Pope Francis’ Disney+ Kangaroo Court: “I'm in Charge Dammit!”

Francis' controversial trial against José María Martínez Sanz, professor in Gaztelueta and Opus Dei member, has seen a new episode. The judge, Monsignor José Antonio Satué, Bishop of Teruel and …More
Francis' controversial trial against José María Martínez Sanz, professor in Gaztelueta and Opus Dei member, has seen a new episode.
The judge, Monsignor José Antonio Satué, Bishop of Teruel and Albarracín, Spain, heard the testimony of witnesses proposed by Martínez's defence.
The witnesses were Imanol Goyarrola, who was deputy director and director of Gaztelueta School during these years; Iñaki Cires, who was director of Gaztelueta when the accuser first spoke at the school in 2011; Imanol Tazón, an inspector with the Basque Government's Department of Education, who testified in the civil case; and Mme María José Martínez Arévalo, a psychiatrist with a practice in Pamplona, who testified at the time in the Provincial Court of Bizkaia.
Martínez was falsely accused of "homosexual abuse" by a certain Juan Cuatrecasas. The case was decided in Martínez's favour by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
However, during prime time on the oligarchs' channel Disney+ (sic), Francis …More
Margaret Emery; the article you cited is excellent! The victim has been so traumatized he was unable to testify in court in 2018!
Margaret Emery
There is another versions of this story reported at
Opus Dei Watch – March Part 1 -
(It is actually covered over many articles)
While I don't know which is the correct version, I can say that the one at akacatholic is serious in tone and quotes many detailed facts.
The tone of the article above speaks for itself.More
There is another versions of this story reported at

Opus Dei Watch – March Part 1 -

(It is actually covered over many articles)

While I don't know which is the correct version, I can say that the one at akacatholic is serious in tone and quotes many detailed facts.

The tone of the article above speaks for itself.
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus begint op een echte dictator te lijken, hij begint zich te meten met de grote leiders in de wereld. Maar zijn Romeinse Rijk valt binnenkort uiteen.