
2009 Flue: Vatican Reaffirmed Right To Receive Communion On The Tongue

During the June 2009 Swine flu, a British Catholic asked the Liturgy Congregation about diocesan restrictions against Communion on the tongue due to concerns related to the epidemic.

The answer (below, July 24, 2009) was published back then on Rorate-Caeli.Blogspot.com.

The Congregation reaffirmed that faithful have a right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsUzmudwsken

Memoriale Domini (1969)
Gesù è con noi
«I see the enemies of the Most Holy Sacrament who close the Churches and impede that He is adored, to come close to a terrible punishment. I see them sick and in the deathbed without a priest and without sacrament (AA.III.167) Prophecies of The Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
"It is obvious to the most obtuse..." Thors Catholic Hammer Your Fallacy Is: No True Scottsman (see below)
"would suggest that you have never received"
Thor's Rhetorical Trick #25: The Passive Voice Authority.
Every time you start piling on those "would suggest you have..." you're floundering. Making your nonsense sound official doesn't make it correct, silly parrot.
"When the priest holds the …More
"It is obvious to the most obtuse..." Thors Catholic Hammer Your Fallacy Is: No True Scottsman (see below)

"would suggest that you have never received"

Thor's Rhetorical Trick #25: The Passive Voice Authority.

Every time you start piling on those "would suggest you have..." you're floundering. Making your nonsense sound official doesn't make it correct, silly parrot.

"When the priest holds the host in his fingers he must place it on the tongue of the communicant."

See my earlier point about cooking, elsewhere. I'll repeat it here for your benefit.

--"A priest never once has to touch the tongue, either. It's entirely possible to place a "piece of food" onto a frying pan that's broiling-hot without touching the pan. Cooks do it every day."--

Misquoting you, the sheer ignorance you spout would suggest that you have never done any cooking in your entire life.

"At all times his fingers are in very close proximity to the communicants tongue and lips."

Big deal. I can reach into a wok that's going under a 230C flame and place a pepper slice on the surface without ever burning myself. It isn't difficult at all. Maybe when you stop living at home and Mummy's not there to cook meals for her little parrot, you'll learn a few things.

That reminds me. When you start having to do your own laundry, you really should separate colours from the whites.

"Only people who have never received on the tongue like you would make the..."

Here we go, more No True Scottsman Fallacy, coupled by more claims of "idiocy".

and THIS from the same little parrot who squawks about "vomiting levels of hatred and abuse" and "campaigns of hate".

"All Catholics who receive on the tongue know this can happen."

Thors Rhetorical Trick #62: Fabricated Support.

Every time you start going on about "everyone knows", "most normal people recognize", "it's well understood by everyone" you're inventing support where you don't have it. Like always, you're making things up again. In this case, Your Fallacy Is: Bandwagon (see pic below)

"the levels of hatred and abuse you vomit at those who disagree with you support that conviction."

Does it now? Does it indeed? You think so? ;-) Go measure your OWN Catholicsm by the levels of hatred and abuse YOU vomit at the Pope every day.

@Rafał_Ovile I am not "advocating Francis as pope". To advocate implies support.


I don't like Pope Francis. Pope Francis is a bad Pope. Pope Francis is a very bad Pope. I do not support Pope Francis, or his policies, or his views, and I never have.

Christ taught that we should forgive our enemies "seventy times seven" By now I've repeated my lack of support for Pope Francis at least twice that.

How many times must I repeat "I don't support Pope Francis" before it finally sinks in around here?

Thor, I can understand. He repeats it because he's a liar. Telling lies is what he does.

What's your excuse? If you're intelligent enough to construct an argument, at least use a factually correct premise.
Congratulations, Crackers! It's "Two On Thursdays" in Fallacy Land!
Thors Catholic Hammer
It is obvious to the most obtuse but not to .you
indeed the sheer ignorance you spout would suggest that you have never received the Host on your tongue in your entire life.

When the priest holds the host in his fingers he must place it on the tongue of the communicant.
At all times his fingers are in very close proximity to the communicants tongue and lips.
Only people who have never …More
It is obvious to the most obtuse but not to .you
indeed the sheer ignorance you spout would suggest that you have never received the Host on your tongue in your entire life.

When the priest holds the host in his fingers he must place it on the tongue of the communicant.
At all times his fingers are in very close proximity to the communicants tongue and lips.
Only people who have never received on the tongue like you would make the profoundly idiotic claim that the priests fingers never accidentally touch the communicants tongue or lip.
All Catholics who receive on the tongue know this can happen.

But you Ultraviolet are not a catholic and the levels of hatred and abuse you vomit at those who disagree with you support that conviction.
"@Ultraviolet denies that..." Another lie from @Thors Catholic Hammer
YOU need to prove YOUR claim: "saliva is transferred by clumsy priests when giving communion orally."
Prove it. Repeating it over and over isn't proof, Crackers. It's you being a parrot.
"Then he admits it happens and claims..."
Wrong. Thor's Rhetorical Trick #51: Your "Summary" changes what was actually said into to what …More
"@Ultraviolet denies that..." Another lie from @Thors Catholic Hammer

YOU need to prove YOUR claim: "saliva is transferred by clumsy priests when giving communion orally."

Prove it. Repeating it over and over isn't proof, Crackers. It's you being a parrot.

"Then he admits it happens and claims..."

Wrong. Thor's Rhetorical Trick #51: Your "Summary" changes what was actually said into to what YOU want it to say. Another lie.

