
Ukrainian Flag Placed On The Holy Sepulcher

The Ukrainian flag was put on the “Stone of the Unction” at the entrance to Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre, reports the Twitter-User "Седой, не 34", an Odessa based supporter of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

On this stone, Christ’s body was anointed for the burial.

Catholics were outraged under the Tweet. “Седой, не 34” had expected the picture to be praised but is in a “wild shock” about the many Catholics calling the abuse a "blasphemy" and "profanation" so that he now “hates believers”.

@sahmommn Enlarge the photo. The kneeling woman dyes her hair. :D
@Ultraviolet - I was just musing on the fact that the last "Cloth" that came into contact with that hallowed Stone was probably the Holy Shroud of Turin. with Our Lord's Sacred Body inside it! ..... How is it that we have descended to the point when people can just come along and lay anything they want on there? Have people no idea of the Sanctity of that Shrine?
People were struck dead by Our Lord …More
@Ultraviolet - I was just musing on the fact that the last "Cloth" that came into contact with that hallowed Stone was probably the Holy Shroud of Turin. with Our Lord's Sacred Body inside it! ..... How is it that we have descended to the point when people can just come along and lay anything they want on there? Have people no idea of the Sanctity of that Shrine?

People were struck dead by Our Lord in the Old Testament for leaning against or touching the Ark of the Covenant. That wasn't as Sacred as the Holy Sepulchre. (Or the Holy Eucharist) There's something not right in everybody's mind-set today - there is no respect for Sacred Spaces.. Spiritual Blindness caused by Satan methinks!
I'm not as optimistic. People over the centuries have no doubt needed to wipe up spills, sweep up dust, etc. Even the pious have probably been touching cloth sacramentals to it.
You're right there's no respect for Sacred Spaces. This is what happens when Sacred Spaces are turned into tourist venues.More
I'm not as optimistic. People over the centuries have no doubt needed to wipe up spills, sweep up dust, etc. Even the pious have probably been touching cloth sacramentals to it.

You're right there's no respect for Sacred Spaces. This is what happens when Sacred Spaces are turned into tourist venues.
In UKraine not everything is pure and good ,but i think this woman she meant well .
Rand Miller
FYI- Catherine A. Russia is no longer Communist.
...that moment when you realize the Russian military still uses the Soviet Red Star, because, well... they just do. ;)
...and what sort of history does the Red Star have? ;-)
Wichita Knight
If Putin has traded his communist stripes for capitalist stripes it is because he discovered early that unbridled power, greed and corruption can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. Communist or capitalist, he is still K-G-B and that says it all.
@Wichita Knight
Putin can not be said to be a Communist. He can be heard on the below video speaking against Communism. He says the world should return to Christian policies. He took offence at the Gay Pride Marches in the Ukraine, and wanted them stopped, nobody has put an end to them and Ukraine is following the ways of the Globalists and the Marxists that WE in the West have become JUST AS OUR …More
@Wichita Knight

Putin can not be said to be a Communist. He can be heard on the below video speaking against Communism. He says the world should return to Christian policies. He took offence at the Gay Pride Marches in the Ukraine, and wanted them stopped, nobody has put an end to them and Ukraine is following the ways of the Globalists and the Marxists that WE in the West have become JUST AS OUR LADY OF FATIMA FORETOLD! Rusia spread her errors to every Nation, and apparently those who formed the Cancer - have repented of it and are seeking the restoring of Christian Dogmas in their own Nation.

Apparently there is a Ukrainian Nazi regime that has been persecuting Ukrainians and a lot of Ukrainians want that Nazi party removed. Putin can be said to be largely responsible for deaths, but so are the International Elites and they get away with it! Perhaps we should remember that the likes of Constantine were ALSO apparently "butcher's" and "murderer's", but Constantine was given the assignment of forcefully converting the Nations of the Roman Empire to Christianity by Christ Himself. Out of bloodshed and pillage the Cross of Christ was raised.

According to the message of Eusebius of Caesarea before the Battle of the Mulvian Bridge (October 28, 312 CE) Constantine the Great had a vision and a mission given Him which Heaven allowed.

