
German Palliative Bishops: Catholic Sexual Morality “NO LONGER Life-Serving"

A young female journalist asked at the 11 March presser after a meeting of the German bishops whether they had addressed the fact that Catholics actually advocate and want to live the Church's teaching …More
A young female journalist asked at the 11 March presser after a meeting of the German bishops whether they had addressed the fact that Catholics actually advocate and want to live the Church's teaching on marriage and sexuality.
She was alluding to the German Synod's party line that Church teaching is "no longer liveable" today and is "only an ideal."
In his response, the presiding Bishop Bätzing repeated the Synod's ideology: "We do not deprive anyone who wants to shape his or her life with the teachings of the Church the chance to do so. That is wonderful and good. We have to deal with the problem that many, many, many in the Church no longer find this teaching useful for life at some points. We are not taking anything from anybody. Let them live and bear witness to that which strengthens them."
Press picture: Georg Bätzing, SynodalerWeg.de
"We are not taking anything from anybody" seems to be a pretty accurate description of their stake in the ground and explains plenty.
Jan Joseph
Alle homosexuele priesters moeten in de lekenstand worden teruggezet en ontslagen worden.
Jan Joseph
Laat de mensen die de leer van de kerk niet meer bruikbaar vinden voor hun leven zich dan niet meer Rooms Katholiek noemen, want dat is hypocriet.
가입을 원합니다
Some say "the reason I'm leaving the church is to keep my remaining faith"
Hound of Heaven
It depends on one's perspective. In my view, the Catholic Church's doctrine on morality is 'Eternal Life-Serving'. The 'good'(Gen. 1:31) is an eternal truth which "will not pass away"(Mark 13:31).
If it's true he better ,repent or leave the catholic church ,because he is making others sin
Defeat Modernism
He is clearly not a Catholic and neither is Mr. Bergolio or any of the other laymen pretending to be Catholic Bishops or Priest. These men are godless, faithless Modernists who posses the Catholic buildings but do not posses the Faith.