Crybaby Tucho: Catholics Are Using My Pornographic Writings Against Me

Tucho Fernández believes that his salacious book Pasión [Sodo]-Mística is "an inconvenient book by today's standards" - as if a sin that leads to hell would ever be "convenient". Speaking to …More
Tucho Fernández believes that his salacious book Pasión [Sodo]-Mística is "an inconvenient book by today's standards" - as if a sin that leads to hell would ever be "convenient".
Speaking to (5 February), Tucho fantasised that at the time "I bought the few copies that were available in some bookshops and destroyed them". The book was available internationally.
"That's why I regret that the ultra-conservative sectors* that do not accept me have used this book and distributed it widely," he lamented.
"It is totally against my will", he protested, saying that "today I would write something completely different". However, he has continued to publish his dirty fantasies, including orgasms and homosexual sins, until 2022.
Assuming that his audience is stupid, he added that he had taken the pornographic material from "scientific books". Tucho has become an embarrassment for the entire Catholic Church. Francis is the last one who hasn't noticed it.
* By using this extremist …More
Het smoesje is goed maar het praatje deugt niet.
Fernandez: "today I would write something completely different" 😂 😂 He wrote Fiducia Supplicans in 2023!!
He’s a sicko…..a depraved, demented, degenerate sicko.
Opera 369
Because of Tuchoboy - Jorgo has put aside girlfriend Pachamama. He should be careful of a 'scorned' evil female - she might just send one of her evil and lethal 'puffs' directly to PachaPope! Watch out Ber-imbroglio!