
Polish Police Disrupt Mass, Kidnap Priest (Video)

Polish police removed Salesian Father Michał Woźnicki, 54, from his room while he was celebrating an October 19 Traditional Latin Mass.

Woźnicki was suspended for alleged “disobedience” in 2016, and expelled from his order in 2018. Nevertheless, he kept living in the Salesian house in Poznan where he built an altar in his room in order to say Mass for some faithful.

The priest doesn't comply with coronavirus restrictions and doesn't use masks. Therefore, in a spirit of mercy, the Salesians called police.

When the officers entered, Woźnicki told them to kneel down in front of the Blessed Sacrament. A policeman replied bumptiously that they don't accept orders but want to see the ID cards of all present, threatening them with “physical force.”

Woźnicki pointed to the masked face of the policeman and concluded from this, that "villains have invaded my room.” Finally, the policemen carried the priest and his altar boy away.


Lux Perpetua
My friend send this info to verify (as Polish guy, catolic).
He's ex-Salesian order member. After being expelled from the order he refused to leave Salesian house
Being in conflict with Salesians created his own altar in his room where he celebrate mass
Salesians go on law with him to let judgement remove Woźnicki, their illegal, unwanted resident
In one of the mass during pandemy Police come …More
My friend send this info to verify (as Polish guy, catolic).

He's ex-Salesian order member. After being expelled from the order he refused to leave Salesian house

Being in conflict with Salesians created his own altar in his room where he celebrate mass

Salesians go on law with him to let judgement remove Woźnicki, their illegal, unwanted resident

In one of the mass during pandemy Police come because 'someone' tell that he do not follow government restrictions (guess who? Hmmm)

He and his altar boy didn't show ther id documents (which not matter what every polish member has to to do when police ask, and they can ask whatever they want. I had twice situation like that, first when they looking for bandit checking all people walking around second when gathering approve signs for one political organisation. And there was nothing wrong about that)

And didn't follow instructions of the police

So they took them. So not because of restrictions.
Rather poor Catholic I guess.
The court case is irrelevant - the police do not settle civil disputes between the parties.
The Polish Constitution warrants freedom of worship. To interrupt the religious service is a crime. The so-called restrictions are illegal - there are many court verdicts (including those of the Supreme Court ) confirming it. Polish govt and police are notorious law-breakers. …More
Rather poor Catholic I guess.
The court case is irrelevant - the police do not settle civil disputes between the parties.
The Polish Constitution warrants freedom of worship. To interrupt the religious service is a crime. The so-called restrictions are illegal - there are many court verdicts (including those of the Supreme Court ) confirming it. Polish govt and police are notorious law-breakers. Instructions of the police do not constitute any kind of applicable law.
Lux Perpetua
He did illegal mass, catolic priest who wasn't allowed to make mass by Church. Before pandemy. If I organise mass in my home, catolic one, it is not religious service. This priest will be kicked out complete from the church but i guess it takes time. So do not tell me about Constitution
@Lux Perpetua
"This priest will be kicked out complete from the church but i guess it takes time. So do not tell me about Constitution"
You have revealed your true face, hatred and yes - stupidity:
"If I organise mass in my home, catolic one, it is not religious service"More
@Lux Perpetua
"This priest will be kicked out complete from the church but i guess it takes time. So do not tell me about Constitution"

You have revealed your true face, hatred and yes - stupidity:
"If I organise mass in my home, catolic one, it is not religious service"
Lux Perpetua
I do not hate him. Just he is the shame for catolics. Being removed from the order and live illegally in Salesian house? Being forbidden to celebrate mass and do that anyway in own room? So they need even go on law with him to finally remove him? Which not only priest but catolic behaves like that? And you people make him here for the freedom.
"Being forbidden to celebrate mass and do that anyway in own room"
At least he is not deemed excommunicated like saintly Archbishop Lefebvre was.
"he is the shame for catolics"
The shame for Catholics is someone who thinks that the govt or its minions have the right to drag the priest in the chasuble from the altar of God.More
"Being forbidden to celebrate mass and do that anyway in own room"
At least he is not deemed excommunicated like saintly Archbishop Lefebvre was.

