
Jesuits Get USD 1.7 Million From George Soros

Three Jesuit charities received in recent years more than USD 1.7 million from the Open Society Foundations which is run by the pro-abortion, pro-gay and pro-A-Fascist billionaire George Soros (…More
Three Jesuit charities received in recent years more than USD 1.7 million from the Open Society Foundations which is run by the pro-abortion, pro-gay and pro-A-Fascist billionaire George Soros (AciPrensa.com, September 7).
In 2018, the Jesuit Refugee Service Foundation received USD 176,452 for emigration projects from Latin America.
The Jesuit Migrant Service - Spain received USD 75,000 in 2016 and USD 151,125 in 2018.
Most of Soros’ funds went to the Jesuit Worldwide Learning Higher Education at the Margins USA. It received USD 890,000 in 2016 and another USD 410,000 in 2018.
Picture: George Soros, © Niccolò Caranti, CC BY-SA, #newsObytptpqtu
Gesù è con noi
Maike Hickson@
Thu Sep 10th, 2020 The Jesuits have received more than a million dollars from the Soros foundation, given to their organizations. No words! How is it that leftist Catholics welcome the funding of one of the wealthiest capitalists in the world who has made a lot of money by making others poor?
Gesù è con noi
Apostate dissident Jesuit Mario Serrano Marte calls for Legalization of Abortion in “Complex” Cases!
Public Enemy #1. This guy should be arrested and his Open Society Foundation shut down.
Look at George Soros, his head is the foot stool of God the father...
“Europe can only be saved if she returns to her Christian identity." - Victor Orban
When was the last time you attended a lecture given by a KGB [subversion] propaganda expert? This must-watch 1-hour eye-opener was filmed in the mid-80s. https://youtu.be/Y9TviIuXPSE
...and Soros' son is just as bad as daddy, just in case any of the vultures assume Soros' evil will die with him.
Alex Soros is an optimised, long in training version of George.