
Viganò Supports Zen: “Falsehood Has Become a System in the Vatican”

Archbishop Viganò published a letter in support of Cardinal Zen (AldoMariaValli.it, February 29) after Cardinal Re attacked Zen for criticising Francis’ secret China deal.

Viganò calls Re’s attack “disgraceful and shameful,” the China-deal “treacherous and wretched,” and Cardinal Parolin who made the deal “a reckless executor of an evil higher order.”

He observes that “falsehood as become a system in the Vatican” and that “the most perverse deception is shamelessly practised.”

Thus, Re claimed that Benedict XVI aggreed to the secret deal, while in reality he strongly opposed it, Viganò rectifies.

For him, Francis has done everything to hand over the Chinese Martyr Church to the enemy.

Viganò wishes that these events may rip us from the inertia with which we witness submissively how the Church’s hierarchy surrenders to heresy and apostasy and follows “the Prince of this world, a liar and murderer from the beginning.”


Claudius Cartapus
The pectoral cross of Pope Francis already evokes this relationship of Pope Francis with sheep, for the moment, those of China. John 10, 12-13. The folded arms of this shepherd on this cross evokes nothing good ...
Thors Catholic Hammer
The individual you describe as “pope Francis” provides public platforms in the Vatican for pro abortion pro contraception population control advocates .
These advocates are lethal enemies of the human race.
This facts demonstrate the individual “pope francis “ also a lethal enemy of the human race.
...that moment when you realize Thor's Catholic Parrot really DOES parrot himself. Today's squawk is "lethal enemies of the human race" twice in just this one post and repeated in practically every post he made to day one after the other.
Here is the truth about Ratzinger: he did indeed sign the agreement with China, but in order not to publish it, he left on February 11, 2013, leaving his successor, whom he knew well, with the new Chinese authorities, and so his signature, Ratzinger, went to the ace. This is my interpretation, which is not infallible.
Ludovic Denim
Zen encourages the revolution in Hong-Kong which is against Catholic faith. He can criticize the agreement between China and Vatican but there are other things that make him a heretic because as Pope Innocent III said to not oppose errors is to make oneself accomplice of them. Like Cardinal Sarah who didn't oppose the idolatry of the Pachamama by Francis.
But it's different for Cardinal Vigano given …More
Zen encourages the revolution in Hong-Kong which is against Catholic faith. He can criticize the agreement between China and Vatican but there are other things that make him a heretic because as Pope Innocent III said to not oppose errors is to make oneself accomplice of them. Like Cardinal Sarah who didn't oppose the idolatry of the Pachamama by Francis.
But it's different for Cardinal Vigano given that he asked many times to Francis to resign. The fact is there is something happening now behind the scenes in the Vatican and certainly for the security of our Pope Benedict XVI, nothing is yet revealed by any Cardinals. Some priests like Mgr Livi or Minutella said that the election of Francis was orchestrated and the second one for example was excommunicated. But we all know that they said since Vatican 2 that they no more excommunicate except for those that want to keep the tradition like Mgr Lefebvre while they promote the pedophiles like Cardinal McCarrick who was banned to travel under Pope Benedict XVI and asked to subjugate himself to a life of prayers, but freed from Francis...

No one can count on any of these Cardinals or bishops except for saying the Mass and even for this, one should be wary how they would do given most of them are traitors and want us to follow them into the world religion like Cardinal Arinze that organize the (fake) dialogue between all the religions in order that we merge into and blaspheme Jesus Christ as the Lord and Messiah.
"as they (Zen and Vigano) continually recognize an antipope" which contradicts the lie you told six hours ago: "Vigano has stated in so many words that Francis is not a pope." The man can't do both at the same time Thors Catholic Hammer Then you whine when I call you a liar. It isn't just because we disagree on the Papacy. You can't even remember what lie you told literally on the same day. …More
"as they (Zen and Vigano) continually recognize an antipope" which contradicts the lie you told six hours ago: "Vigano has stated in so many words that Francis is not a pope." The man can't do both at the same time Thors Catholic Hammer Then you whine when I call you a liar. It isn't just because we disagree on the Papacy. You can't even remember what lie you told literally on the same day. Gotcha! :D

Don't bother changing your last post again, either. Here's the screen cap.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Vigano contradicts himself.one minute supporting and the next minute questioning the Bergolian alleged papacy.
But in your campaign of personal hatred against me should I fail to follow this confused Archbishop to the letter that makes me a liar.
Now off you go and read all my posts again for the slightest minor error.
It is obviously what you you live for.

Vigano contradicts himself.one minute supporting and the next minute questioning the Bergolian alleged papacy.
But in your campaign of personal hatred against me should I fail to follow this confused Archbishop to the letter that makes me a liar.
Now off you go and read all my posts again for the slightest minor error.
It is obviously what you you live for.
Whever you're wrong your resort to these bold "headlines" and heavy underlinings. You just want your "sound-byte" to stand out, absent any fact. No, Thor. Vigano did not contradict himself, you did.
"in your campaign of personal hatred against me"
Oh, poor Thor. How you love playing the victim.
You have no problem telling the most God-awful lies against me, and then sobbing a day or two later …More
Whever you're wrong your resort to these bold "headlines" and heavy underlinings. You just want your "sound-byte" to stand out, absent any fact. No, Thor. Vigano did not contradict himself, you did.