"he is the shame for catolics"
The shame for Catholics is someone who thinks that the govt or its minions have the right to drag the priest in the chasuble from the altar of God.
Lux Perpetua
"At least he is not deemed excommunicated like saintly Archbishop Lefebvre was."
Not yet. But based on his behave, he will follow his route. Or if there is e.g. mind healthy issue, maybe won't. People do not understanding how much health problems can worsened people behave. So I do not jodge just say his behave isn't well. He broke law when didn't want to show ID, which everyone need to do. None …More
"At least he is not deemed excommunicated like saintly Archbishop Lefebvre was."
Not yet. But based on his behave, he will follow his route. Or if there is e.g. mind healthy issue, maybe won't. People do not understanding how much health problems can worsened people behave. So I do not jodge just say his behave isn't well. He broke law when didn't want to show ID, which everyone need to do. None Church in Poland was closed because priest do not follow restrictions or any mass interrupted based on my knowledge. But leaders of the church take care to all churches fulfil them as much they can.

Woźnicki, based on Salesian order info, is not part of the order since 2018. Moreover as suspended priest "he is wickedly administering the sacraments" It is citation from Salesian order.
Against Poznań Archdiocese organise illegal private chapel. If catolic Arhidiocese, Woźniacki superior say it was illegal who you are to deny it?
I wonder what he was suspended for in the first place, it might give some context though probably not.
There are similar pictures from France
Lux Perpetua
Read my comments above there is nothing common in both situations
Lux Perpetua
Do not believe in this manipulated info read my comment above
It seems that Mr. Two-Hour Troll wants to spam the whole site.
I don't know the reasoning behind Fr Woźnicki being expelled from his order, but if it has anything to do with his wishing to celebrate the Traditional Mass of St Pius V - then it is his Order that is found guilty in the eyes of God not this diligent Priest. Church Law decrees that NO-ONE WHOMSOEVER can prohibit a Priest from offering a Sacrifice within the Tridentine Rite, the Mass that is announced …More
I don't know the reasoning behind Fr Woźnicki being expelled from his order, but if it has anything to do with his wishing to celebrate the Traditional Mass of St Pius V - then it is his Order that is found guilty in the eyes of God not this diligent Priest. Church Law decrees that NO-ONE WHOMSOEVER can prohibit a Priest from offering a Sacrifice within the Tridentine Rite, the Mass that is announced to be pleasing to God the Father("Quo Primum tempore" 1570)

To be quite honest Salesians, it states in Genesis 4:1–16 that Cain became enraged when Our Lord accepted the offering of his brother Abel in preference to his own disinterested, loveless offering. Having given as little as necessary to call it an Offering, Cain's lack of love was exposed & The Lord rejected his offering.

Salesians, be careful that your tell-all efforts to remove your "brother" from being able to offer a worthy Sacrifice to God the Father, does not lead to YOU, YOURSELVES being led away bound hand and foot on Judgement Day comes
Lux Perpetua
Read above my comment
Alex A
The video clip does not inform us about the context of the priests arrest, (not in English it doesn't) That aside, the manner and behaviour of the police was disgusting, hence my anger, but it must be said, that the priest could have been more 'Thomas Moore' like, in submission to what was an inevitable arrest.
Too much "submission" to thugs in cop uniforms these days
The context is: his former religious brothers denounced him to the police. The officially given cause for the intervention and dragging the priest from the altar in sacred vestments was an alleged violation of the limitation of number of people during the Mass. In Poland since spring ruling politicians have been violating the Polish Constitution as well as statutory acts - imposing limitations of …More
The context is: his former religious brothers denounced him to the police. The officially given cause for the intervention and dragging the priest from the altar in sacred vestments was an alleged violation of the limitation of number of people during the Mass. In Poland since spring ruling politicians have been violating the Polish Constitution as well as statutory acts - imposing limitations of basic rights of people (including freedom of worship) in acts of the lower grade (e.g. ministerial / governmental regulations) and using the police to enforce it. The crisis and anarchy resulting therefrom is huge.
Alex A
Thank you @V.R.S.
These thug cops will kneel in front of Christ on their judgement day
The Priests, Bishops, Cardinals POPE who chose to go along with the unjust State Law to close down all the Churches at the commencement of the "virus", are fully responsible for the resulting persecution of the faithful that we see here. Rome! It is YOU that sold out to the Government. It is YOU that gave them this power. In disobedience and contempt for Canon Law.
If you had obeyed Canon Law, and …More
The Priests, Bishops, Cardinals POPE who chose to go along with the unjust State Law to close down all the Churches at the commencement of the "virus", are fully responsible for the resulting persecution of the faithful that we see here. Rome! It is YOU that sold out to the Government. It is YOU that gave them this power. In disobedience and contempt for Canon Law.