For a guy who's so worried about the priest sticking his fingers in your mouth, you sure love shoving words into mine.

"Catholics are required to exercise prudence during times of pestilence. Therefore communion on the hand being more hygienic should be adopted."

Thor's Rhetorical Trick #93: The Passive Voice Authority.

"are required" Required by whom? Has there been an requirement issued by the Vatican? No. It's you making things up again. "Therefore... should be adopted" Sounds real official, Crackers. Except it isn't. The Vatican didn't issue that "requirement" you're making things up again.

"The poor wretch is all over the place and left without an argument resorts to the usual foul abuse..."

You mean like this? Sorry, those are YOUR posts.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Catholics are required to exercise prudence during times of pestilence.
Therefore communion on the hand being more hygienic should be adopted.
Thors Catholic Hammer you break the classical law of non-contradiction in logics. You support pope Benedict XVI and contradict his will and liturgical example in faithful devotion to the Real Presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist by distrubuting Holy Communion on the tongue and kneeling. Analogous error, however reversed, characterizes Ultraviolet's mentality as he receives Holy …More
Thors Catholic Hammer you break the classical law of non-contradiction in logics. You support pope Benedict XVI and contradict his will and liturgical example in faithful devotion to the Real Presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist by distrubuting Holy Communion on the tongue and kneeling. Analogous error, however reversed, characterizes Ultraviolet's mentality as he receives Holy Communion on tongue and kneeling while advocating Francis as pope who does not want to kneel before Real Presence. You both need to pray hard to regain sound mind and coherent thought.
comfort ye
Ya'll make my head spin with these illogical conclusions.
Thors Catholic Hammer
@Ultraviolet denies that saliva is transferred by clumsy priests when giving communion orally.
Then she admits it happens and claims that Christ will kill any viruses in that saliva.
Then she claims against all logic that Communion in the hand is also as unhygienic.
The poor wretch is all over the place and left without an argument resorts to the usual foul abuse of everybody who disagrees with her …More
@Ultraviolet denies that saliva is transferred by clumsy priests when giving communion orally.
Then she admits it happens and claims that Christ will kill any viruses in that saliva.
Then she claims against all logic that Communion in the hand is also as unhygienic.
The poor wretch is all over the place and left without an argument resorts to the usual foul abuse of everybody who disagrees with her religious hysteria .
"Communion in the hand is a more hygienic method" RAWWK "Clumsy priests..." RAWWK "Clumsy priests..."
The parrot has learned a new tune. :D
"Lunatic fanatical Catholics , mostly of the Latin mass variety,"
Don't forget to call us "rigid" too, Crackers. We're rigid fanatical Catholics of the Latin Mass variety.
That's the word Pope Francis uses. Ironic how much you sound like him these days. Even …More
"Communion in the hand is a more hygienic method" RAWWK "Clumsy priests..." RAWWK "Clumsy priests..."

The parrot has learned a new tune. :D

"Lunatic fanatical Catholics , mostly of the Latin mass variety,"

Don't forget to call us "rigid" too, Crackers. We're rigid fanatical Catholics of the Latin Mass variety.

That's the word Pope Francis uses. Ironic how much you sound like him these days. Even more ironic how you're embracing the modernist Vatican's attempts to impose the modernist Mass.
Yes, but here it is: today the conciliar has been instructed by the masonry to do what she does and she submits to it by order of her boss, Antechrist-Bergoglio. And it has been so since Vatican II.
Angie W.
Virologist Paolo Gulisano explains that the suspension of masses by the Coronavirus has no epidemiological basis. And that communion in the hands is the most unhealthy thing that can exist. lanuovabq.it/it/messe-a-rischio…
Thors Catholic Hammer
Communion in the hand is a more hygienic method of reception.
Lunatic fanatical Catholics , mostly of the Latin mass variety, seem to believe that a priests fingers never get wet from touching the tongue/ lip area of a communicant.
It happens and especially with clumsy priests.
Rafał_Ovile shares this
Vatican Reaffirmed Right To Receive Communion On The Tongue
Fr. Raymond Blake: "I am anxious about contact with unwashed germ laden hands."
Thors Catholic Hammer
Fr.Blake seems oblivious to contact with a wet mouth and tongue containing saliva with germs.
(Having experienced the revolting sensation of getting Holy Communion on my tongue from a priests wet fingers from previous communicants mouths I now opt for communion in the hand.)
"contact with a wet mouth and tongue" happening only in your fantasy world of "clumsy priests"
"Having experienced the revolting sensation"
...just like you've seen photos of Pope Emeritus Benedict still wearing his Papal ring, right @Thors Catholic Hammer? You've experienced looking at those photos, right?
" I now opt for communion in the hand"
...from another parishioner or a pants-suit boyish …More
"contact with a wet mouth and tongue" happening only in your fantasy world of "clumsy priests"

"Having experienced the revolting sensation"

...just like you've seen photos of Pope Emeritus Benedict still wearing his Papal ring, right @Thors Catholic Hammer? You've experienced looking at those photos, right?

" I now opt for communion in the hand"

...from another parishioner or a pants-suit boyish nun who's spreading germs every time she's clumsy and touches the unwashed hands of parishioners who are all breathing COVID-19 on her AND her hands.

Yeah, tell us all how "hygienic" communion in the hand is again, Crackers.

You will anyway... day after day after day after day just like you do with your other pet delusion of "anniepope bergoglio"