
Gross Manipulation and Abuses During the Youth Synod

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher gave damning evidence about the Youth Synod. Talking to Edward Pentin (November 1) he exposed the machinations applied to push for "synodality". Fisher testified that …More
Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher gave damning evidence about the Youth Synod. Talking to Edward Pentin (November 1) he exposed the machinations applied to push for "synodality".
Fisher testified that the topic "wasn’t in the working document, it wasn’t in the general assembly discussions, it wasn’t in the language-group discussions, it wasn’t in the reports from the small groups”. It “just appeared, as if from nowhere".
“In this synod, we were writing doctrine, as it were, on the run — with respect to synodality, in less than a week.” Fisher commented that there is a "real danger" that synods could be vehicles for heterodoxy.
He added that the Synod Fathers were wary of all the "vague talk of synodal style” that “can mean all sorts of things in different mouths and ultimately be very divisive”. His conclusion, "This is not the way to make doctrine.”
Gross manipulation also happened during the final vote when the Synod document "was read so fast" that the translators struggled to keep up …More
Lisi Sterndorfer
Fisher of Sydney: "No, I don’t think it was just the more traditionally minded who were shut down: We all were. The fact was that after our initial short speeches, it was almost impossible for bishops to get a hearing again in the general assembly"
Lisi Sterndorfer
Here is another Point of Archbishop Fisher
"The free discussions were very few, usually in the last hour of a very long day. On at least one occasion, that time was taken up almost completely by speeches from ecumenical representatives. On other days, various announcements intruded. And when free discussion did happen, only cardinals and youth auditors were heard; no bishops at all. You got your …More
Here is another Point of Archbishop Fisher

"The free discussions were very few, usually in the last hour of a very long day. On at least one occasion, that time was taken up almost completely by speeches from ecumenical representatives. On other days, various announcements intruded. And when free discussion did happen, only cardinals and youth auditors were heard; no bishops at all. You got your little speech at the start, and that was about it, when it came to the general Assembly."
Why these bishops dont speak up what are they afraid of ,they should be more afraid of God for not doing the right thing .
Why didn't he protest? "All we like sheep have gone astray?"