Around noon he sawa luminous Cross in the sky, and under it the inscription in Greek – “in this sign, thou shalt conquer!”. Better known in Latin translation as "In hoc signo vinces" The next night in a dream, Christ commanded him to use the sign of the cross against his enemies. Eusebius then describes Constantine's trademark, a labarum (legionary banner) bearing the signia of the "Chi Rho". (Chi (χ)and Rho (ρ) are the first two letters of Christ in Greek)

After the Dream, Constantine commanded his Army to trace the sign upon their shields. He rode forth into Battle and was victorious in every battle he fought. Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. Constantine's Mother, Queen Helena was Queen of England. This genealogy can be seen in old Saints Biographies.


Anyway, Constantine ended the policy of persecuting Christians and in 313 CE issued something called "Edict of Milan", proclaiming the freedom to profess Christianity.


Putin can be heard in two separate segments on the below Remnant TV video calling for a return to Christian ethics - so he isn't a Communist. Listen yourself. I've put a time stamp on the link. God Bless

THE ERRORS of GLOBALISM: Russia, Ukraine, and the Suicide of the West
atreverse pensar
Yes, blasphemy. It's religion of the man.
@Caroline03 It's entirely possible some future scrilege could surpass them all, perhaps a "respectful" placing of a satanic satue on the Stone.
Hi Ultraviolet. According to witnesses - Pachamama is bad enough! Do you recall Solomon, forsaking God and going off into the Hill Country to take part in the Child-sacrificing rituals. The wrath of God fell on him. He allowed for Solomon's Kingdom to be conquered and 10 of the 12 Tribes were sent off into Exile.
Well apparently, the Inca Pachamama Cult practices Child Sacrifice and animal sacrifice …More
Hi Ultraviolet. According to witnesses - Pachamama is bad enough! Do you recall Solomon, forsaking God and going off into the Hill Country to take part in the Child-sacrificing rituals. The wrath of God fell on him. He allowed for Solomon's Kingdom to be conquered and 10 of the 12 Tribes were sent off into Exile.

Well apparently, the Inca Pachamama Cult practices Child Sacrifice and animal sacrifice as well. That Pachamama thing is clearly Satanic, and apparently her "husband" may also be her "son " (that sounds dodgy for a start 😲 ) Inti is her husband/son and he is some demon passing himself off as the "Sun-god". Seriously! If those at the Vatican think that God won't mind that thing being placed in St Peter's - then they're insane! Personally I think it was a deliberate act of malicious spite against Christ. They're not very wise, He's literally going to scare the Hell out of them one day!

I didn't like reading it much,😲 but here is some confirmation that it's Satanic -
Pachamama and Child Sacrifice | FLI

...and Here is an eye-witness testimony of Pachamama rituals.

"Testimony Against Pachamama
In July 2007, I made my first trip to the high country in Huancayo, Peru. I was part of a small team of short-term missionaries sent to give encouragement to full time missionaries, local church leaders and the body of Christ. The trip was full of wonderful experiences and some that were a bit frightening.

We travelled to a hill outside Huancayo. On the hill sits Cruz de la Paz, which means the Cross of Peace. This is a large cross that overlooks the city of Huancayo. It is a place of pilgrimage for faithful, but also a gathering place for pagan worship. An altar of cement sits beneath the cross. Inscriptions and graffiti had been placed on the cross which identified it as an altar to Pachamama and other pagan deities. Locals know this is a Catholic place, but it is also a place where sacrifices are made to pagan deities, especially Pachamama and her child/husband, Inti.

Surrounding the altar and cross were many stone altars erected by hand. Fires had burned around and near these smaller altars. You could see multiple Satanic and masonic symbols in the area. Directly behind the large cross to the right, situated below the hill, is a small town called Cullpa Alta. Fires were burning in the town, and smoke could be seen rising from the town.

