Francis was elected because of the "Saint Gallen Mafia" and that Benedict's resignation was provoked. In a November 21 statement he sees a “…More
Archbishop Viganò repeated his unlikely suspicion that Francis was elected because of the "Saint Gallen Mafia" and that Benedict's resignation was provoked.
In a November 21 statement he sees a “criminal agreement” between the "deep church" and the "deep state." He believes they collaborated in Benedict XVI's resignation and President Trump's election defeat and notices the US bishops' quick recognition of Biden's victory and the Church's global support of Covid-19 restrictions.
His supposition: The Church may receive donations from pharmaceutical companies to accept Covid-vaccines – “as has already happened with the Agreement between China and the Vatican.”
Viganò calls parts of the Catholic hierarchy “a gang of perverts and corrupt men in the service of the New World Order.”
He names as compromised with the LGBT agenda Cupich, Tobin, Wuerl, McElroy and Stowe.
Viganò sees ties between the leading Catholic clergy, the US Democrats, and the global Left in order to turn the Church into …More
So Archbishop Vigano is contradicting Benedict XVI and implying the now-former pope is a liar. That's classy. Benedict has repeatedly claimed he resigned of his own free will both during and after he did so.
The good Archbishop is getting a little too free with his accusations against Popes, past and present. At least one of his previous accusations against Cardinal Cupich ended up being flat-out …More
So Archbishop Vigano is contradicting Benedict XVI and implying the now-former pope is a liar. That's classy. Benedict has repeatedly claimed he resigned of his own free will both during and after he did so.

The good Archbishop is getting a little too free with his accusations against Popes, past and present. At least one of his previous accusations against Cardinal Cupich ended up being flat-out wrong. Archbishop Vigano never acknowledged the error, or retracted the accusation. Instead, behaving like a stereotypical crank, he simply continues hurling fresh accusations against anyone who attracts his ire.

For a man so infatuated with accusing clergy of sympathy for sexual deviancy, it's a pity he didn't actively investigate the accusations of sexual deviancy made against Theodore McCarrick. If he'd done so, Archbishop Vigano need to whine about the unflattering light the report casts on his actions (or lack thereof)
Louis IX
If you were made to do something under threat, isn’t it assumed that you would also be required to remain silent or lie about the threat? The fact Benedict XVI has said he was not under duress does not mean he was not under duress. It may mean that he is still under the same duress.
"If you were made to do something under threat, isn’t it assumed that you would also be required to remain silent or lie about the threat?" @Louis IX
Since you asked, no. Women who are raped under a threat of violence routinely denounce their attackers. People who've been black-mailed can and will end the black-mail at the cost of their exposure.
Further, no one has shown any threat was levied …More
"If you were made to do something under threat, isn’t it assumed that you would also be required to remain silent or lie about the threat?" @Louis IX

Since you asked, no. Women who are raped under a threat of violence routinely denounce their attackers. People who've been black-mailed can and will end the black-mail at the cost of their exposure.

Further, no one has shown any threat was levied against Benedict XVI.

"The fact Benedict XVI has said he was not under duress does not mean he was not under duress. It may mean that he is still under the same duress."

It's a fallacy of circular reasoning to claim, absent any other supporting evidence, that Benedict's claim that he did resign of his own free will, is proof that he did not.

It's witch-hunter "logic". The accused claims he is innocent of witchcraft, which is exactly what a witch would do, therefore is claim is proof of his guilt.

Benedict XVI's repeated claims that he resigned of his own free will could just as readily mean, you know... he resigned of his own free will.

If you or Archbishop Vigano want to call the man a liar, you're going to a lot better "evidence" than the former pope's direct repudiation of your claim.

Since the burden of proof for a claim is on the person making it, that's on Archbishop Vigano and you if you're supporting the Archbishop's allegation

Good luck with that.

In the meantime, let's keep in mind one important fact.

Neither you nor the good archbishop have shown jack flippin' diddley to bolster any claim that Benedict XVI is lying about his resignation.
Unlikely? Vatican State locked out of the Swift international payments system, which ended immediately Francis took office.
This picture was made some time ago. Great Reset is no conspiracy theory .
July 1917 Our Lady warned of Russia and provided the antidote and miracle to endorse. Take a moment to study and reset in God’s plan. fatima.org/…3/The-True-Story-of-Fatima.pdf