If you had obeyed Canon Law, and prohibited the State to dictate Orders to the Church at the outset when the Lockdowns were first suggested, the State would never have become so swollen headed with it's increased power that they overstepped their jurisdiction, resorting to the level of intimidation that we are seeing here.

Bergoglio in submitting to the orders of the Dictators, you betrayed the entire Church. You have unleashed what is fast becoming a Nazi style dictatorship upon us. You originally only betrayed the Church in China - but it appears now that with full malicious intent you have now handed the entire Universal Church over to that same Communist rule. You must be the worst Pope that the Church has ever known. You will always be remembered in the history of the Church as the ONE Pope that betrayed Christ by cancelling Easter. For that sin alone you must be seen as evil and on the side of the Communist State.
Scripture contradicts you @Baptist John Pope Francis isn't the anti-Christ because the anti-Christ will lead a single world religion. That simply hasn't happened. "False Francis has opposed our Savior Jesus, numerous times in numerous ways, such as idol worship" So have the last two popes. Seems you're choosing to ignore that.
"saying he does not govern the Church through Sacred Scripture or …More
Scripture contradicts you @Baptist John Pope Francis isn't the anti-Christ because the anti-Christ will lead a single world religion. That simply hasn't happened. "False Francis has opposed our Savior Jesus, numerous times in numerous ways, such as idol worship" So have the last two popes. Seems you're choosing to ignore that.

"saying he does not govern the Church through Sacred Scripture or Church Tradition, no, he says he governs by his own will."

Citation? Link? Or are you making things up again, like usual?
There are many "anti-Christs" -- many
Alex A
Who decides?
@Alex A For some reason Our Lord has removed Abel from offering his worthy Sacrifice and CAIN has been given a shot at deciding which offerings are pleasing to God & WHAT it is that is to be called impious practice or EVIL.
His Judgement is invalid as he sold Our Lord's Church to China!
Therefore we are finding that ALL that the Church once called "Good "is now called "EVIL" and EVERYTHING that …More
@Alex A For some reason Our Lord has removed Abel from offering his worthy Sacrifice and CAIN has been given a shot at deciding which offerings are pleasing to God & WHAT it is that is to be called impious practice or EVIL.
His Judgement is invalid as he sold Our Lord's Church to China!

Therefore we are finding that ALL that the Church once called "Good "is now called "EVIL" and EVERYTHING that for 2000 years has been called "Evil" is now "Good" (Isaiah 5:20) biblehub.com/isaiah/5-20.htm

YET, hear our Lady at the complete version of the Message received on the Mountains of La Salette in 1846.

"Rome will lose the Faith & become the Seat of the Antichrist - the Church will be in eclipse"

Our Lady of La Salette 1846 🙁

Christ help Your Children - BLESS Your Holy Church - Help us to serve YOU without fear of reprisals from the enemy.
Remove the enemy from our midst. Confound the Judas Scribes & Strengthen Your Priest's may their offerings be as pleasing to Thee as Abel's! Shepherd Thy Children, Nourish Thy Flock. Remove us from this darkness.. May Thy Holy Name be upon every tongue in LOVE & true service . Amen




communityofhopeinc.org/… Pages/Saints/marie julie.html
Dear Jesus have mercy they know not What they do. Very upsetting poor Father and congregation. The true Faith is the target!
Roberto 55
How did they call it? "Spirit of mercy"? No, this is clearly "spirit" of satan!