
EXCLUSIVE: Amazon Synod’s Apostolic Exhortation Imminent, Announces “New Paths for the Church”

Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, the General Rapporteur of the Amazon Synod, announced to all diocesan bishops in a January 13 letter (below) that Francis is about to publish the Amazon Synod's Apostolic Exhortation which presents "New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology".

It is currently corrected and has then to be translated. Francis hopes to promulgate it by the end of January or in early February.

Hummes' letter, written in poor English, anticipates that the text will attract "great interest" and "many different responses."

On the day of promulgation, there will be a celebratory event in the Synod Hall.

Francis wants the bishops to receive the text via email before it is officially published, so that they are prepared to present it to others, Hummes explains.

In preparation of the document, he suggests reading some Francis and Synod documents, and announces that the bishops will receive further suggestions in about ten days.

The bishops are called to organise press conferences, possibly, with a native person, a climate-"expert" or "a youth."

Hummes asks the addressees to keep his letter “confidential.”

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsThpmkxfend

@HerzMariae hahahaha. Nice meme. I hate that ugly idol garbage.
Damian Thompson: "Amazon exhortation press conferences: Vatican says if no indigenous people are available, 'a Pachamama is an appropriate substitute'."
Thors Catholic Hammer
Prepare for tons of manure from the schismatic antipope and his deceived followers.
Hold on to your seats, Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas is going to give us yet more heresy.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
De Profundis
True for the Synod Fathers
Claudius Cartapus
Does he believe it ??????