
Francis Celebrated Ad Orientem

Francis celebrated on January 12 the Baptism of the Lord as usual in the Sistine Chapel baptising infants. As in previous years, Francis offered Mass at the high altar ad orientem (video below). In …More
Francis celebrated on January 12 the Baptism of the Lord as usual in the Sistine Chapel baptising infants.
As in previous years, Francis offered Mass at the high altar ad orientem (video below).
In his homily he called infant baptism an act of justice as it gives children the grace and assistance to grow in the Faith.
Gesù è con noi
Novus Ordus ad orientem 🤦
Bergoglio celebrated Novus Ordus ad orientem in the Sistine Chapel that he desecrated with a Rock concert.
The Sistine Chapel has no other way of offering Mass but the old altar ad orientem but observe how Bergoglio took advantage of it to desacralize and instrumentalize the sacrament of baptism by treating it as if it were a right and not a grace that is Exclusive for …More
Novus Ordus ad orientem 🤦
Bergoglio celebrated Novus Ordus ad orientem in the Sistine Chapel that he desecrated with a Rock concert.

The Sistine Chapel has no other way of offering Mass but the old altar ad orientem but observe how Bergoglio took advantage of it to desacralize and instrumentalize the sacrament of baptism by treating it as if it were a right and not a grace that is Exclusive for Christians who live according to God's commands.
Gesù è con noi
If Bergoglio were really interested in baptism, why then does he not begin to preach to Muslims, pagans and Jews to convert and be baptized? 🤦 🤨
Gesù è con noi
He would believe very differently if he allowed a validly ordained Priest to Consecrate his invalid Eucharist. This is the second such report of members of the supposed "Hierarchy" in the Catholic Church trivializing the Wedding Banquet of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
If each seriously can not feel the Presence of Our Lord, perhaps they should stop deluding themselves that they are validly ordained …More
He would believe very differently if he allowed a validly ordained Priest to Consecrate his invalid Eucharist. This is the second such report of members of the supposed "Hierarchy" in the Catholic Church trivializing the Wedding Banquet of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

If each seriously can not feel the Presence of Our Lord, perhaps they should stop deluding themselves that they are validly ordained Priests and spare the rest of us any more of such incomprehensible blather. If Jorge has been invalidly ordained, -whether due to his own heretical viewpoints on the day of his supposed ordination, or for the lack of validity of his presiding Bishops Orders (check he or yourself were not Masons now!) then either one of them, Jorge or his ordaining Bishop (or both) were therefore "outside of the Church"excommunicated, whilst still trying to enter Her without valid intent. Lets face it as a Priest for Christ you are an apostate. How can you claim the Protestant Banquet to be close together with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass if you are a validly ordained Priest? You, KNOW, that the Holy Eucharist can only be Consecrated to be the Living Flesh and Blood of Our Lord by a Priest with valid Orders. But, when a Priest is invalidly ordained, no Consecration of the Eucharist ever occurs. I agree, that it is TRUE, that unless valid Orders have been administered to you, the Rites of Holy Mass AND the Protestant Supper are no different to each other.

"Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. [55] He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day." (John 6) www.drbo.org/chapter/50006.htm
The video is worth watching just to see the beautiful little dimples in the baby's hand. Why does Francis celebrate this one Mass Ad Orientem?
Probably because the Sistine Chapel lacks a free-standing altar and he has to.
No room for a picnic table in the Sistine Chapel.
Dominus est
I think this is Novus Ordo ad orientem.