
Bishop Gracida Is NOT A Sedevacantist

The courageous retired Corpus Christi Bishop René Gracida, 97, Texas, deleted a January 13 post he published on his blog Abyssum.org after a Gloria.tv report.

The post claimed that “it is not possible for Roncalli thru Bergoglio to be Popes.” And, “The Novus Ordo Rite of Consecration of Bishops is invalid since 1968.”

Gracida told Alexis Bugnolo that the article did not express his opinion but was an email he received and published.

Gracida called Gloria.tv’s report about the article a “hit piece” and explains that he regards Benedict XVI’s resignation as invalid, however, he stresses that he is “certainly not a sedevacantist.”


Cuthbert Mayne
Oh now he’s a courageous bishop? A day ago he was a sedevacantist - GTV must make up its mind
Gracida is a courageous bishop and two days ago he published a post that was clearly sedevacantist, but retracted later. So I don't see a contradiction between the two statements.
Cuthbert Mayne
If he was known to be a ‘courageous Bishop’ as you say then why did GTV run that hit piece on him (his words not mine youtu.be/aTcSKN_c8u8)
Hero to zero and back to hero?
Cuthbert Mayne
The problem is that the asylum is run by the inmates when it comes to the Catholic faaaaaar right. The collaboration between the fellow calling himself “Br.” Alexis Bugnolo ( he’s as much a Fransican friar as I am Santa ) and this retired - and perhaps senile - old Bishop is a potent one. The retired bishop is still responsible for what he posts on his website. And it’s not possible to simply …More
The problem is that the asylum is run by the inmates when it comes to the Catholic faaaaaar right. The collaboration between the fellow calling himself “Br.” Alexis Bugnolo ( he’s as much a Fransican friar as I am Santa ) and this retired - and perhaps senile - old Bishop is a potent one. The retired bishop is still responsible for what he posts on his website. And it’s not possible to simply blame someone’s emailed opinion, why did he publish it?
Well done GTV for exposing the fruits and nuts on this occasion. I have long since suspected that this bishop is very bad news indeed.
chris griffin
Cuthbert, you have no valid case, only insults. Ratzinger and PF are playing a purposeful shell game of "who is Pope" and "what do Catholics believe' to cause confusion in the Church. Distain and oppose both until they expire and the Church can be righted.
Like so many of Benedict's fanboys, he's turned the man into a figurehead he ignores every time Benedict contradicts such stupidity. So he isn't a sedevantist, he's a schismatic The Church (and Benedict himself) formally recognizes a different Pope than the retired Bishop does.
Louis IX
We as laymen do not have the authority to declare anyone a schismatic, let alone a Bishop. That is a formal charge reserved for the Church to make.
@Louis IX If you care to split hairs, yes we do have the authority to declare someone a schismatic -so long as the Church has declared them one first. You did say we don't have the authority to declare anyone a schismatic. If I say the Orthodox are schismatics, I can do so since the Church has already done soe.
But i understand the point you're making and you are right in that sense. However, we …More
@Louis IX If you care to split hairs, yes we do have the authority to declare someone a schismatic -so long as the Church has declared them one first. You did say we don't have the authority to declare anyone a schismatic. If I say the Orthodox are schismatics, I can do so since the Church has already done soe.

But i understand the point you're making and you are right in that sense. However, we can say he fits all the criteria of a schismatic, which he does.

Speaking of which.... :D
@Jimmy I was wondering when you were going to crawl back into GTV with another bogus user name. :D
"The Church did not formally recognize Francis because the proceedings were illegal."
Sloppy reasoning as usual. The formality of recognition has no bearing on the validity of the recognition.
"They were illegal because Benedict didn't resign."
Benedict himself has repeatedly contradicted your …More
@Jimmy I was wondering when you were going to crawl back into GTV with another bogus user name. :D

"The Church did not formally recognize Francis because the proceedings were illegal."

Sloppy reasoning as usual. The formality of recognition has no bearing on the validity of the recognition.

"They were illegal because Benedict didn't resign."

Benedict himself has repeatedly contradicted your second claim. Pic related.
2 more comments from Ultraviolet
"Second, no one thinks Benedict is a great pope." @Jimmy
You're still resorting to the same rhetorical cannards you used before with your last umpteen accounts.
You don't have psychic powers that enable you to tell what "no one thinks" in entire Catholic world. That much is certain.
On the contrary, there is much praise for Benedict, especially here on GTV.
"He is the legitimate pope."
Benedict …More
"Second, no one thinks Benedict is a great pope." @Jimmy

You're still resorting to the same rhetorical cannards you used before with your last umpteen accounts.

You don't have psychic powers that enable you to tell what "no one thinks" in entire Catholic world. That much is certain.

On the contrary, there is much praise for Benedict, especially here on GTV.

"He is the legitimate pope."

Benedict says otherwise. Pic related. So glad I never deleted these, the last time you got banned.
"The schism is from those who believe Francis is pope."
Canon Law disagrees with you. ;-)
"He is a heretic, and by law heretics excommunicate themselves."
LOL.. You of all people making a claim "by law". You. :P
Heresy is formal charge within the Catholic Church and the Church has not charged Pope Francis with heresy. We've gone through all this before.
Ironically enough, to borrow a phrase, "by …More
"The schism is from those who believe Francis is pope."

Canon Law disagrees with you. ;-)

"He is a heretic, and by law heretics excommunicate themselves."

LOL.. You of all people making a claim "by law". You. :P

Heresy is formal charge within the Catholic Church and the Church has not charged Pope Francis with heresy. We've gone through all this before.

Ironically enough, to borrow a phrase, "by his own words, actions..." Benedict has contradicted you innumerable times. He isn't the Pope, he's said so, I've crafted entire posts disproving every point you've raised while claiming otherwise.

Fancy new user-name but you haven't changed a bit. *sigh*

Nothing Changes On New Year's Day -U2
I don't think the BP ever did support sedevacantism.