"in your campaign of personal hatred against me"

Oh, poor Thor. How you love playing the victim.

You have no problem telling the most God-awful lies against me, and then sobbing a day or two later about this "campaign of personal hatred" when I catch you in a lie..

Archbishop Vigano isn't "confused" because he never said "in so many words" what you originally shoved in his mouth. Your claims contradict each other. Not what Vigano or Zen said.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Poor old Zen and Vigano hopping around like cats on a hot tin roof as they continually recognize an antipope in the person of the vindictively cruel and cunning Bergoglio.
"The Vatican has done everything & more to deliver the Chinese Martyr Church into the hands of the Enemy" and does so "on a daily basis by keeping silent" about the persecution that has gained "unprecedented strength" since the Agreement
"Vigano has stated in so many words..." ---coming from you that means he "has stated" nothing of the sort Thors Catholic Hammer Vigano was crticizing Cardinal Re and Vatican policy. He said nothing "in so many words" about Pope Francis. You're making things up again, and inventing a claim Archbishop Vigano's never made.. Ironic since he is criticizing Cardinal Re for doing the same to then-…More
"Vigano has stated in so many words..." ---coming from you that means he "has stated" nothing of the sort Thors Catholic Hammer Vigano was crticizing Cardinal Re and Vatican policy. He said nothing "in so many words" about Pope Francis. You're making things up again, and inventing a claim Archbishop Vigano's never made.. Ironic since he is criticizing Cardinal Re for doing the same to then-Benedict XVI.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Vigano has stated in so many words that Francis is not a pope.
Well done ++Vigano.
It took him some time but better late than never.
De Profundis
"Dearest Eminence, this is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States...I have followed deeply — sharing in prayer your suffering — your many heartfelt appeals to Pope Bergoglio concerning the tragic situation of the Martyr Church in China..."
Full Text of Archbishop Viganò’s Feb. 29 Letter to Cardinal Zen
Dearest Eminence,
This is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America.
I have followed deeply — sharing in prayer your suffering — your many heartfelt appeals to Pope Bergoglio concerning the tragic situation of the Martyr Church in China, which he himself has culpably aggravated through …More
Full Text of Archbishop Viganò’s Feb. 29 Letter to Cardinal Zen

Dearest Eminence,
This is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America.
I have followed deeply — sharing in prayer your suffering — your many heartfelt appeals to Pope Bergoglio concerning the tragic situation of the Martyr Church in China, which he himself has culpably aggravated through the treacherous and wicked secret Agreement signed by Holy See with the Chinese Communist Government.
Your heartfelt appeals, dear Brother in Christ, have systematically been unheeded and even mocked in a hypocritical and perverse way. As for Cardinal Parolin, he has acted as a mere reckless executor of an evil order from above.
I read this morning the ignominious and shameful letter that Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re has addressed to all the cardinals against you. I am deeply saddened and indignant, and I wish to express to you all my affection, prayer and fraternal solidarity in the episcopate.
You are a courageous Confessor of the Faith and you have all my esteem and veneration!
Unfortunately, in the Vatican lying has been set into the system, truth has been totally overturned, and the most perverse deception is shamelessly practiced even by the most unsuspected figures, who have now given themselves over to acting as accomplices of the Adversary. They have even gone so far as to say that “Pope Benedict XVI had approved the draft Agreement” signed in 2018, when instead we all know of his strenuous resistance and repeated disapproval of the conditions imposed by a persecutory and bloody regime.
The Vatican has done everything and more to deliver the Chinese Martyr Church into the hands of the Enemy: it did so by signing the Secret Pact; it did so by legitimizing excommunicated “bishops” who are agents of the regime; it did so by the deposition of legitimate bishops; it did so by forcing faithful priests to register with a church that has succumbed to the Communist dictatorship; it does so on a daily basis by keeping silent about the persecutory fury that has gained unprecedented strength, precisely since the signing of that unfortunate Agreement. It is now doing so with this ignoble letter to all the cardinals, which is aimed at accusing you, denigrating you, and isolating you.
Our Lord assures us that nothing and no one will ever be able to snatch from His hands those who resist the infernal enemy and his acolytes, conquering them “by the Blood of the Lamb” and by the testimony of their martyrdom (cf. Rev. 12:11).
Your example, dear Cardinal, and the very high price you are paying to defend the Cause of God and His Church, gives us a salutary jolt, it rips us from the inertia and habituation with which we are passively witnessing the surrender of the Catholic Church, at its highest levels and in its hierarchy, to heresy and apostasy, by following the Prince of this world, who is a liar and murderer from the beginning (cf. Jn 8:44).

Because, Domine, because populo tuo,
whom thou hast redeemed, O Christ, by your blood,
Do not be angry with us for ever.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio

Translated by Diane Montagna