
"Come Covid, Come Rope" – By Dr. Benson Hugh Robert

The churches in England reopened for public Mass on the 4th of July after more than three months of closure, during which the faithful were prevented from assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass …More
The churches in England reopened for public Mass on the 4th of July after more than three months of closure, during which the faithful were prevented from assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and receiving the Eucharist, which, as the Second Vatican Council states, “is the source and summit of the Christian life.”1
The Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) have decided to allow the public celebration of Holy Mass to resume on condition that Holy Communion must be administered on the hand only, whilst the communicant stands.2
The faithful and many priests, are fed up of faithless bishops, bullying and cajoling them to do what’s wrong, and openly defied them by receiving communion on the tongue whilst kneeling, at many Churches including in the diocese of Westminster, on the first weekend of resuming public Mass. The faithful are also fed up of the cowardice of bishops, who shut church doors at a time when the comfort of an open church was needed most.
In doing …More
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Our Lady of Sorrows
Covid 19 numbers rigged
Superb article. It's heart-breaking to see "health" and "safety" used almost as deliberate tools to remove the Sacraments from Catholic life.