
Josef Seifert Signed Accusation Of Heresy, “Francis Has To Revoke His Heretical Affirmations”

My reasons to sign the petition to Bishops and Cardinals to investigate the accusations of heresies committed and promoted by Pope Francis. By Josef Seifert. I sign this petition because I agree with …More
My reasons to sign the petition to Bishops and Cardinals to investigate the accusations of heresies committed and promoted by Pope Francis. By Josef Seifert.
I sign this petition because I agree with the bulk of the letter signed by 20 distinguished Catholics and because I believe, as they do, that it is a holy duty of all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church, as successors of the Apostles, to examine carefully any serious charge of heresy committed by the Pope.
If they find these accusations correct, they have the further duty as brothers in the apostolic Office to tell the Pope without any false and cowardly fear, in all frankness and filled with the same Holy Spirit in which St. Paul publically criticized and reprimanded the first Pope Peter, whom Christ Himself had chosen, that he strayed far from God’s truth and will.
The bishops and Cardinals who are called to assist the Pope in His Magisterium, ought to make it clear to Pope Francis that he has a sacred duty, following …More
Josef Seifert, the heavyweight who said "Amoris Laetitia" contains an "atomic bomb," has signed the petition to investigate charges of papal heresy. It's astonishing that many attacks on the open letter still won't admit Amoris's explosiveness.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Tyrants generally don't take well to underlings questioning their authority.