
Bishop Schneider Calls Cardinal Kaspar "Intolerant", "Aggressive"

The "prompt, intolerant and astonishingly aggressive reaction" by which Cardinal Kasper rejected Cardinal Müller's Manifesto of Faith shows that a clear profession of the divine truths is often not tolerated in today's Church, Kazakh Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider wrote.

Schneider stated on LifeSiteNews.com (February 13) that Cardinal Kasper has thus shown that he "does not anymore live in the true Faith of the Apostles and of the Church of all times".

Instead he represents a Christianity that, like a gnosis, has created an alleged faith according to the taste of its own ego or of the “Zeitgeist” (the spirit of the age).

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsCmddgsyqzf
The word he was searching for was HERETIC
alex j
Bishop Schneider is being 'kind.'
Thank you Bishop Schneider
Bishop Schneider ,all catholics of good will and love the Truth are with you
Now here we have a saint putting a demon (kasper) in his place.
Well someone had to tell him at some point.
...if he only had ears to hear...