
Retired Bishop Marries After Vatican denied Laicisation

Former Albany Bishop Howard Hubbard, 84, announced, that he "married" last month.

One of the most anti-Catholic bishops in the United States, Hubbard was appointed Albany bishop by Paul VI at the age of 38. He ran one of the most decadent and immoral dioceses into the ground from 1977 to 2014. The Vatican never touched him.

In March, the Vatican rejected his request to be defrocked (TimesUnion.com, August 1).

The marriage took place in upstate New York. Hubbard said that he had “fallen in love with a wonderful woman who has helped and cared for me and who believes in me.”

Picture: Howard Hubbard © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsZdnahfgewo

Sally Dorman shares this
Bp. Howard Hubbard announces civil marriage to a woman
of course the Vatican never took action against him for his disgraceful behavior. They protect their own
P. O'B
On the edge of Hell.