We asked the locals among us what was happening. They said the city was celebrating El Dia de Santiago. They said it is a festival that appears to be Catholic but is anything but. They described a scene in which Catholic celebrations were mixed with pagan Incan rituals. They described a week of city-wide orgies and celebrations in and outside the church. The festival is an amalgamation of Catholic and pagan rituals. The rituals celebrate the fertility goddess Pachamama. One local literally said, “Nine months from now, another group of bastard children will be born because everyone is encouraged to have as much sex as possible with as many people as possible. Children will be born without fathers.” We pressed for more details and the locals said the Church (Catholic Church) does nothing. They say nothing. It is allowed, and it even happens within the walls of the church. We were shocked to hear this, but all indications and observations gave reason to believe this was true.

Pachamama is a Demon: Testimony from a Missionary — Joshua Charles
That's a lot of fascinating info even if some of it is contradictory. @Caroline03 My concern is in pre-supposing the End-Times are already here. Much of what was foretold in Revelations hasn't come to pass so why should we assume we're living in them?
@The New Knights Templar I haven't but when it happens, we'll really know it.
@Ultraviolet Well Cdl Biffi said that the antichrist was already in the world - a long time ago! So long ago in fact, that he must now be on his last legs! 😇
Catherine A.
When I saw this picture of the woman praying over the Stone of Unction I took it as a public plea for peace and success in overcoming the Communists. How can any one call this blasphemy but the pagan idols used in the Vatican are a ok?!!!! Some people's thought process is all wrong.
Cassandra Laments
I am just trying to work out which is the more likely contender for that End-times triggering event foretold in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24, THIS sacrilege, or the awful time when Francis placed the Pacha-mama false idol atop the very Altar that sits above St Peter's Tomb in Rome?
I think it may well be THIS event. Because a) The Holy Sepulchre truly IS the most Sacred place in the world, and …More
I am just trying to work out which is the more likely contender for that End-times triggering event foretold in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24, THIS sacrilege, or the awful time when Francis placed the Pacha-mama false idol atop the very Altar that sits above St Peter's Tomb in Rome?

I think it may well be THIS event. Because a) The Holy Sepulchre truly IS the most Sacred place in the world, and b) because the Sacrilege is (rather oddly) taking place in Judea as the prophecy foretold.

"14 And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. 15 So when you see standing in the Holy Place "the abomination of desolation’ described by the prophet Daniel (let the reader
understand), 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.…
Jeffrey Ade
According to Dom Minutella, the Chastisement began with the poopy ding dong ritual in St. Peter's Basillica. We are in the 100 year time frame when Russia will be consecrated but it will be late. Probably not before 2029. Russia will destroy Europe as others have pointed out by referencing Desmond Birch's book. This is the end of the 5th age, and we are on the cusp of the 6th age, the Triumph of …More
According to Dom Minutella, the Chastisement began with the poopy ding dong ritual in St. Peter's Basillica. We are in the 100 year time frame when Russia will be consecrated but it will be late. Probably not before 2029. Russia will destroy Europe as others have pointed out by referencing Desmond Birch's book. This is the end of the 5th age, and we are on the cusp of the 6th age, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 2/3 to 3/4 of the world will be destroyed in the three days of darkness that follows the man made part of the minor chastisement. Then we will see the glorious rebirth of the Catholic Church!
@Jeffrey Ade What I want to know is are the 1st century early Church Fathers CORRECT who spoke of a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on earth (after all they studied under the original Disciples)-or am I to believe that the 3rd and 4th century Fathers had the answer, who DIDN'T train under the original Disciples and DIDN'T speak of a 1000 year literal reign of Christ on Earth? 🤔
Wayback MachineMore
@Jeffrey Ade What I want to know is are the 1st century early Church Fathers CORRECT who spoke of a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on earth (after all they studied under the original Disciples)-or am I to believe that the 3rd and 4th century Fathers had the answer, who DIDN'T train under the original Disciples and DIDN'T speak of a 1000 year literal reign of Christ on Earth? 🤔
Wayback Machinetelus.net/trbrooks/Earlychurchfathers.htm
That comment made by the one named " Barnabus" is very persuasive, after all - he's in the Book of Acts . I think the wisest policy is to listen to HIM! Notice to that St Justin Martyr, who studied under St JOHN himself, spoke of it too! 😇
Jeffrey Ade
@Caroline03 I'll have to get back to you on that one! Haven't given it much thought!